16|Into the unknown

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||NokuPTA||13:33

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

She hears a knock on the door and gets up from the couch. She is still at Brandon's house and still her spirit with the new helper don't get along.

She is so observate of her that prayer seems to be the only solution in this confusing time and prayer will soon work.

She opens the door and sees Snethemba and a beautiful white lady who seems familiar. She allows Snethemba in and greets her.

"Hi chommie."They hug each other and back away as they look at each other and then smile."How are you?"Snethemba asks and Ngokuthula replies.

"Good and you?"

"Good."Snethemba says and she smiles."I will go in and sit down."

"Of course."She says and turns her eyes to the lady."Hi,how may I help you?"

"I'm looking for Ngokuthula."

"You are talking to her."She narrows her eyes and the lady smiles.

"I'm Yolanda van Tonder, Homolemo's ex-girlfriend and also sister of Susanna and Michelle."

"Okay,are they okay?"

"Yes they are. I just wanted t-"

She is cut off by the helper since she is familiar with her because of the new boyfriend she has- Max Anderson who is the rival of the Majola, Williams, Dlamini and Mokoena family.

She looks at Yolanda and furrows her eyes."Madam?Is everything okay?"The helper asks and she nods her head."Well I am done cooking lunch."

"Okay,thank you ma."She says and the helper smiles knowing that the plan is now in motion.

As requested by Max Anderson,she is going to kidnap them and Max will see how important the two are for the family.

With the guards being few,the helper has a advantage and disadvantage and while the helper hopes it works there could be a disadvantage with how strong the security is as Homolemo is back in Scotland and Gomolemo is with Lindsay.

She checks out of the house and sees Yolanda is gone and she sighs."Ugh some people."She rolls her eyes and closes the door.

"Chommie!"Ngokuthula says and hugs Snethemba around her neck.

"I knew I had to fight harder so I can see your happy face."Snethemba says and she smiles more and kisses Snethemba on the cheek.

"I was so stressed about you and then Percy is found dead?You heard?"

"Mhm. I remember how Brandon came here with knuckles hurting and I thought it was an injury from gym but I figured it out."Ngokuthula says as she sees the helper coming with the food and drinks.

"Thank you ma."Snethemba says and the helper smiles. She walks away and Ngokuthula feels her heart beat out of her chest."Mmm- aren't you eating,the meat is delicious."She says and Ngokuthula nods her head and takes a fork.

It was pap and traditional tribe."She always seems to just prove me wrong. Anyways- back to the brothers."

"Mmm,I told to be careful of them,mina Ayanda and Solomuzi have been making moves and don't get me wrong but my morals are getting the better of them right now."

"Ohh, you want them?"

"They are hot and sexy chocolate."Snethemba says and Ngokuthula nods her head as she takes a sip of her juice."But what they do is a no-no for me."

"Okay. Understandable,I mean even for Brandon and Homolemo,when the news come up I just stare at them and they get up to leave them living room or just change the channel."

"You think they are comfortable with you knowing about this?"Snethemba asks and she shurgs her shoulders.

"I don't know shame,I want to ask them that."She says and Snethemba nods her head.

They eat and drink while they catch up. Life is has been good for the both of them choosing to do homeschooling and sometimes visit each other and help each other out.

She yawns as she puts her head on the pillow and closes her eyes."I think I'm also going to join you."

"Ma really outdid herself this time."Ngokuthula says with her eyes closed and Snethemba nods her head.

"Right. Where did you find her?"

"I'll as-"She is cut off as she goes into deep sleep and MaKhumalo smirks, seeing them knocked out.

She pulls her phone out and calls Max."Boss?"

"Baby. Is it done?"

"Yes love,come get me before the three idiots come for me."She says and Max laughs.

"Don't worry about that."He says and she smiles."Bye."

Three guys come and make sure to shot each and every guard and then enter the house as the alarm goes off

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Three guys come and make sure to shot each and every guard and then enter the house as the alarm goes off.

The brother of Max, Andrea points the gun at MaKhumalo and she widens her eyes.

The two other guys take the two females and put them in a car."Thanks for helping us fool."He says and shoots her right in the forehead.

He quickly goes out of the house and into the car. He looks at Ngokuthula and rubs her chin."Brandon always gets the beautiful ones."

He looks at the phone and calls Max."Did you kill that thing?"

"I did. You should have seen her face."

"She actually thought I loved her."The brothers laugh."Okay see you now now."Max says and Andrea nods his head.

"Cool."They end the call and the car arrives in the outskirts of Pretoria.

The two guys carry the two women into a safehouse in Pretoria and Andrea opens the window as he switches on his cigarette in the room as he waits for his brother.

"What th-"He turns around and sees Snethemba already up and rubbing her head."Ngokuthula!"She says and Andrea chuckles as he sits on his chair and Snethemba shakes Ngokuthula.

"The poison is still in her system princess Mokoena."He says and she exhales heavily.

"Where are we?"

"Don't worry about that but worry about what is to. I would pray to whatever god you pray to because it is about to go down."Andrea says and Snethemba widens her eyes,not knowing what to say but she was scared for her life.

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