8|Being a mom

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

She quickly lotions herself and gets dressed in a tight and Homolemo's black hoodie. She doesn't know what just happened a few minutes ago but she knows it's bad.

She wears her slides and quickly runs to the living room,seeing Brandon, Ayanda and Solomuzi and Homolemo sitting in the living room and talking.

She walks to Homolemo and folds her arms."Where is Gomolemo?"

"I don't know."Homolemo says with sassy."Just get out of my face before I do something I'll regret."Homolemo warns her and she just shakes her head.

"Ausi Ngokuthula."She turns around and see Gomolemo wearing pajamas and with a iced bag of peas on his cheek.

She walks to him and tries see how bad the wound is and unknowningly her tears start flowing. She gives him the bag of peas and looks at Homolemo.

Homolemo looks at her and feels as through he has disappointed and frustrated her and also acted unusual for her.

"Ngokuthula."Homolemo says and she turns around as she wipes her tears away.

"Goodnight guys."She says, not wanting to fight anyone or anything."Remember to pack your books, Gomolemo."She says and Gomolemo nods his head.

She goes to the guestroom and locks the door. She kneels down and prays because she doesn't know what to do.

She likes Homolemo but getting physical with a child makes it a deal breaker for her.She switches off her lights and goes to sleep after the prayer.

The next day

She wakes up and goes to knock on Gomolemo's door."Come in."She opens the door and sees Gomolemo with his PJs and blanket covering his body as he types on the phone."Ausi Ngokuthula."

"Aren't you going to school?"

"Oh,thank you so much. Are you driving me to school?"

"Uhm-do you want me to?"

"Yes,can you drive?"

"Yes and go get ready for school."

"Yes ma'am."He says and she just laughs as she closes the door and goes to the kitchen and starts to make breakfast and lunch for Gomolemo.

She takes out cheese and ham and starts to make her favourite sandwich ham and cheese-which she used to enjoy buying back in highschool.

"Smelling amazing."She flinches as she is taken out of her thought train and she turns around seeing Homolemo shirtless and standing by the door with his arms folded."What are you cooking?"

Ngokuthula is silence as she continues to stir the brown porridge and also making sure that the six slices of bread are not getting burned.

She takes out a lunch box and puts the sandwiches in and also takes a bottle and makes some juice for him.

She closes the lunch box and the juice bottle close to each other. She smiles as she takes a bowl and pours him some porridge. Homolemo sees he's getting ignored and decides to do his own thing.

"Morning dad and Ausi Ngokuthula,I'm done."

"There is your lunch on the countertop. Where is your tie?"

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