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Locke knocked on the door next to the library and soon hears the lock being turn and the knob being jiggled. The door opens and he is greeted with a warm smile. Thank you for coming so quickly Locke." She smiled and lets him in. "Is everything alright?" He asked following her after she closed the door and walks past him. "Well it's about knuckles Locke" she said. "Is he ok?" He asked. "Oh yes definitely." She said as she walks up to a whistling kettle over a small flame. "Well then what is it then if he's ok?" Locke asked. "So he's turning twenty one in two weeks correct?" She asked putting tea leaves in the kettle. "Well yes he is why do you ask?" Locke said and she pours the brew tea into a smaller teapot. "Well I mean it is a big birthday meaning he deserves a very special gift." She said setting down saucers with teacups on them. "What are you implying Cassie?" Locke said as she pours them tea. "Let him go with you on your trip" she said. "Out of the question" Locke said. "Lord Locke Echidna!" Mrs. Avery slams down the teapot. "I'm sorry Cassie but after Laura's death I can't risk something happening." Locke said. "And that is your fear. That boy has always ask very little or nothing of you for years." She snapped and sat down. "He has her heart, her eyes, her spirit and share the same dream. You know I know this because since she died me and my late husband spent nights watching those boys while you traveled and they became like sons to us as well. During that time I have seen him spend hours at her grave reading their favorite book and talk about the world beyond the village. The two things that kept her memory alive. I have even heard him promise that he will live out their dream somehow." She said and Locke looks down and remembering what knuckles said. "If I can't leave this village at least I'll have something that is physically not part of it" "Locke, I understand but for once let him travel outside this village. Let him see the world he reads about a world that Laura read to him about. Let him live her dream through him." She said and Locke sighs before sipping his tea.

In the morning Locke sets down the teacup and hears someone walking down the steps. "Oh good morning father I'm surprised to you see you up early." Knuckles said taken back seeing his father up before him. "Knuckles I'm glad you're up sit down please." Locke said. "Umm ok but I really need to start breakfast..."Knuckles said. "Your brother will handle that I need to speak with you now." Locke said sternly. "Yes sir...." he said and sat down. "Now... it's come to my attention that.... You have done nothing but put this family first since your mother's death..... and you ask very little to nothing of me. How you are grown man now..... so I won't be able to give you the rocks or crystals you have ask for in fact I won't be getting them for you." Locke said and Knuckles felt hurt and disappointed. "But why father? What I asked is not even much mo—" "It's because I want you to get them on your own." Locke looks up smiling and sees his son's eyes widen. "Are you.... Are you saying what I think you're saying?" Knuckles said. "Go pack your bags you coming with me on my trip for your birthday" Locke said and knuckles suddenly wrapped his arms around his father. "Thank you father!" He said and Locke smiled patting his back. Knuckles quickly let's go and runs upstairs to start packing. "His eyes.... I saw it you Laura when i told you about coming along with me. Cassie was right..... and now our boy will live out your dream my love."
"Is knuckles making breakfast?" Locke looked at Manson. "Actually boy" Locke gets up. "You will be making your own and your brother will be joining me on my trip" Locke smiled and pat his should before walking away.


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