2|take control

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

She watching her lecture videos again and while taking notes of the work.

"Working hard I see?"A honey skin toned man says and she looks up at him.

"You know how the stress for upcoming exams can be."Noku answers and the guy nods his head.

"If you don't mind."The man points to the chair and she points back to the chair. The guy opens it and sits down."Brandon is the name."

"Ohhh, Ngokuthula."She puts her hand out and Brandon shakes it. "What can I do for you Brandon?"

"I just see a beautiful girl and think maybe you wouldn't mind having dinner with me... sometime,of course."Brandon says and she feels her cheeks heat up.

She looks down while plays with her pen nervously and she turns to see the guy from Tuesday morning looking around for a moment until his eyes meet hers.

He rubs his beard while his hand other hand is in the pocket and she bites her lip while butterflies fill her stomach. She was shocked to see him there because she has concluded that she won't see him again...ever again.

"Handsome neh?"Brandon whispers and she turns around to see his face close to her face.

"Yeah."Ngokuthula nods her head nervously and Brandon laughs.

"So dinner with me tomorrow is a yes?"

Ngokuthula smirks and just shrugs her shoulders."I don't know."

"Bafo."His husky deep voice causes her to bite her lip again.

"I don't mind if you have both of us. Our chocolate queen."Brandon licks his lips and rubs Ngokuthula's chin.

Ngokuthula bust out laughing and ends up lifting her hand. Her waiter comes to rescue her an she takes deep breaths."Yes ma'am."

"I think this is harassment,can you please call the manager."The two men- Brandon and Homolemo just bust out laughing,the waiter chuckles and Ngokuthula narrows her eyes.

"You are looking at them,they are both the managers."The waiter answers and Ngokuthula bites the inside of her mouth to avoid feeling the embarassment."Anything that I can get you?"

"Cookies and cream milkshake."The waiter nods his head and takes the glass from her table. Ngokuthula looks at both the men as they talk with their eyes causing Brandon to laugh."Are you guy going to use this table because I want to continue studying."

"Oh right."Brandon gets up and wraps his arm around Homolemo's neck as Homolemo cannot stop staring at Ngokuthula's dark beauty. He was usually into lighter toned women but now it was like he wants to explore the more darker skin tones.

"Thanks."The waiter comes back with the milkshake and she looks at him before he leaves."Can you also prepare the bill for me?"

He nods his head and he looks at her."Mr Williams has already paid it."

"Who is that and when did this happen?"Noku looks at where the waiter is looking at and she sees Brandon and Homolemo looking at her. They both look away immediately when she looks at them and she just smirks."Can you reserve the payment?"

"I honestly don't want to lose my job."The waiter explains and she rolls her eyes."He said you can order anything you want by the way."

"Do you sell sprinkling water?"


"Can you please give me two bottles of sprinkling water?"The waiter nods his head and then goes to men.

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