Hes not so bad

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Morning breaks and wakes up the villagers to start their usual routine. Yet Locke stayed in bed heartbroken and full of worry. "Why just why does no one want to help me? Was knuckles that odd to the point that they don't care? Oh my dear boy if I'd known I would've not followed that light.... I can't imagine what that monster is doing to you....."

Shadow taps his wolf like nails on the table waiting for Knuckles to come through the door. He growls seeing how late it was getting and storms to Knuckles's room. Yet before he goes to bang on the door he thinks for a second and walks to his room. He enters the torn up room and approaches a large mirror that starts to glow. "Show me the echidna" he said and the mirror glows. The light and swirl turns into the image of Knuckles who was still asleep with tear stains on his cheeks. "Perhaps i should've had him join me for dinner tonight once he was adjusted.... Then again..... I wouldn't blame him if he didn't want to eat with me....." Shadow sighs and waves the image alway. "Amy?" He said. "Yes master?" "Please inform Blaze and Cream to make sure knuckles has something to eat when he wakes up" shadow said. "Yes master" she replied. Shadow sighs heading back to the dining room to eat alone once more.

The sun rose at the center of the sky just as the grandfather clock chimes noon. Knuckles eyes open up, hearing the clock ringing noon making him bolt up and get dressed. He was terrified of what Shadow would do if he was late. He ran to the dining room and found it empty making him more scared. "Good morning Knuckles" a female voice said. Knuckles turns and jumps back seeing a gold harp. "I bet you're hungry please have a seat" she said and hops into the kitchen. "Right talkings objects...." He said and sat down. Blaze comes out on a larger tea cart with delicious food on it. "Now then the master said to make sure you were fed once you woke up and hopes you will join him for dinner." Blaze said as knuckles takes the food from the cart. "Thank you" he smiled before she rolls away. "Ok... maybe she was right.... He's not so bad." He thought and eats the delicious food.
Knuckles walks down the hallway admiring the castle that wasn't as scary in the light. The artwork from artist he read about were more beautiful in person and he soon starts to see more servants wondering in different object forms. He smiles but wonders what happened to this place. Once he enters his room he sighs and unpacks his things. Knuckles pulls out the conch shell and admires it before putting it to his ear. The soft rushing sound makes him smile and goes back to that day on the beach. This relaxes him as he sets the shell down before reaching into his satchel. When he pulled out the box with the bracelet he tears up knowing he won't be able to tell Mrs. Avery everything about the trip. He sets the box down and wipes away his tears before pulling out his favorite book. As he flips through the pages he looks around the room not wanting to read in his room. "I wonder...." He said and walks over to the rope. When he pulls the rope down a beautiful grand bell rings throughout the castle. In minutes he receives a knock at the door and opens it. "You rang sir" he hears a male voice then looks down at the gold feather duster with Sonic. "Um yes do you both know a perfect spot to read?" Knuckles asked. "Oh the canopy bench in the rose garden would be perfect!" The duster said. "Silver is right follow us!" Sonic said and the two hopped along. "Wait what? But isn't there snow outside?" Knuckles said following them but they don't answer. "Hello?" Still nothing and they walked outside. "Wait why would I read outside in the snow?!" Knuckles said jogging up to catch up. "For objects they sure are fast but why are they tak—Whoa..." knuckles said surprised that the snow was completely gone and it was nice and warm. As he admired the stunning garden he brushed the tips of his fingers to the soft red pedals of the roses. "Here we are!" He looks up and saw a beautiful canopy bench surrounded by roses and had the right amount of shade and light. "Wow you're right it's perfect thank you" he smiled and sat down. Once he opens his book Sonic and silver noticed the title and they smile. "He likes the same book as the master we got to tell him" Sonic whispered and silver nods as they hopped away not knowing shadow was already in the garden. Shadow walks into one path then notice knuckles reading and takes a deep breath before approaching him. "Is everything to your liking so far?" He asked and knuckles looks up. "Yes thank you." Knuckles smiled at the wolflike hedgehog. "He's really not that scary in the light just a big fluffy dog like hedgehog" he thought. "I want to apologize again..... for my behavior last night and doing what I did to you and your father...." Shadow said looking down and flopped his ears. Knuckles sensed shadows apology is genuine and felt like he seen shadows eyes before. "I mean in away I can understand.... Two strangers showing up and entering your home. It's ok besides.... I never felt like part of my home anyways...." He looks down. Shadows ear flips up hearing this. "Why do you say that?" He asked. "Let's just say I'm not like everyone else at my home village. I don't wish to join their routine or everyday expectations.... I dream of places beyond that world. They don't hide the fact that I'm odd and an outcast." Knuckles said. "So you're.... Misunderstood?" "Yeah I am.... I only have three people who never treated me like that.... My father, Mrs. Avery, and a baker." Knuckles said. "I see" shadow nods then notices the title. "The Odyssey. Good book I enjoy all the adventure and the tragedy that Odysseus faces to return home to his wife. I probably read that book twenty times in all my spare time" Shadow said then saw the spark of interest in knuckles eyes. "This is my favorite book and I agree..... would you like to talk about?" He asked smiling and scooted over for shadow to sit next to him. Shadow smiled and sat down before the two began to talk about the book.

"He's really not a bad person...just misunderstood.... Like me"

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