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Sally walks up to an d abandoned manor smiling wickedly. Once she sent an anonymous letter to the enchanter informing about Manson she fled without a trace. She laughs wickedly knowing that she is getting closer to her goal and knows Manson is dead. "Such an easy greedy fool~" she said walking in. A large glass ball started glowing and as she approached her body changes. The brown fur turns into white, black leather wings grown out of her back, ear widen and grow, breast become larger, and blue eyes become more seductive looking. The white bat traces her nail on the crystal ball showing the two kings walking and smiling at each other. "When the winter blue moon rises in just a few months I will finally have you my sweet~"

She laughs wickedly and it echos throughout the night.

Want to know what happens next? Feel free to read the squeal to the story.

Red and the Beast Christmas

I hope you enjoy the rewrite!

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