1|she is beautiful

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

She walks into the building with the towel around her neck,gym mat into other hand and her pink Hello Kitty 2L bottle in the other. She puts her things down and opens the gym mat. One knows she needed this because of the stress her roommate gives her and her family harassing her on social media.

She opens her gym mat,puts her black headphones on and puts her feel good playlist. She keeps her eyes low as she starts doing 10KG weights and she counts in her heart which distractes her mind from the negative thoughts of not being wanted and not being loved.

She quickly rubs the tear and exhales. She looks up and sees a honey skin toned man with a muscular build body dressed in a black wife beater shirt and black shorts with his hair in a fade and extended goatee type of beard. His lips were red plump lips and that caused Ngokuthula to feel her cheeks heat up and her stomach to be filled with butterflies.

She looks down and puts the weights down as she goes down and does the Russian Twist with her legs lifted up as her and arms carrying the two 10KG and she swings them on her sides.

She looks up at the huge mirror and sees the man looking at her as he is doing 30KG of weights. He licks his lips and she just looks away from the guy and puts the dumbbells down. She takes her bottle and drinks the water quickly as her abs and arms were burning due to each exercise being done for seventy counts.

The guy sits on the bench and looks at her as she closes the bottle and gets up to do squats. Come Through by H.E.R feat Chris Brown starts playing through her headphones and she smiles.

She sees the guy by the name Homolemo Quinton Williams looking at her and he stares at her through the huge mirror. She does squats until the song ends and she sits down her mat. Homolemo chuckles and does some sit-ups.

She looks at him and sees him doing everything so effortlessly. He looks at her and feels the instant connection between them,she fixes her hair a bite and licks her lips while Homolemo just brust out laughing. She decides to do her last exercise of the set which is push-ups and she decides to include weights in it.

Her phone rings and she groans frustratedly as she puts the dumbbells down and kneels on the mat. She takes her phone out and sees her mother phoning her. She contemplates on whether she should answer it or not and she exhales before sliding the red button. She goes back to exercising and Homolemo's phone rings.

He sees his uncle calling and he sighs while sliding the green button."Malume?"

"Homolemo,make sure this Saturday you are at home,we have important news for you."His younger uncle, Asanda says and he scoffs."Do you hear me, Homolemo?"

"Yebo Malume."Homolemo answers and drops the call as he looks at Ngokuthula and sees that she is starting her workout all over again."1...2...3..."


"Once a fake friend, always a fake friend."She looks at her annoying ex-friend and now her roommate at res and she just rolls her eyes.

She switches her music on and continues reading through her textbook and writes down her notes. Her phone rings and she sees it's her mouth. She slides the red button immediately and continues to study until a notification comes from her mother.


Make sure to be at this Saturday. You'll finally leave my house,sefebe!

Ngokuthula just chuckles and blocks the number. She turns the volume higher as she hears her ex-friends laugh and she just shakes her head.

She continues to write down the notes from the textbook and also add extra notes on the side of the textbook and while highlighting important points. She exhales as she feels tears coming down her face and she quickly wipes them away.


Why does it require her to be so tough when her whole heart just wants to love people?

"She's crying guys."One of her ex-friends,Neo says. Neo was a short girl with honey skin tone and always had her hair in braids.

"Those who did bad upon themselves shouldn't be cried upon or felt sorry upon."Lesego scoffs and Sindisiwe,the roommate and the meanest of them all just giggles. And after five years of them not seeing each other they were still very mean people.

"Very true,she thinks just because she goes to university and gets all the guys' attention and girls want to be her friend she is all that."Sindisiwe folds her arms and scoffs while watching Ngokuthula with hatred and anger."This is not High School Of Excellence,I'm going to show her who the fuck I am."

Ngokuthula lowers her headphones to be on her neck and she turns to look at the three musketeers."What are you looking at?"Lesego asks and clicks her tongue.

"She asked you a question."Neo interjects and Ngokuthula just looks back to her books and clicks her tongue.

It was only Feburary and surely this will be the shortest year for her since it was technically her last year before she could start working in the profession of her choice.

She decides to get up and packs her books away into her small laptop bag. She takes her key and exits the door while making sure to bang the door and plays the music louder while she walks to the study room.


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