Chapter 5

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I stood in the middle of the hallway, dumbfounded by him. What was I feeling towards this guy? He sure as Hell was confusing… did he like me, but yet still had a girlfriend? One thing I knew for sure; guys made no sense.

"Hey Marie!" I heard the voice behind me, and it snapped be back into reality. "You heading down there now?"

"Yeah." I replied as Spark led the way, and she wore the same thing, which was a little disappointing. A girl like her needs to dress up.

"So what are you going to do down there?" She asked, and I thought it was a dumb question at first, but then it hit me… I didn't know.

"I don't know, dance?" I asked myself more than her, all because I was still a complete stranger to almost everybody else.

"You planning to meet somebody there…?" She asked me suspiciously with a hint of evil, and I took a step away from her, but kept walking.

"Um… no?" I asked, feeling like there was something going on I didn't know about. "Why?"

"Oh… no reason." She whispered, backing off from the conversation. "You just seemed like you changed your style for a reason."

"It's a party." I stated, but felt myself smile, and my party-animal instinct was seeping back into me, and suddenly I couldn't wait. "It's a party…"

We eventually made it to the room, which was the same room that the Christmas party was in, minus the sparkling chandelier that used to be hanging from the middle of the ceiling. I recognized the party was for the angel’s in the district, which is probably the first nice thing God has done for all of the angels here, or at least I’ve seen since I’ve been here.

"Hey, I'm going to get something to drink." Spark stated, having to launch her voice because of the pounding music.

"Okay." I called back, and by that point, she was gone.

 I walked around awkwardly for a while, feeling alone with all the other angels who were chatting and laughing with their friends. I haven’t seen Spark since she left for a drink, but the room wasn't that big; she was around here somewhere.

So when the slow music started playing and the couples made their way out to the dance floor, and I still couldn't find Spark, I picked a spot on the wall and leaned against it, planning to stay there.

“Care for a dance?” I heard a voice next to me ask, and as I turned my head, I saw the hand that was cupped properly and waiting for my hand. I glanced up and saw a guy with dark, dark hair, but it contrasted with his bright, blue eyes. He wasn’t that much taller than me, but enough to where I had to tilt my hair back, and noticed that his feathery wings weren’t the pure shade of white that mostly everyone else seemed to have; his were an odd, darkish shade of grey. “I mean, you just seem so alone over here by yourself.”

I would’ve said no, but I was bored. “Eh, sure, what the Hell.” I smirked, taking his hand as he led me out to the middle, where he placed a hand on my waist and I placed one of mine on his shoulder. Obviously we both had a different style of dance, because we kept stepping on each other’s feet and tripping over each other, but I still managed to have fun, even if I couldn’t find any of my other friends. This stranger will do.

“You new here?” He asked me, gripping my waist tighter as we shuffled past another couple who was more free with their dancing.

“I’ve been here about a month.” I replied as he took my wrist and I twirled in a circle, and he held my waist again, stopping my spinning.

“Amateur.” He laughed, grabbing both sides of my waist as he lifted me up, spinning me, and then placing me back down. “I’ve been here for two years.”

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