4|Jealous of her?

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku
Homolemo's house||17:33

She walks into the living room as she hears the television on and a movie was on.

"Oh, perfect."She says as she sees Homolemo sleeping and even his mouth is open. She sits next to him as she takes the nail clipper and cuts his growing nails on both the toes and fingers.

She always wanted to do this but didn't know how to go about it so why not now. Today was the day she meets his son, Gomolemo who she is very nervous to see and especially having to talk to him.

She flies his nails and dusts the white stuff off. She hears the door open and freezes as she sees Brandon, Solomuzi and Ayanda while with a beautiful woman next to them. She sees a small figure immediately go upstairs without saying anything causing her or quickly pack her things away.

"And then?"Brandon asks seeing even the foot massage machine out and she rolls her eyes. He pokes Homolemo's shoulder and Ngokuthula is quick to hit his hand away.

"Don't wake him up... shhh."She tells them as she takes her things back until she sees Ayanda hit Homolemo's forehead.

"Wakey wakey sleepyhead!"He shouts in Homolemo's ear causing the boys the laugh when Homolemo wakes up and feels his feet wet.

"You are so annoying."

"And then?"Homolemo asks while looking at Ngokuthula who takes his feet out and dries them.

"I'm almost done. Sorry for the trouble."Ngokuthula mumbles watching the brothers sit down and talk amongst themselves.

"It's okay."

"Are you okay?"I look up and see him looking at the slim fit woman and she nods her head.

"Yeah,I am good. And you?"

"Tired."He replies and the woman sits down next to Homolemo as Ngokuthula and her make eye contact."Why did you wake me up Ayanda?"

"It's time to go out."

"I am already spending quality time with my wife so please."

"You are not even married, Homolemo. It's not a real marriage and I'm sure she can agree with me."Ngokuthula looks up and sees that this girl was leading more than she thought.
Something about her energy didn't sit well with Ngokuthula."Right Sesi?"

"I wouldn't know."Ngokuthula says as she takes a beauty bag and the foot massage machine.

"I just asked a simple question mara."

"Okay,I guess you were too harsh on her for nothing."Homolemo says and Ngokuthula just decides to sit in the guestroom while they are talking and giggling like nobody's business.

Homolemo Williams||Homo

"Why were you mean to my wife, Naledi?"He asks Naledi while they are in the living room and Brandon, Ayanda and Solomuzi."I won't allow you to boss her around."

"Sorry buthi."She says with sincerity in her voice."I thought she'll laugh as well."

"Mmm,where is my son?"

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