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Knuckles, Mrs. Avery and his father sighed knowing that knuckles was going to leave soon and they haven't found anything to reverse the curse. "We will continue to look here Knuckles" Locke said and knuckles nods. "Thanks and I'll continue at the castle" knuckles said before getting up and heads to his old room to pack. Locke walks Mrs.Avery home and Manson smiled before walking into the kitchen. He took an onion and cuts it before putting to his eyes to produce tears. "Show time" he smiled and walks to his brother's room. Knuckles sighs as he puts his shell in the bag when he heard sniffling. He turns to see his brother crying unaware of his trick. "Knuckles please don't go back yet! You can't go back to that beast!" Manson pleaded. "Since you been gone I realize how bad of a brother I was to you and if you go back I won't be able to make it up to you. Please don't go!" Manson acting convinced knuckles to stay which shocked his father. Shadow sighs but didn't mind seeing how knuckles looked guilty when he accepted to stay.
The following week Manson continues to trick knuckles into staying another night. Even went as far as "help" try to find a way to reverse the curse. Tails sees this when shadow checks on knuckles knowing something wasn't right. Tails decides to spy on Manson and sees the trick. He writes an urgent letter to knuckles warning him to not fall for Manson trick. He gives it to sally to give to the letter bird but she tosses it in the fire. The thing is sally was never a servant at the time the curse started. Yet was cursed herself by the enchanter whom she tricked for money and Manson was her lover. She sent him many letters and told him about shadow and he would send back talking about his brother whom they both hated. Sally's curse was time limited and will return to normal soon. So she was a spy to learn where all the money and jewels were located in the castle. She informed Manson and they couldn't wait for the curse to be lifted. Then she and Manson will kill shadow and take his money. Yet after learning what pure heart means and with Knuckles's arrival she knew he was the one to break shadow curse. So sally tried to do her part to make shadow angry at knuckles. Yet shadow's heart became warmer and kinder to where he made another choice that will change their plans.
Knuckles lays in bed and starts missing shadow badly. His heart was aching to see him, a feeling he's never felt before. His father was asleep yet he heard his brother moving around. Once he heard the door shut he looked out the window and saw his brother walking into the night. Manson approached the green hedgehog and purple chameleon in a dark alley behind the pub. "What do you want Manson?" The green hedgehog growled. "I want to make a deal with you both and you'll both get a cut in gold" Manson smiled. "I want you to get rid of my brother while me and sally get rid of the beast." Manson said. "My original plan was to cry false tears to keep my brother hear and hope the beast would eat him until he sent this letter telling him he is free to visit the castle anytime. So I want you two to join me and follow my brother to the castle there you two can kill him or do whatever you want. Me and sally will handle the beast. And we will give you a huge cut in the gold the beasts has." He smiled wickedly and saw the evil smirk on the two faces. "Why not you got a deal" the chameleon said. "Perfect now let's go have a drink" Manson clapped sand they walk in the pub unaware knuckles heard everything. Knuckles heart was broken by the betrayal and ran back to the house to warn his father of his brother's plan. Locke was furious and Knuckles told his father he has to return to shadow before Manson gets back. Locke nods and knuckles left on his horse. The idea of shadow being gone made knuckles heart ache and that's when he figured out.... That he had truly fallen in love with shadow. This made him whip his horse to go faster to get back to him yet the horse gets startled right at the barrier. Knuckles was flung off his horse and soon heard a terrifying growl. His horse runs off in fear, leaving him alone.

When he looked up he was cornered by a pack of hungry wolves.

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