3|we meet again

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Ngokuthula Mbatha||Noku

She is dressed in a Sotho dress and white blanket around her shoulders. Her family couldn't wait to get ruined of her like this,her emotions and thoughts were just everywhere,the man who she is married to now. Will he treat her the way she wants to be treated which is plainly with respect?Will he like her and will she like him enough to have children with him?

Her hair was into a 16 inches black bodywave lace wig which is tied neatly in a blue Sotho headwrap and she fans her eyes as she feels tears wanting to start all over again. She got her individual lashes done and also got her pedicure and manicure done this morning.

The door opens and in comes her aunts and mother."Ready to leave."Her mother's sister says and she just gets up.

"This is sick from the both of you,sies man."She looks at them and then mostly her mother who she could feel was rejoicing and singing whatever songs."Let me just go."

She takes her shades and puts them between her boobs as they hang from dress. "Let's help with the bags and let's go to the living room...Walk behind us Thula."The first born of her mother's aunt says and she walks behind them.

She bows her head as they get to the living room and she sits down on the mat which her aunt places for her. She hears someone mumbling."Oh shit."

She lifts her eyes in style and sees Brandon Majola sitting next to a man who looks exactly like Homolemo Williams."Today, Ngokuthula Xoliswa Mbatha is a grown woman."She hears her grandpa says and then exhales."We are not your enemies, Ngokuthula but for the greater good of the Williams family,a family is needed for the oldest and only son of Mr Karabo Williams."

She was now married to Homolemo Williams and she was a stepmother to his child. She was a young bride with so many dreams and aspirations of her own life. Her only thought was if Homolemo will be as kind to her as he has been for the last five days of them knowing each other.

"Don't cut us off completely."Her grandma says causing her to quickly wipe away her tears and sniffs. Brandon just looks at this family and shakes his head,who would have thought that the same girl she met with the big smile at his restaurant will be the same girl his cousin marries.

"This is some bullshit."Brandon stands up and exits the door."She's just a c-"He continues to say while standing at the front door but she cut off by his mother.

"Don't annoy me wena Asanda."His mother says and points her finger at her.

"Sit down,Majola!"Karabo says and Brandon just scoffs.

"I am just stating facts."Brandon says and looks at Ngokuthula's dark skinned mother with a black short hair."How could you?You call yourself healer and prophet but you don't know what you just put your daughter into."He says and he exits the door.

"Sit down, Katlego."Karabo tells his younger sister and she does what she is told."Ntate Sithole,thank you for this beautiful flower,I know her and my son will do nothing but raise the family name higher... Makoti?"

"Papa."Ngokuthula answers feeling her heart beat faster and that response causes Katlego to smile. She senses that Ngokuthula will be a bride they wished they had long before Gomolemo was 10 years old and she knows she will look after him.

"It's time to go now,you may say your goodbyes."Ngokuthula looks at her family,she just gets up and bites her lip feeling tears wanting to start again.

"We can leave now if you don't mind."She whispers as she keeps her head down but steals glares at Homolemo's father. The man nods his head feeling as through the family has hurt Ngokuthula more than one can ever imagine.

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