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Knuckles walks while reading his one of the new books when he suddenly heard women sighing. He knew that could only mean one thing. "Here we go" he said to himself and looked up seeing his older brother strolling through the village. "Sir Manson" one of the women said fanning herself as the strong, dark red echidna with blue eyes and in the nicest clothed walks past her. Knuckles rolled his eyes and continued before he felt his brother wrap his arm around him stopping him. "You could've dress nicer ya know baby brother" Manson said and knuckles close his book and puts it back in his bag. "I don't wear my nice clothes into the town Manson" Knuckles said annoyed and brushed his brother's arm off of him. "Well you need to since father is returning home today" Manson said. "Which I am aware so I'm going home and changing after I get the rest of the chores done." Knuckles said and starts to walk away yet his brother stops him. "Well then ya better get to work then" Manson chuckled and Knuckles sighed knowing that means he's going to be doing Manson's chores too.
Knuckles returns home and walks over to the large maple tree with a stone grave at the bottom. "It's me again mother I brought you your favorite." He smiled and placed the flowers at the grave. He sat next to the grave and pulled out the book. "Look what Mrs. Avery gave me for my birthday. It's our favorite story..... oh how much you loved the amazing adventures that was in this book. The places he saw, monsters he defeated, the wife stretch of open waters, the difficult choices he had to make to return to his wife who was a very wise woman herself. (He's talking about the Odyssey). I don't care much for the sea but the lands I would like to explore. I just wish you didn't get ill before the week long trip father was going to take you on..... I'll never forget how excited you were to find us Christmas presents during that trip....." he looks down. "I promise I don't know how but I will find away to live out our dream." He said and kiss the top of the gravestone before getting up and walked back to the house to finish the chores.
Later on knuckles had changed into his nicer clothes and sat near the fireplace reading. Manson had returned home and was carrying in a few bags. "Knuckles father is home!" He hollered. Knuckles puts down the book and walks to the door. "Welcome home father" he smiled. "Knuckles my boy it's good to be home" the older red echidna with old blue eyes said before hugging him. "How was your trip?" Knuckles asked helping his tired father into the dining room. "It was good of course in two days I will be going back out for another two weeks" his father said as knuckles takes the ladle and scooped out some potato soup from the pot and into a bowl. "Which reminds me what would you like for me to bring you back as a birthday gift." His father asked as knuckles sets the bowl down. "A wife" Manson laughed walking in. "You know I'm not into women Manson" knuckles said shaking his head and makes a bowl for his brother as Manson sat down. "Besides you should be looking for spouse yourself Manson." I was already a year older than knuckles when i married your mother." Their father sad before taking a spoonful of soup in his mouth. Manson rolled his eyes and knuckles sets down his bowl. "Now then knuckles back to my question" his father said patting the sides of his mouth as knuckles made himself a bowl. "Well you know I don't expect much father and honestly what I really want you won't grant it" he said and sits down. "I'm sorry my son I know you want to venture outside of this village but I can't risk it." His father said as knuckles sips on the broth. "Now please what is a reasonable gift?" "A rock or crystal." Knuckles said and Manson starts laughing. "What kind of gift is that?!" He said laughing. "Something inexpensive and if I can't leave this village at least I'll have something that is physically not part of it." Knuckles snapped and it silenced his brother. "I lost my appetite may I be excused..." knuckles said. "Of course..." their father said and knuckles gets up leaving the half eaten bowl as he walks upstairs. "What is wrong with you?" Their father said to Manson angrily. "Father come on you got to admit it's a silly gift." Manson said and their father goes to say something else when the door knocks. He gets up and answers it seeing it was one of the letter men. "Oh Vector what brings you here so late?" "Mrs. Avery asked for you to come to the library immediately Lord Locke." He said. "Of course let me grab my coat" he said and vector leaves. Locke walks over to his chair and grabs his coat. "Manson I'll be right back and we will continue this discussion when I return." He said sternly. "Yes father" Manson said. Locke shakes his head and leaves the house.

"I wonder what she wants to talk to me about...."

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