Chapter 9

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I've learned that even in Heaven, life is Hell. It's hard to explain, especially because of where I was, but everyone up here who wasn't a slave was happy. And everyone who was a true angel and a slave was happier than me. Nobody knew what I was going through, but then again, I'm probably the only devil who would ever do that for her family.

But then again, this was my family we were talking about.

So as I sat on my small, uncomfortable bed with my head in my knees. I wasn't exactly expecting sympathy, or a knock on the door two minutes later.

"Come in." I called weakly as Jake stuck his head through, looking over the room.

"Are you all alone?" He smirked, and I nodded slightly. "Well then, I shall accompany you."

"With what?" I whimpered, falling backwards. "Did you see what just happened?"

"What, the devils crashing?" He answered, flipping his hair as he sat down next to me. "I don't know why it bugs you so much, they crash every year."

"I don't know, it just… does." I replied, but I had to keep secrets, even though it sucked. "It just makes me sad. I mean, with the devils and how they have an evil reputation… "

"I wouldn't be worried about a bunch of harmless devils, they can't harm us." He smiled, taking my hand in his gently.

"Do you think they're that evil?" I asked, raising my head to look at him in the eyes.

He rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Well, by their name, they aren't exactly good."

I sighed, letting my head fall back down. "You can't know a person until you've spent time with them, even if it is a whole race of beings."

"Yeah, but I mean, they're devils." He countered, laughing a little. "Not be stereotypical, but aren't they all bad?"

"Do you think if I was a devil, I would be bad?" I shot back, jerking up. "Devils are only angels with horns and a tail."

"No, they're not." He stated, stopping me from speaking. "No devil has ever stayed here in Heaven, and even if I ever met one, I'd hate it. Guaranteed."

I felt tears prickle to my eyes at his words. Not knowing is one of those things that make it just that much harder to explain. "You still never know." I concluded, taking my hand back from his. "I think tomorrow we're working separately."

He smirked, standing up from where he was sitting. "You never know." He told me, reusing my words. I glared at him as he left, shutting the door quietly behind him. Well, he accompanied me for so long.

"Ugh, guys." I muttered, falling into my pillow. Did all guys act like this? No… they don't. Not all. Not… Aaron.

I shrieked and jumped back once someone else burst through the door, and I covered my face with my arms. "Or, relax." He stated, and I huffed angrily as I sat up, slamming my arms down on the bed.

"Really, Nathan?" I asked as he sat down next to me. "What do you want?"

"Well, I've been hearing rumors about you, Marie." He stated, and my body froze, but I managed to look up at him. "And these rumors are, let's say, not good."

"Well, that's why they're called rumors." I countered, but he simply looked amused as he shook his head.

"Don't play stupid with me, I know you're one of them." He whispered, his gaze never leaving my eyes. "You're stuck up here like me."

"I'm not one of them." I snapped, turning away and breaking the trance. "I'm not a devil, I wouldn't be here if I was."

"I didn't say what you were one of." He laughed, and I was about to make a snappy comeback, but I gave up on that idea. "You really are one of them."

"Would you stop it!?" I shrieked, getting up from the bed and slamming the door shut. "Okay, so know what? Fine. I'm a devil, so? Why does it matter?"

"Hey, calm down, I didn't mean it badly." He soothed, taking me in his arms, which was strangely comforting. "I mean, I can't really say much cause I am too."

I took in his words for a moment, processing them. He was… wait, what!?

"What!?" I shrieked, jerking back from him. "But what? Why? Why are you up here?"

He covered my mouth with his hand. "Because my sister is up here and I'm getting her back." He whispered.

I jerked away from him. "What? Who's your sister?"

"That's just it- I don't know. I know she's up here, she was such a sweet girl, even though she was older than me… but I can't seem to find her."

I don't know why I found his story so interesting, but I did. "What's her name?"

He smirked at my reaction. "Why do you want to know so bad?"

"I don't know, maybe I could help?" I asked, even if I didn't know how I was. "I mean, I know the importance of family and all…"

"Yeah…" He agreed, but got back on subject. "Well, her name's Lacey. Died a few years ago, and then I died a year later, but I was stuck in Hell. I snuck up, and begged God to help me find her. He said if I did this 'job' thing, I could see her, and get her back."

"But that's the thing about the 'job' thing." I countered, landing hard on the bed. "You never know how long you're gonna work."

"But why did you get changed into a purebred?" He asked, and the question threw me off. "Like, why not me?"

"Because I'm trying to hide who I am." I stated, looking at his dark wings. "But I will, um, keep a look out for Lacey. What does she look like?"

"Brown hair, brown eyes, I think she's seventeen or eighteen now, very nice, very funny, the best sister anyone could ever have..." He thought out loud, and I picked up the important information.  "But you get the point."

"Yeah, I get it." I assured him as he began to leave. "Hey, wait."

"What?" He asked, sounding annoyed.

"The rumors… everything you said… who's been saying them?" I pleaded, desperately needing the answer. If someone knows I'm a devil, then I'm blown. I'm stuck here forever.

He scoffed, approaching me again, taking my hands in his. "Look, I'm sorry I brought it up, don't worry about it. It's like you said, just rumors."

"How do you know about me, Nathan?" I pleaded, stepping closer to where my chest was up against his.

He leaned into my ear, his voice whispery. "Because I dated your sister."

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