13|I'm sorry

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Ngokuthula Mbatha
The next day
08:30AM|KZN- Dlamini homestead.

"Where do you think they are?"Sne asks as she thinks of yesterday texts she got from Solomuzi and Ayanda but she was too nervous to tell Ngokuthula about them.

"I don't,I couldn't careless."Ngokuthula says as she is wearing a doek and maxi black dress as she sweeps the yard and Sne stands by the garage as she sips on a hot cup of tea."How are you feeling?"

"Relaxed. I miss days when I would sleep on the floor with my cousins as a child but this is definitely a holiday I didn't think I needed."She says and sees cars approaching the driveway."Sigaxa."

"What do you mean?"Ngokuthula asks as she turns around and sees Gomolemo and the men approaching them."Oh nkosiyami."

Ngokuthula says and Snethemba chuckles."They are honestly something else."

"Right. Ayanda is looking good today."She whispers the last part and Ngokuthula laughs.

"Nobody as test like Brandon through and didn't you say you fear them."Ngokuthula whispers back and Snethemba just shurgs her shoulders as Ngokuthula laughs while sweeping the yard.

"Sanibonani bafazi abahle."Solomuzi greets them and the two women greet back. Gomolemo hugs Ngokuthula and Ngokuthula smiles as she hugs him back.

"I will see you in the cottage, Ngokuthula?"Snethemba asks and greets the other three men.

"You don't have to leave on our account."Brandon tells her with two hands tugged in his black pants and Sne looks at Ngokuthula.

"Bathong Brandon."

"What?!It looked like you were having a good conversation so don't allow our presence interrupt you guys."

"It is okay Snethemba, please go check the soft porridge anyways."

"You even cooked?"Homolemo mumbles and Ngokuthula playfully rolls her eyes.

"I will go check it."Snethemba says and she quickly walks to the kitchen.

Ngokuthula looks at Solomuzi and Ayanda to see them look at Snethemba. "What brings you to KwaZulu Natal?"Ngokuthula asks.

"Miss Ngokuthula Mbatha."Ayanda says and Ngokuthula bust out laughing.

"Well welcome then."Ngokuthula says and she takes a small bow,making Brandon to laugh.

"Why are you and dad fighting?"Gomolemo asks as he stands to Homolemo and Ngokuthula looks at Homolemo who is also staring at her.

"Why don't you guys go into the house,I want to talk to my wife."Homolemo says and while he looks at Ngokuthula who is still sweeping the yard.

"Should I stay?"Brandon asks and  Ngokuthula looks up.

"Yes please."Ngokuthula replies and she walks towards them as she rests the broom on the garage door.

The others leave and Brandon, Homolemo and Ngokuthula stay in silence.

"I am sorry Ngokuthula. I don't know how many times I have to say this."Homolemo says as he stands closer to her."Please forgive me,I didn't even know you will want to know where I am going and I felt like I am doing enough for you."

"You are but tell me so I know you are safe. Since Monday I have been worried about you and this side it is my periods and exams. I know it is taking you time to realise that you have someone beside you now bu-"She is get off by gunshots and Brandon and Homolemo try to shield her as they get down.

The person shoots into the house and Homolemo's BMW. Ngokuthula cries hysterically as she starts shaking.

Did her family really sell her to get her killed?

"It is over mami."Brandon says and holds her closer.

She decides to cling into his hold tighter and Homolemo sighs.

She sees Ayanda coming towards them and with a sad face."Bafo."

"What is wrong?"Homolemo asks and decides to rush towards the house as he sees his son and Snethemba shot."Get an ambulance."

Homolemo rushes to attend to Gomolemo as his heart beats faster and beads of sweat cover his forehead.He carries Gomolemo to his second car and Ayanda carries Snethemba.

Ngokuthula wants to break away from the grip of Brandon but Brandon tights the grip because he doesn't want her to see what she might later regret seeing.

She gives up and she cries hysterically."I should've never come here now they might die because of me."She says and Brandon breaks their hug and looks at her.

"No it is not!"

"Yes it is!"She shouts back and Brandon closes his eyes. Homolemo comes to them and tugs his hands in his pockets.

"We need to contact Snethemba's family."

"Are we not going to see them or go with them? Homolemo?"

"I am going to Scotland to sort some stuff out."

"Wow!You really don't only care about me but also Gomolemo?"


"Your wife is really turning in her grave."Ngokuthula whispers before walking away. Brandon holds her hand but she pulls away and walks towards Ayanda's car."Which hospital are they going?"

"Uhm-Rosemary Hospital."Solomuzi says and she nods her head as she takes her phone from her dress pocket and unlocks it to call Booi.

"You don't have to order a uber,we will go later."

"What the fuck is happening because people have been shot. People I care about while Mr holier than thou is planning a trip to Scotland."

"We are just making sure they arrive safely and if the area is safe to leave. What if they are still out to get us?"Solomuzi explains and Ngokuthula nods her head.

"Oh."She says and decides to walk back into the yard. She walks to take the broom and without making eye contact with Brandon or Homolemo as they get more people to find out who is involved and also get someone clean the mess.

She sits on the stoop and Solomuzi's mom comes to join her as she gives her a glass of sugar water.

"It is going to be okay sesi."

"I don't know how true that is when my best friend and son are going to hospital and I don't know if they will be okay I am still here, sitting like everything is normal."

"Prayer is the answer."

"Thank you ma,for welcoming me and just being how I wanted my own mother to be. You and Lindsay are just a different breed of women."

"Oh my child. It is about mothering everyone honestly."MaDlamini says and Ngokuthula finishes drinking the sugar water.

Homolemo walks towards them and looks at her while she looks at the ground."Ngokuthula."She looks up and immediately feels regret for what she said."Are you ready to go now?"

"Yes."She replies and stands up.

"You can leave the glass here."MaDlamini says and Ngokuthula does as she is told and walks towards the car.

Brandon opens the door for her and she thanks him. Homolemo enters into the driver's side after talking to MaDlamini as everyone feels down.

Ngokuthula blaming herself and why did she have to drag Snethemba into all of this while she made it clear that the four men are honestly her cup of tea.

She wipes her tears away as she rests her head on her hand and Homolemo sighs as he puts his hand on her thigh and tries to comfort her.

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