19|Family meeting pt2

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

She sits down and Mr Williams looks at her."Makoti?What is going on?"

"I just remembered something. Uhm- Homolemo's ex-girlfriend came to see me before I was kidnapped."

"Yolanda."Homolemo says and Ngokuthula nods her head."Damnit,I should have known she was apart of this."

"No,she wasn't so relax because when she came to be it was as through she was going to tell me something and when she saw the helper she vanished."Ngokuthula says and Homolemo narrows his eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I called her sister and it seemed as through she is missing because the sister doesn't know where she is."Ngokuthula says and sighs.

Lindsay comes to sit next to Ngokuthula and the two women look at Brandon."Brandon,why are they looking at you like that?"Mr Williams asks and Brandon rubs his head.

"Brandon knows where she is."Ngokuthula says and Brandon looks at her.

"I might have a clue of where she is."Brandon says and Homolemo chuckles.

"You better explain yourself before I give you a hot slap on your face."Mr Williams says and Brandon swallows his spit.

"And explain to them what you were talking about with her when you came to fetch me a month ago."Ngokuthula says and Brandon looks at her.

"She worked for me so I have everything I need to know about Max and also she was there to fetch her sisters."Brandon says and Ngokuthula looks at him.

"Smh."She mumbles and wipes her eyes."Mama."She calls Lindsay and Lindsay looks at her."I'm hungry."She mumbles and Lindsay gets up.

"Okay let's go."Lindsay laughs and holds Ngokuthula's hand as they walk to the kitchen.

"I hate these mood swings."Ngokuthula whispers and Lindsay just laughs.

Lindsay decides to cook for her a quick meal but widens her eyes when she sees Ngokuthula eating flour."Uhm-should I continue cooking?"

"Yes please."Ngokuthula replies and Lindsay makes sure to cook a meal- eggs, turkey bacon and hash browns with toasted bread.

"Here you go."

"Thank you."She says and she closes the container of flour."Please put it away."

"Of course."She says and Lindsay does what she asked and sits down next to Ngokuthula as she eats."How are you feeling after the meeting?"

"Better...you sons' owe me a holiday because this was not on."Ngokuthula says and Lindsay laughs.

"Didn't Mr Williams say wait until you are done with graduation so you can have sex?"

"I know that was the plan but those ovulation days had a hold on me."Ngokuthula says and Lindsay nods her head.

"But atleast he or she is coming around next year."

"Yeah."She replies and continues to eat."How was your pregnancy?"

"It varied honestly- with Homolemo it was morning sickness and cravings while Brandon was just about grown people stuff."

"Explains why he is the way he is."Ngokuthula says and Ayanda bust laughing.

"Ai man, Amogelang."Mrs Dlamini-Mokoena says and Ngokuthula laughs.

"I think I love this Ngokuthula with no filter."Ayanda says and in walks Brandon with Homolemo.

Ayanda looks at Brandon and laughs at him."What is wrong with you?"Brandon asks and Ngokuthula also ends up laughing.

"Ask your wife."Ayanda says and Ayanda's mom ends up laughing.

"What did you do Ngokuthula?"

"Don't worry about that,did you find Yolanda?"Ngokuthula asks and Brandon scoffs.

"Come on Ngokuthula,all we are going to eat is Yolanda."

Ngokuthula shrugs her shoulders and gets up to put the plate in the sink."If we have to."She says and goes to kiss Lindsay on the cheek."Thank you Lindsay. I see why Mr Williams and Majola love you."

"Uhm- Pleasure."Lindsay says and Ngokuthula smiles.

She walks to Homolemo and while they don't break eye contact."Homolemo follow me."She says and holds his hand.

Ayanda bust out laughing."Can I please come too?"Brandon asks and Ngokuthula looks at him.

"Find Yolanda alive and then we will talk."She says and holds Homolemo's hand.

He smirks,seeing how nervous she is around him. He takes his phone out and takes her video of her."How did I get lucky?"

He asks and she turns to see the camera."Guess we both got lucky."She says and they walk into the room.

She locks the door and takes off her jersey and dress as she is left in her tight and bra."Come on."She says as she opens the blankets and Homolemo smirks.

He takes off his shoes and jersey. He enters into the blankets and Ngokuthula hugs him around the neck."What now?"

"I just want to nap."She says and covers her mouth as she yawns.

"You are so perfect man."He says as he rests his hand on her waist and runs her waist."I am happy it is you and not someone else- low-key."

"Yeah. If that was the case,I would have ended up with Brandon or Quincy."

"You think so."

"Yes,I mean Quincy is actually someone who seemed like a good boyfriend and I was thinking about giving Brandon a chance since I didn't know you two were related."She explains and he stares at her.

"Are you happy with me, Ngokuthula?"

"Yes, I am. I am happy to be here and here that I am a mother figure to Gomolemo. There are times when I was not happy about your actions but I would rather that then a guy I feel like he'll do something horrible with me."Ngokuthula says and Homolemo sighs."What's up Homolemo?"

"No,I just thought about the options you just thought about and I would rather it be you then someone else... I love you Ngokuthula Xoliswa."

Ngokuthula wipes her tear and smile."Don't make me cry...I love you too,kisses?"

Homolemo bends his head and kisses her lips. She lies her head on his chest and honestly, gratitude fills her heart.

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