5|Talk to me

438 21 1

Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

She looks at her outfit for the last time and look at the time to see if she is late. She opens the door and see it's Homolemo in a black wife beater shirt and chino pants.

"Good morning, you are looking beautiful."

Ngokuthula just looks at him and scoffs."Excuse me."Ngokuthula says and she walks away. Today was just a big day at church and she doesn't want him to ruin it."Morning Gomolemo."

"Hey, looking good over there.Going to church?"

"You know it."She says as she decides to go now then later."Morning Booi."

"Morning boss lady,off somewhere?"

"Yes,if you don't mind dropping me there."He opens the door for her and she enters the car. Ngokuthula gives him the address causing him to smile because he knows already which church he is driving to.

After half an hour the car stops and she gets out."I'll be here when the church ends."

"Okay, thanks Booi."She says with a smile and he nods his head. She walks into the church building and thankful when she sees Snethemba busy on her phone."Sis wami."

"Oh my gosh,you looking good Mrs-"

"Don't bore me with that one."Ngokuthula says and Sne smirks after hugging her.

"Trouble in paradise?"

"You know, some girl came last night after I was done massaging him talking about how the marriage is not real."

"Her name is?"Sne asks as she takes out her phone and types on it.

"Naledi is the name."

"Oh gosh,she is the one who caused Homolemo to break up with Yolanda,what a bitter person she is."Sne says and when she looks up she sees Naledi looking at her."She's stalking us?"

"Who?"Sne turns around and sees Solomuzi, Ayanda and Naledi standing in a small group as they look around."Let's go inside before we don't get seats."

"Yeah...I love your dress through."Snethemba says as they get in the church. Ngokuthula was dressed in a white off the shoulder bouffont midi dress that has pockets with white pump heels and a small round bag.

"Thanks boo."Ngokuthula says as they sit down and kneels down to pray.

"Can we please pass?"Ayanda asks as they don't notice it's Ngokuthula and Snethemba taps her shoulder. Ngokuthula opens her eyes and sees Snethemba.

"They want to pass."Sne says and Ngokuthula turns around to see them. She sits on the bench and allows them to go through. Naledi keeps her head down causing Ngokuthula to scoff and she goes back to kneel but Sne taps her shoulder again."Look."

She turns and sees Homolemo and Gomolemo looking at her."Nice to see you here,can you please just scoot over?"Homolemo whispers and she does what she is told.

Homolemo and Gomolemo take their seats and she goes back to pray. The song starts and she ends the prayer. She widens her eyes as she is shocked to see Homolemo praying and she stands up straight as the priest walks past them.

The service goes well as she sings and dances and Snethemba also joining in. Homolemo just couldn't keep his eyes off her,she was beautiful to him and he loved her smile the most.

When it's time for the holy communion service, Homolemo stands up and to say that Ngokuthula was shocked to see him and his family go to the front and eat the holy bread. It was her first and then Gomolemo and Homolemo while Homolemo's cousins and step brother, Brandon sorted themselves out.

"Finally,it's time to go home."Sne says as they both leave the church quickly to go take photos real quick."I did not know they go to church."

"I'm shock also. I didn't expect that."Ngokuthula responses and she makes eye contact with Naledi and Homolemo as they talk amongst themselves.

"Hey you."Gomolemo says and Ngokuthula turns to look at him."Time to leave. Dad said I should tell you."

"Oh,let me say goodbye to Snethemba then."She replies and she quickly hugs Snethemba because she honestly wasn't in the mood to fight Homolemo again."Bye Lovie."

"Okayyy, someone's wife, listening to the man of the house."

"I'm not in the mood to fight with him again."Ngokuthula says backing away from the hug."Need a lift or you'll be fine?"

"I'm taking a taxi home so don't mind me."Sne says as Ngokuthula sees Homolemo waiting for her."Bye bye."

"Bye bye."Ngokuthula says and walks past Homolemo as she enters into the car she came with."Home please."

"Alone or with boss?"Booi asks as he sees Homolemo opening the door.

"Whatever."Ngokuthula says and the door opens as Homolemo enters the car and Booi drives towards the house. It was tense in the car as Homolemo kept looking at Ngokuthula and when he tries to touch her and she pulls her hand away quickly.

She folds her arms and looks outside."I'm sorry Ma Williams."He says and she just rolls her eyes.


She wakes up in the middle of the night as she makes her way to Homolemo's bedroom. She was tired but she couldn't go back to sleep after a hectic dream.

She sliently opens the door and sneaks in. He sees him sleep and she tiptoe to the bed. She opens the blankets and enters in and wraps her arms around him.



"Why are you here?The last time I checked you were angry with me."

"I'm sexual frustrated and I had a bad dream."

"What happened to us, Ngokuthula?I thought we were okay."Homolemo asks as he turns around and brings her closer."Talk to me."

"It's Naledi who caused this honestly,I get that we are not married for real but she didn't have to rub it in because I'm actually starting to like you and now she just ruined that for me."

"She's like that, please don't pay attention to her because this is between me and you and not me and her."Homolemo says and caress her cheek."I'm sorry,I didn't think you'll take much offence to it."

"Thanks."She mumbles as she rubs his abs causing him to bite his lip and she smirks."Can you make me feel better,my mood is so low."

"What can I do through?How have you been feeling?"

"Just feeling so many emotions at once and just so many thoughts and scenes from my past are playing all at once."

"I'm sorry mama."He says and wipes the tears from her eyes."I'm here if you are ready to talk."

He kisses her forehead and rubs her back just so she can go to sleep. It was hard for her but she managed to sleep thanks to him.

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