18|Family meeting pt1

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku
PTA||09:33||July 7,Sunday

She walks into the living room as she sees the elders of Majola, Dlamini,Williams and Mokoena sit around.

She is dressed in a maxi dress,jacket and headwrap on her head. She walks in and sees Lindsay sitting and there seems to be a empty seat.

She decides to sit next to her and she smiles."Are you okay?"Lindsay whispers and she nods her head."How is the baby?"

"Okay."Ngokuthula says and Lindsay smiles.

"Good to hear."Lindsay says and Ngokuthula decides to wrap her arms around Lindsay's waist."Uhm-okay."

Ngokuthula smiles, causing Brandon and Homolemo to smile.

Ngokuthula just loves the motherly aura Lindsay carries and she doesn't know if Lindsay likes it when Ngokuthula gets clingy to her.

"Okay-let the meeting start."Homolemo's father says and looks at Homolemo."What were you doing in Scotland Homolemo and don't hide anything from us."Mr Williams says and Ngokuthula looks at Homolemo while she clings onto Lindsay.

"I would first of all like to apologize to my wife- I was protecting you from the dark side of this family. To my brothers, especially Brandon who took things so personal- I am sorry for not telling you guys."Homolemo says and looks at Ngokuthula.

Mr Williams looks at Brandon and Ngokuthula."Amogelang,do you forgive him?"

"After the whole thing,I did,I don't want to hold grudges anymore and he's a man so I'm like it is what it is and same for Brandon. I dare see a mark or gun wound on them they'll know who Amogelang is."Ngokuthula says and Lindsay chuckles including the other family members- Solomuzi and Ayanda's mom, Solomuzi's father,while also Brandon's father and Ayanda's father.

The laughter dies down as the family becomes serious again."Why did you go to Scotland, Homolemo?"Mr Williams asks and Homolemo sighs heavily.

"I went to make a deal with a well-known connection from Scotland, Matthew and also with Ouseman Adebayo for protection when we travel. I wasn't going to take Gomolemo and Ngokuthula to Scotland and make them live there without them knowing anyone."

"How are we supposed to know when you don't say anything?"Brandon asks with an attitude and clicks his tongue honestly fed ex with Homolemo."You are so focused on going out of the country when you did not even know that Booi was a part of Max's gang."

Homolemo scoffs."And you didn't know your helper worked with Max and was busy sprinkling your house with her things at night."

"Yeah whatever."Brandon says and sighs.

Ngokuthula scoffs, remembering that at night she would wake up with the urge to pray and sometimes felt like something was watching her.

"Both of you are at fault so please stop pointing fingers at each other and act like you are 35 years old."Mr Williams says and Brandon and Homolemo sigh heavily."And now what happened to Max?"Mr Williams asks and the brothers look at Ngokuthula."Don't make me ask you twice."

"We shot him."Ayanda says and explains the whole story."We had at least ten guys working for us from inside the gang and got a few people killed,including Andrade and had them bring the girls to our office."

"Do you trust those guys?We don't want another Booi story."Ngokuthula asks and Mr Williams looks at her.

"We always scary the newbies so they know what we are about."

"And another thing I have a question to, sorry Baba Williams my intention is not to disrespect you but to also have knowledge."Ngokuthula says and Mr Williams smirks."Why when Gomolemo and Snethemba were shot you loaded the bodies in the car but not allow me to go with them immediately to the hospital."

"Uhm-it was to avoid anyone else shooting at us. Yes,the cars are gun proof but we were being cautious about the surroundings and also the homesteads are open so we had to have the security check every area and make sure it is safe to go to the hospital."Homolemo explains and Ngokuthula nods her head.

"Okay."Ngokuthula says and looks at Me Williams."You may continue Baba,sorry again."

"Thank you."Mr Williams says and she nods her head.

She rests her head on Lindsay's shoulder and listen to Mr Williams talk about the houses.

"There will be a ceremony performed to the houses so Ngokuthula will also be introduced to the ancestors and also since she is pregnant they'll need to protect the child."Mr Williams explains and Ngokuthula widens her eyes.

She gets up and decides to take her phone out and call her new friends,she honestly forgot about Yolanda paying her a visit before she was drugged.

"What's going on?"Lindsay comes to her aid and Ngokuthula holds her hand.

"Hello Ngokuthula."Susanna asks and her voice is down.

"Hi,are you okay?"

"Uhm-no,my sister is missing. I don't know where she is."

"Oh my gosh. Did she say where she is going?"She asks and making sure not to mention anything about knowing where she is.

"What is going ma?"Brandon asks and Ngokuthula looks at him.

"She did not,did you hear anything?"Susanna asks and Ngokuthula bites her lip.

"No I didn't."She says and looks at Brandon."I will call you when I do,be safe,okay?"

"Okay. Thank you for calling me, Ngokuthula."

"No problem."Ngokuthula says and she ends the call."Brandon,when last did you talk to Yolanda?"

"Why does it matter?Ouch ma!"Brandon shouts when Lindsay pinches him.

"She came at your house when I was going to be kidnapped and when she saw the helper she vanished so now she is missing, where is she Brandon?"Ngokuthula explains and Brandon rubs his eyes.

"I don't know."

"Well you better find her because I hate seeing my friends sad."Ngokuthula says and walks back into the living room.

Lindsay looks a Brandon and Brandon rubs his eyes in confusion."You better find her and make sure that she is alive."

Lindsay says before walking out of the passage and back into the living room.

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