Park time

45 3 2

TW: minor Violence, and uhm blood

Chester's Pov 

It was the next morning and i slowly awoke and noticed the light shining in through the window. I let out a yawn and streched, feeling real sore, my bandages being lightly bloodied. I decided to check the time on my phone and let out a small gasp. It was 1:30 pm already, he had slept that whole time. I look around and notice Parker is nowhere in sight. I slowly exit the room, quietly shutting the door behind me and walk down the stairs. Once i reach the bottom i hear Parker talking. I decide to check it out.

I peek my head around the corner and find Parker sitting on his gaming chair with his headphones on, he appeared to be streaming. A evil look crossed my face as i slowly crept up on him, he wasn't looking in his webcam. His chat started screaming "CHESTER" but somehow Parker didn't notice. Once i reached him i suddenly touched his shoulders and said "boo~" He jumped so high. Ive never seen someone jump that high in all my years of living. Parker looked on the verge of a panic attack and i was just on the floor cackling. "CHESTER WHAT THE FUCK, YOU SCARED ME-" Parker looked at me with an odd look on his face and i just grinned and stuck my forked tongue out at him. Chat was freaking out of course and Parker groaned and turned back to his stream. "Sorry about the interruption guys." and he continued playing his game. I decided that Parker was no fun, and that he wasn't going to be while he streamed. I came up with a brilliant idea. I was going to go on a walk. I slowly started getting ready and shoved my disguise clothes on, i decided not to put all of it on and to remain a little less hidden because im lazy. 

I yell to Parker that i would be back and he doesn't even acknowledge me. I happily walk out the door, most of my demon features were showing, but i was staying along deserted alleyways so it was fine, I eventually made it too a empty park, it wasn't a nice day out it was cloudy and lightly sprinkling so no one was here. I found an empty bench under a nice tree, the park was near a forest so I'm not very concerned about being caught and not having a place to go. I lean back in the slightly damp bench and let out a nice long breath of air. I let my wings out, being a little careless, but i didn't care regardless. I just sat there and enjoyed the moment, i looked at the roses, they appeared to be mostly wilting, some of them remaining beautiful. Man i love roses. They are so pretty, its sad that the flowers don't last very long. I suppose nothing does really though, well at least for mortals, too me everything is basically forever. Forever being alive(unless killed of course), Forever being hungry, and forever being alone... Well best not to think much on that one. While i was having a mini existential crisis, some drunk man stumbled over to where i was. Huh man must be going through it to get drunk this early in the day, i check the time and its around 4 already. Damn i was out here for awhile. I go to stand up to avoid him but he spots me, he looked to be around 40. Hmmm. He reeked of sadness and desperation, There was no good emotions to even be sensed deep down, yeesh. The man suddenly speeds up and he's real close to me now, he starts incoherently mumbling some angry sounding words. Okay i should probably get out of here. I go to get up and he starts yelling at me, i turn to him, quite confused. "OI yOu FUcKin DemOn" Uh oh, i need to go I go to speed walk away, not wanting to fly in the rain, and he throws a broken glass beer bottle at me, it cuts me a little on the waist and i let out a growl in pain. I Immediately Fly off into the forest right next to here. Goddammit Chester, why the fuck did you put your guard down.

I Land under some thick tree and take my hand off the wound. It was dripping blood, and was probably deep enough to need at least a few stiches, How the fuck did he manage to do that? I just hold it and try to breath, damn im dumb. I Decide to walk back home, which is probably for the better. I Walk for about 10 minutes before i start reaching city again. I slink through the alleyways a little slower than last time because of the pains my had body developed, he probably opened his wounds from last night again. All of a sudden i snap out of my self loathing to the sound of what sounded like whining. I Peer through the alleyway i was walking through, i look through the shade of my glasses and slowly walk to the noise, i sensed distress from inside. The rain had picked up and my hair was basically drenched and and my wings were kind of soaked. Oh crap i think my phone might have gotten wet too. I decided to pay no mind to that and i eventually reach the source of the noise. Its a small box. I gently lift the top of the box, my glowing eyes illuminating the darkened area. Inside the box is a very young puppy, it appears to be a male husky, maybe 6-7 weeks old. I let out a small gasp, Oh my god this poor baby. I immediately grabbed it, it was soaking wet and shaking.

I hold it inside my coat with me and shelter it from the rain with my already wet wings, i try to walk home as speedily as possible without anyone noticing me. I open my phone and see 4 missed calls from Parker and a few message's, oops he left his phone on silent. That doesn't matter right now though, he was on a rescue mission. I Eventually see the house in range, i was shaking and cold, and still bleeding out of the cut on my waist, but it didn't matter! I reach the house and open the door, seconds later Parker appears. "Oh my god where were you?!" Parker walks up to me and then looks down at me holding something. "Chester what are you holding?" I then pull out the puppy. "Can we keep him?" Parker looked surprised. "What? And Chester where did you find that thing?" I just look at him. "He was in a box, in an alleyway, and now he's mine." Parker looked like he was about to say no and then something crossed his face, I sensed regret coming off of him in waves. "fine we can keep him, but your taking care of him." I let out a cheer and Spread my wings out instinctively, getting water everywhere. "Yes we will be taking care of Apollo, and yes his name is Apollo." Parker let out a sigh. "Okay Chester, also dry up your getting water everywhere." He looks at me and see's the blood dripping down my waist.

"Oh my god Chester what happened!" I look down at the blood and remember, damn i had totally forgot. "Ah a Drunk man attacked me with a broken beer bottle." I casually shrugged and Parker looked like he was going to question more but i just walked up the stairs to dry the puppy off.

Sorry guys, this is a long one, and a little off track, i kind of forgot what direction i was heading with the story-

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