12|Out comes the gangster mama

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Snethemba Khumalo||Sne
Exotic 101 Club||Saturday||12:45AM

She was dressed in a beautiful navy blue bodycon mini dress that hugged her body so simply and securely.

She looked beautiful as she took sips of her alcohol and the biggest Nigeria drug dealer looked at her.

She was feeling lonely as Ngokuthula is now a married woman and so her cousin,Lesego convinced her otherwise and now she is stranded.

When it comes to how Lesego,Neo and Sindiswe think?She honestly does not know.

She sighs and gets up."Where are you going?"The Nigeria guy asks and she looks at him.

"Home."She says in the most obvious way and the guy smirks.

"We will see about that."He says and he holds her hand.

"One more step and it will be the end of you."A very dominant voice says and Snethemba looks up to see Brandon and his cousins- Solomuzi and Ayanda and a short figure next to them- Ngokuthula?

"Let her go."Ngokuthula says and the guy laughs.

"I said when we get here you shut up. Didn't I not?"Brandon asks Ngokuthula and Ngokuthula just rolls her eyes and folds her arms.

"Now,we can do this the easy way or the hard way."Brandon says and the Nigerian guy looks at the three brothers and then the two women.

"I want Homolemo here."The Nigerian guy and Ngokuthula scoffs, causing the guy to look at her."And then?"

"Mr Adebayo, please,if you let her go,the brothers are willing to make a deal with you."Ngokuthula says as she walks in front of Brandon and Brandon rubs his eyes.

"What deal?Where is Homolemo?"

"Like you I am also looking for him but the deal will be able to protect you from the police, please."Ngokuthula brings her hands together and the Nigerian scoffs."Mr Adebayo,I plead with you, sincerely."

"Fine,I hope I have your word."Mr Adebayo says and Snethemba comes to Ngokuthula.

They share a tight hug and cry in each other's arms."Thank you Mr Adebayo."A husky deep voice says and the girls break the hug.

"Mr Williams."Ouseman says and and Homolemo and him handshake with each other."Wife?"Ouseman asks looking at Ngokuthula and Homolemo looks Ngokuthula.

"Yes,she is."Homolemo says looking at Ngokuthula and Ngokuthula scoffs before walking away."Guess we will talk about the deal after my trip to Scotland?"

"No problem. I hope Matthew is not giving you any issues."

"Not at all."They talk about their businesses while Snethemba and Ngokuthula go home.

"Are you okay?"Snethemba asks while looking at her and she bows her head and starts crying."Awww Noku."

"I am sorry I left those three women to take advantage of you."

"I understand because I know marriage and family is important."

"No but you are also my family, Lesedi. Why do I feel so angry and like a failure?"Ngokuthula asks as she cries her heart out.

"I am sorry Xoliswa."She says as she rubs Ngokuthula's head and while Ngokuthula cries on her leg.

Snethemba does not know how to stop what Ngokuthula is feeling but she knows how to try and cheer her up a bit.

"Maybe we should take sometime away from everyone?"Snethemba asks and you know,just breathe.

"Yeah, probably, Johannesburg has been a lot as of late. I do not even want Brandon or Homolemo, especially Homolemo next to me because I will honestly end up shooting him."She says bluntly and Snethemba widen her eyes.

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