6|Let me be your comfort

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

The door opens and closes while he stands by the living room with red roses and a box of chocolate while wearing an apron while he is shirtless.

"Welcome back home."He says with a smile and she furrows her eyebrows.

"Hey."She comes and hugs him still in shock of the roses.

"How was your day today?"

"Better than yesterday."She takes the chocolates and roses."It is Valentine's day?"

"No,you know it's April already. I just wanted to make you feel better. I don't know why Naledi acted like that, she's usually calm and relaxed. Not rude and bitter."

"Thanks."She says and smiles. He rubs his eyes, causing Ngokuthula to look at him,he was a muscular build guy and she holds his arms."Thank you for apologizing and also making me feel at home."She rubs his arm causing him to smile.

"Let's eat then."He says with a smile and he takes his bags and places them on the floor.

"Let me go put them in bedroom."Ngokuthula says and Homolemo nods his head.

"I thought you needed food urgently."Homolemo says while holding her laptop bag and she is holding bag, flowers and chocolates.

"Where is Gomolemo?"

"Sleeping."Homo replies and Noku nods her head as they reach the master bedroom and places the thing on the bed.

Ngokuthula takes off her sneakers,Homo gives her his slippers and she smiles when he helps put them on.

"Come on,ride on my back."

"Bathong Homolemo,I am not six years old."Ngokuthula replies and he smirks as he turns around.

She rolls her eyes and climbs on his back. He takes her downstairs and to the dining room. He puts her down,opens the chair for her and she sits down.

"Thank you."

"I'll be right back."He says and she nods her head with a small smile.

She looks around the living room and she rests her back on the chair. She is tired as she is trying to adapt to the new norm,she has been wearing Sotho attires and she's enjoying it.

People at the res compliment her and some just give her bad vibes. She just ignores them and move on with life.

"I hope you'll enjoy the spaghetti bolognese."Homo replies as he places the plate infront of her and she smiles.

She straightens her body and frown."Do you have maybe green salad?"

"Let me go fetch it."Homo says and gives her a peck on the forehead. She smiles as he walks back to the kitchen to fetch the salad and juice.

He comes back with the things and finally sits down. She puts her hand out seeing Homolemo already mixing his food."Aren't we praying?"

"Oh sorry."He whispers and she nods her head. She takes his hand and closes her eyes to pray.

She says the prayer of gratitude and ends the prayer."Amen."They say in unison and both starts to eat their food.

Ngokuthula takes the salad,puts the salad in the food,puts the container down and takes the knife. She mixes the spaghetti bolognese and stops when she is satisfied.

"You're the type to mix their food."

"And you are not that type."She replies causing Homo to chuckle and she smiles.

"Anyway,how was your day?I know you are finding it hard to wear the Sotho attires until next Wednesday."

"The day was good with a few mean people who find this marriage a joke like Naledi."

"Sorry about that. Are those girls giving you problems?"

"Some of them. Snethemba is always standing up for me when I find it hard to talk."

"That's awesome."Homo replies and Ngokuthula nods her head.

She looks up at him,watching him chew must be the sexiest thing because wow,she cannot believe that this is the man she will live with from now on and not dream about it.

She shakes her and twirls her fork in the spaghetti bolognese before eating.

"How was your day?"Ngokuthula asks after chewing her food and looks at Homo who shrugs his shoulders.


"Homolemo,be honest with me. What do you do for a living?"

"I owe a business."

"Okay."Ngokuthula scoffs and continues to eat her food. She pours herself juice but Homolemo grabs the jug and pours for her."Thank you."

"I don't want to show that other side of me, Ngokuthula."Homo holds her hand and she looks at him.

"You don't have to involve me,just tell me."

"I would rather not."He mumbles causing her to internally sigh and she continues to eat.

She presses leg together,as of late she has been horny and it's not even funny anymore.

She drinks her juice quickly until she finishes and immediately gets up but Homo stops her."Don't be angry, please Ngokuthula."

"I'm not. I just want to go to bed."

"At half past eight?"

"I don't want to do things I might regret later."Ngokuthula says causing Homo to furrow his eyes.

"What do you mean?You want to slap me?"

"More than that if you don't let go of my hand."She replies in a stern tone and Homolemo looks at her with narrow eyes.

He lets go of her hand, allowing her to leave and she walks into the kitchen to get things dishes done.

"Ngokuthula, please don't be angry with me."He says and she exhales heavily."I know I can be a hard person to live with."He says,he walks to her and wraps his arms around her waist.

Her chest starts going up and down quickly,she tries to keep her composure while keeping the dishes clean.

He rests his head on her shoulder and kisses her neck. She feels her Nile river flowing and she bites her lip.

"Can you please stop that?"

"Not until you stop being angry at me."He mumbles as she bites her earlobe and slowly moves his hands to her boobs.

"Yoh! What part of please stop that don't you understand!?"She turns around feeling her heart beat out of her chest,Homo lifts his arms up and widen his eyes.

"I'm sorry,I-"

"Aw fuck man."She says out of anger, causing her to exit the room and runs upstairs. She slams the door and locks it.

She rubs her eyes,sits down and maintains her breathing. She didn't want to have that outburst but her heart,being afraid to take things further when they'll need to go further more.

She lifts her head up,looking herself in the mirror and tears start to stream down her face.

"Ngokuthula."Homolemo whispers and knocks on the door."Please, let's talk."

She allows herself to cry,she gets up and takes the pillow to hug it. She sleeps on the pillow and wipes her tears away.

Was she being weird to be afraid to have sex?

She did try to have sex in her matric years and it went horribly wrong so now,here she has to face yet another challenge.

Please don't come for Ngokuthula too strong🥺🥺

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