You're.... The Prince

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A month passed and summer was about to begin. Shadow started to notice knuckles was to himself more and hid in the library he'd gifted to knuckles on his birthday. Tails and the other servants start to worry since knuckles has spent a lot of time with shadow except with dinner and some evenings. What they don't know is that knuckles was trying to find clues about this curse tails mention and wonders if he could find away to reverse it and set them all free. But he came up with nothing so far and he rubs his tired eyes. He walks up the stairs to the second floor of books and notice a large red cover. Since it was the first book he saw he walks over to it and lifts the large cover and scroll through the pages. His finger stops once he sees the royal family name and reads through the kings life. The more he read the more he saw how cruel he was to others and his own son the missing king continued that. As he came to the end he noticed the last sentence was torn. "Prince S..... could it be...." His thoughts were interrupted by a crash outside the door. Knuckles closed the book and runs out to see Blaze with laundry cart on the floor and the tea cart was flipped. "I'm so sorry Blaze!" The laundry cart said. "It's ok Sally" Blaze replied. "Let me help you both" Knuckles said. "Oh thank you Knuckles" sally and Blaze said. Once everything was cleaned up Blaze rolled away and knuckles turns to head back to the library. "Oh knuckles could you help me hang these?" Sally asked. "Oh sure" "thank you please follow me." She said and starts rolling knuckles follows her not knowing he was walking into the north wing of the castle as he looked at the paintings he noticed one that had two faces ripped leaving a stunning red female hedgehog standing. It was the missing queen. Knuckles turned to ask but saw she was farther down the hall. He jogged up to catch up with her but lost her and sighs then noticed a door was cracked. He walks over to the door and opens it more. The room was dark and torn apart with dead flowers in the corner of the missing queen's picture. He then walks over to a large painting and lifts the fabric showing the prince's eyes. His eyes widen recognizing the eyes and get a flash back to the little boy from the festival fifteen years ago. "The boy.... Has the same eyes as the prince.... And the same eyes as Shad—" "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN HERE?!?!" Shadow yelled and sally smirked before rolling away. "I was going to help sally but I lost her and stumbled in here! I'm sorry!" Knuckles yelled back frightened. "I TOLD YOU THE NORTH WING WAS FORBIDDEN!!!!" "I DIDNT KNOW!" Knuckles said backing up seeing anger form in shadows eyes. Shadow sees how scared knuckles was getting and he sighed calming down. Knuckles watched the anger fade in his eyes making him slowly relax. "Shadow..... are you that little boy I met at the festival?" Knuckles asked. Shadow tears up and nods before sitting down on the bed. "Why didn't you tell me that you're...... the prince...." He asked walking up and sitting down next to him. "I didn't get the chance and besides.... I didn't want to be treated as a prince only as a simple boy..... your kindness before even knowing who I was or my name showed me that there is some good out there. Unfortunately your kindness was all I experienced before....." shadow sighed and spoke of his father's abuse and being locked away for sneaking out. "My father was cruel and one day... 10 years ago today...... an enchanter cloaked as an old man was angered by my father's hatred and in one flash my father was dead.... My mother was blinded as for me.... He took pity and turned me into this and my servants into objects...... he said this curse will stand forever only to be broken by one with a pure heart...." Shadow said. "Pure heart? What does that mean?" Knuckles asked and shadow shrugged. "I don't know but after my mother died a year later I have grown.... Anger bitter and.... Lost hope. The only thing that made me smile when I was getting into a really dark place was that day we met as children..... how your kind smile pulled me out of it without even noticing..... and you being here.... despite how it happened has melted so much of that dark and negative energy away..... so even if this curse is never to be broken.... It would make me happy if you want to still be friends...." Shadow said. "Of course I do shadow and honestly that's why I been so distant I was secretly trying to figure out about the curse and how to break it. I want to help you shadow" knuckles smiled. "Thank you so much my friend" shadow said. "Drat!!!" Sally thought.
Two month passes by and shadow and knuckles had grown closer since that night. Shadow started to develop deep feelings for knuckles and knuckles was unknowingly falling for shadow. As the sun started to set on another beautiful summer day shadow noticed knuckles was feeling homesick when he saw him looking at a small box with a bracelet for a friend of his. He looks down and made a choice he hopes will show knuckles how much he trusts him.

Locke sat at the table once more staring into the empty bottle thinking of his son. He begged the villagers once more and once more they declined. Mrs. Avery wanted to help but she wasn't strong enough to face the beast. Big unfortunately was injured and was no help as well. Manson walks in seeing his father sulking and rolled his eyes. "Honestly father knuckles is gone that beast probably ate him by now" He thought then jumps when the door opens. Locke and Manson run to the door and are shocked to see who was entering their home.


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