What the hell

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Warning suggested sex: its not with the gays though >;l

The next couple days were normal and mundane, Chester hadn't been going out with parker as much because it seemed he didn't really want him too, which gave Chester the chance to regain energy which was nice. Parker had been going out every day, and Chester didn't ask where he was because he knew. Every time Parker got back he smelt of that girl, to normal people it might of smelt good, but to Chester it smelt of rotten flesh. He tried saying something to Parker and Parker ignored him. He told him that Chester was just paranoid. 

Chester was sitting on the couch when he heard giggling and felt a wave of bad energy pulse in, he peeked over the couch and saw Parker and the girl, he quickly ran to get the clothes that cover him and he covered what couldnt be covered with clothes with magic. He walked down the stairs and saw Parker, Parker flashes him a shit eating grin and Chester puts on a fake smile and greets Parker. The Sleep deprived looking man basically ignored him and just talked to this disgraceful unholy creation of a girl. I sat and basically third wheeled until i decided i was going to sleep, i told the sick nasty love birds goodnight and went to Parkers room and crawled to sleep under the bed, assuming that Parker was going to have her sleep on the bed with him. Chester layed under the bed and let out a sigh. This fucking sucks. He could see the yellow glow of his eyes reflecting off the under side of the bed and he unhid his magical properties because he didn't want to drain all his energy, especially if he was just gonna sit here. He curled his wings against himself tightly and wrapped his tail around his leg.

All of a sudden he saw the couple walk into the room and climb into bed. He could hear the rough breathing of the two and he assumed they were making out. It was disgusting. He could feel the Unholy energy of the girl and it made him nauseas. Chester still couldnt figure out why, he's never really been around any beings that make him feel like that, and she didn't seem to have any noticeable features, unless she's hiding them. Chester was debating things until he saw clothes land on the ground and he got visibly grossed out. God Parker was going to fuck this girl who is probably some weird entity and he wont even listen to me when i try to talk to him about it. It was late, about 1am already so Chester was not looking forward to this night. He tried to close his eyes but all he could hear were small moans and whimpers and the bed creaking lightly. Chester almost let out an audible groan but then realized that would be disastrous. Chester was convinced he was better going back to hell and stealing souls for income at this point. After all what was he doing here? he is one of the most powerful species of demon in the rings of hell? And he was sitting here listening to two mortals fucking? Wait scratch that, a mortal and some weird entity that he had yet to figure out. He sighed eternally. He knew he wouldn't leave, there was no way he was going back, even if he had to deal with this hes had more fun in the past few weeks then he had his entire life time, even if it was just simple things.

After what Chester thought to be at least 3 hours the noise died down and it seemed to all be still. he waited about 10 minutes until he could be sure and he made his way out from under then bed. Chester was so drained, you could see it in his features, his eyes glowed just a little dimmer, his wings were drooping lightly, and his tail was less active. Once he was out from under then bed he stared upon two naked individuals, all that's covering them being a blanket just big enough for the two of them. His claws clacked on the Wood floors so he was careful to be quite. He felt tingles of residing pleasure in the air and he decided to use that as a source of energy, he can use pleasure as energy but its not as filling for him as dreams. He stared at Parker and took all his bad dreams, which were few and looked over to the girl. A evil grin fell across his face. He took all her good dreams and left her with only bad ones for the night. Chester scowled as he did it though, these dreams didn't have the sweet succulent taste of usual good ones, They carried a bitter taste, a taste that stays in your mouth like spoiled meat. Chester got himself a cup of water to get rid of the taste in his mouth, his tail swayed around happily like a tree in the wind, He was finally actually full for the first time in awhile, even if the dreams weren't very tasty. Chester crawled back under the bed and passed out, it was already 4:30 so he was very tired...

WHATTTTTTTT, hope you guys have been enjoying :) 

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