10|History of Williams\Majola family

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

She walks out of the culinary class with her bag on her shoulder and her hands in the pockets of her jackets.

She walks quickly down the stairs and not looking up quick enough she bumps into someone causing them to drop their books.

She quickly kneels down and helps the person with their books. She freezes when she sees her ex-boyfriend, Percy Zulu and she gives him his book.

"Sorry about that."She whispers and quickly walks away but Percy chases after her and holds her arm.

"You bumped into me and whispering things I do not understand."Percy says and Ngokuthula feels her chest close up as she inhales heavily."Why did you break up with me?"

"You know the reasons."

"You are just insecure about everything-they are just my female friends."Percy says and Ngokuthula scoffs as tears start coming out."Do not dare cry."

"Or else what? People are watching- are you going to do something to me?"Ngokuthula asks and wipes her tears as they fall freely.

A matte black car stops next to them and Booi and Brandon come out when they see Ngokuthula trying to fight Percy but he tightens his grip on her arm.

Brandon comes out and immediately without a care throws a punch on Percy and he falls. Ngokuthula quickly runs behind the car and Brandon goes to Percy and throws punches at him.

Brandon does not stop and while people gather around them taking videos and Percy cannot stop shouting and pleading for Brandon to stop until Booi goes to stop him and Brandon hisses."She is behind the car."Booi tells Brandon when he does not see Ngokuthula.

Brandon takes off his blazer and throws it into the car. He walks to her and uses his free hand to hold her hand while she is scared. They enter into the car and she sits quietly.

Brandon hisses as he looks at his knuckles and then looks at her as she rubs her arm."Let me see."Brandon says and Ngokuthula shakes her head quickly and tells herself it will be okay.

She does not want to burden anyone but Homolemo with her well-being."Let me see, Amogelang."

"I am fine, thanks anyways."She says and Brandon chuckles as he shakes his head.

Her phone rings and she looks at it to see it is Lindsey calling her. She slides the green button and puts it on her ear."Hello mother in-law."

"Hello Amo."She replies with a smile."Uhm-I asked Brandon to fetch you and bring you to my house."

"Oh okay,I am already in the car."She says and Lindsay smiles.

"Okay,I will see then."

"Why are we not going to the actual spa?"Ngokuthula asks while narrowing her eyes and Lindsay sighs.

"It is just since people are talking on social media,I thought maybe you would want to be away from them."She explains and Lindsay sighs because she is telling Ngokuthula half of the truth.

"Okay ma."

"Shap,can I please tell to my son?"Lindsay asks and Ngokuthula turns to see Brandon staring at her and she gives him the phone.

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