Trip pt1

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Knuckles hugs Mrs. Avery as Locke gives Manson a list of things to do while they are gone. "Now if I find out you got someone else to do it I will increase the amount and make sure somebody watches you" Locke said after finding out knuckles has been doing all the chores. "Yes sir" Manson said. "Good we will be back in two weeks" Locke said and Manson glares at his brother as he mounted his horse. "You lucky bastard I was supposed to leave this place once I take over for father." He thought in jealousy. "Can I bring you back anything Mrs. Avery?" Knuckles asked. "Just stories of all you seen." She smiled and he nods. "Come on knuckles while we still have daylight" Locke said. Knuckles squeezed the sides of the horse and it starts moving. He turned and waved once more and she waved back before he smiled and got butterflies in his stomach. "This is it mother I'm finally going to fulfill my promise to you." He thought and smiled. Locke sees the happy but slightly nervous spark in his son and knows deep down his wife is smiling down on him.
After twenty minutes of riding Locke looks over at his son who looks back once more not seeing the village. "Knuckles are you all right?" He asked. "I just can't believe I'm doing this. The things I might see. New smells I might smell, things I haven't tried and there's just so much I'm looking forward to." He said. "Well then in two days you'll definitely get to see and smell the ocean" Locke said. "Really?!" Knuckles smiled. "Yes after this stop in the first village to receive shipment papers we will be heading to a port town where I will be getting a carriage to bring goods to the surrounding towns and back to our villages. Yet we will be staying for a day or two to get everything in order." Locke said. "Is that why your trips take so long?" Knuckles asked. "Yes though this is my shortest trip" he said. "What about the week long one you were going with mother on?" Knuckles asked. "To be honest I was going to take her to the port town and let her see the ocean because I had a special shipment coming in just for her. It was going to be her Christmas gift from me." Locke looks down. "What was the shipment?" "A new dress, a fresh collection of books that you have already read, and...... a new wedding ring for our wedding anniversary...." Locke teared up and knuckles stop his horse making Locke stop his. "I had no idea" he said. "It's alright Knuckles you were only 10 years old yet you were such a big help taking care of her. I couldn't imagine how much heartbreak you felt when she passed away." Locke said. "A lot father but it helped that you were there especially on Christmas that following week." Knuckles smiled. "You are strong like me then.... Yet I see her in you everyday and I'm proud of you" Locke smiled. Knuckles smiled as well and they continued the ride until another village is in view. "I'll race you" knuckles smirked and whip the reins making his horse run. Locke chuckles. "Just like his mother" he said and does the same. The horses hooves hitting the ground makes a slight thunder sound as the two raced. Yet Locke passed his son and beats him. "Guess your old man still has surprises" Locke chuckled and knuckles laughs. "I will admit I'm surprised father" he said and was amazed by the larger village. "Wow..." he said and gets off his horse. "Knuckles I'll be over here feel free to wonder for a bit." Locke said. "Ok" knuckles said and lock lead his horse with him. Knuckles looks at all the new booths and items he never seen at home. A male bat smiled at him and he sees a lovely simple silver bracelet he knows Mrs. Avery would love. "How much for the bracelet miss?" He asked. "Getting your girl a special gift?" The male bat asked. "No a woman who help raised me since my mother died" he replied. "Awww how sweet. It'll be 3 gold pieces" the bat said and he pays the bat. He wraps the bracelet in a small wooden box before giving it to knuckles along with a silver mirror. "Free of charge sir" he smiled. "Oh well thank you" knuckles said. "You're welcome sir" the bat smiled.
Knuckles walks up to his father who was already ready to go. "You ready my boy?" He asked. "Yeah and I got something for Mrs. Avery" knuckles said putting the items in the satchel. "Well then tell me what you got her" Locke asked as they mounted their horses. Knuckles tells his father yet meanwhile the mirror's glass starts to swirl.

In the mirror a dark wolf like figure appears with glowing red eyes.

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