11|In his arms

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku
Lindsay's house||Tuesday||2:45AM

She walks into the kitchen after tossing and turning and nightmares disturbing her. She prayed about the whole issue with Lindsay and the curse about the men not being able to leave their wives.

She does not want to seem like she used love potion to attract Homolemo but if God allows it to happen ten may she be able to leave with it.

She covers her mouth as she yawns and goes to boils herself some water so she can make herself some coffee.

She needs it because also school is stressing her out. She takes a barstool and sits on it. She looks outside of the window while the curtains are closed and sighs.

Homolemo did not want to talk to her when Brandon called him and that is when she felt a tug on her heart.

One minute they seem to be okay and then the next day one of them is having a good at one other.

"Aunty?"She turns around and sees Gomolemo standing by the door with Anele- one of Brandon's triplets."You okay?"Anele asks and Ngokuthula smiles.

"Yeah."Ngokuthula says and goes make herself coffee by adding milk,sugar and a teaspoon of coffee."Finding it hard to sleep, Gomolemo?"

"No,I am actually studying and Mrs Me is helping me a lot."He explains and Ngokuthula smiles."And Anele is actually becoming a distraction."

"Oh, I will put her to sleep."Ngokuthula says and Gomolemo gives Anele to Ngokuthula."Can you please get me a towel?"

"Of course."He replies and goes to get the towel. Anele and Ngokuthula look at each other, causing her to smile and Anele smiles as well.

"Here you go,sesi Ngokuthula."Gomolemo says and Ngokuthula takes a sip of her coffee. She puts Anele on her back and with Gomolemo helps put the towel on the back.

Ngokuthula ties the towel around her chest and again on her waist."Reminds me of when Ma used to do that to me."



"Wow!"Ngokuthula says and Gomolemo laughs."Where is Sandile and Andile?"

"Probably asleep. Did you not see them?"

"After your dad pulled that stunt of his I just went to study and fell asleep at 11."Ngokuthula explains and Gomolemo nods his head.

"That is how he does things,it is not that he does not want to talk to you but he is protecting us from danger."Gomolemo says and Ngokuthula scoffs.

"Wow and you know this how?"

"The secret meetings he has with my uncles,the talks between him and grandpa and also me staying in grandma's house everyday for my primary days. I literally had to sneak out when I wanted to have fun."Gomolemo explains and Ngokuthula shakes her head.

"Ai,to go is to see honestly."

"You have not seen or heard it but this is just level 0."Gomolemo says and Ngokuthula whistles because she is about to be even more shocked."Ai,let me go sleep. Goodnight."

"Night."Ngokuthula says and Gomolemo walks out of the kitchen.

She drinks her coffee in silence as she sees Anele dozed off and snoring softly.

"Oh hey."She looks up and sees Brandon.

"Hey."She says simply and moves away from the kettle but Brandon holds her waist."What are you doing?"

"Can we talk?"

"I am listening but please remove your hand from my waist."Ngokuthula says and Brandon looks at her for a good minute and then removes it.

He chuckles."Anyways, I know mom told you about the whole curse thing and I know you feel like it is not how it is supposed to go but that is how it is supposed to go. Why do you think Homolemo's girlfriend passed away in that horrible car accident or I got a divorce out of the blue?"

"Do not do that Brandon."

"Do what?Tell the truth- that this family is blessed and cursed at the same time."Brandon asks and Ngokuthula looks down.

She finishes drinking her coffee and wants to walk away but Brandon holds her hand."Let me go, Brandon."

"You cannot avoid me or the truth for long Amo. Homolemo has also came to terms with it and I also did."

"This family is honestly driving me crazy as it is. If it is not the mafia then it is this curse? Why God?!"Ngokuthula says and Brandon lets go of her hand and looks at her.

"Are you done acting out?"

"I am done."Ngokuthula says and Brandon takes her hand and caress her hand.

"Thank you,wait for me to make coffee and then we will go to sleep."He says and Ngokuthula indeed waits for him.

When he is done,he holds her hand and walks her to his bedroom. He opens the door and he allows her to go in first.

Ngokuthula takes Anele off her back and gently puts her on the bed with a small pillow under her head.

"Go to sleep honey."She whispers into Anele's ear, causing Brandon to smile."Go to sleep and dream good,okay."She kisses Anele's cheek and stands up straight.

She turns around to see Brandon looking at her."Thank you for that. Now we can just bond."

"Okay."She says as she sits on the other chair but Brandon pulls her to sit on his lap. He rests his hand on her thigh and looks at her.

She does not know how to feel but her body reacting in ways she does not want it to.

"Okay,where is Homolemo right now?"

"We do not want to stress you and that is why we do not tell you these things about us or the family."Brandon explains as he drinks his coffee."What?"He asks looking at Ngokuthula who is staring at his lips.

She removes his coffee and wraps her hand around his neck and kisses him. She slides her tongue in his mouth and they fight for dominance.

He chuckles against the kiss as he holds onto her waist and parts her legs apart. He puts his hand on her pussy and rubs it causing her to moan and sucks on his tongue before pulling away from the kiss.

"Put the coffee down."He says and she chuckles.

"Give me just one more day to rest and then tomorrow it is me and you. Please."She says and he nods his head.

She plants a kiss on his lips,his lips were soft and smooth,the kind to make a girl go crazy or kill for them. Ngokuthula cannot believe that she got the hottest guys walking this planet Earth even through one seems to leak communication skills.

"I love you."He whispers as he stares at her and she looks up."I know w-"

She cuts him off by planting a kiss on his lips before deepening the kiss and she smiles before pecking his lips.

Brandon holds her tightly and kisses her cheek before finishing his coffee.

He now felt at peace.

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