Chapter 4

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My thoughts kept me up most of the night, so I was upset, but not shocked, the next morning when I was super tired and really did not want to do anything. Not only that, but I seemed to have mild heartache, probably from yesterday's very short reunion. My new plan was to get out of here as soon as possible, and my family wasn't my first priority anymore. But seeing Aaron also made me realize I did want to see Daddy and my sisters much more than I thought… but I was an angel now, they'd be so disappointed in me. But they were still my family.

I headed down to be assigned my task, keeping my plan in my head. Just get to the front and go down in the crossing-threshold world area elevator… I'm pretty sure it had a specific name, but that's what I called it. Just get to Hell from the elevator, just to see my family again…

I kept my head down as I walked, watching the floor and deep in thought. It was getting so real as I took each step, and I was thinking so much I felt myself bump into somebody else.

"Sorry." I muttered and kept going.

"Hey, would you watch it?" I heard the voice whine, and I jerked my head up as I felt myself clench my teeth, facing her. She wasn't anywhere close to her boyfriend, so she was being a real bitch to me. "Seriously, some respect."

""I do not need to put up with your crap." I stated seriously, snapping my hand in front of myself and swinging my arm to the side. "It was an accident, I said sorry, move on with your afterlife."

"I don't need your damn attitude." Brenna snapped, cocking one hip to the side and placing a hand on it. "I think you should seriously take a chill pill."

"I need you to not make such a big damn deal out of things. Don't you have other things to get to?" I shot at her, and turned around before she could answer, using the white, feathery wings to get me out of there faster.

I got down there and I was assigned look-out, which was probably one of the easiest jobs ever. Spark was paired with me, so it wasn't too bad. But since this wasn't one of the jobs where you do it and your done, I was stuck here the whole time. Every five seconds, I'd be caught eyeing the gate on the other side of the clouded surface, where I had to cut through so much other crap to get to it, but that was also where the elevator stood, and that's where I had to get to.

"Hey, you okay?" I heard Spark's voice, which jolted me back into reality. "You've been spacing out all morning."

"What?" I asked, jerking my head towards her, but easing it back. "Oh, um… sorry."

"What's going on?" She pestered, inching towards me slowly, then standing right next to me and invading my personal space. "It's not with that other angel, is it?"

"Um… no?" I answered, thrown back by the question. She wouldn't know that unless being struck by lightning gave her amazing powers I didn't have.

"Oh… well alright then." She replied, dropping the subject and scooting back to her spot that was six feet away. Sometimes, I swear, she can be so weird…


Eventually, the standing around and doing nothing but talk to Spark ended, which meant I had to retire to my room until dinner… which I wasn't going to follow.

I was so close to where I was headed until I ran into Jake and an angel who was too pretty for her heart and who I really didn't want to talk to.

"Oh, hey Marie." Brenna greeted, stopping me in the hall, latching onto her boyfriend. "You done for today?"

"Yeah, I was just… heading out." I told her, shifting from one foot to the other, eyeing Jake like he was candy. Ugh, I really needed to get over him.

"Ah, okay. Jake and I have plans once he's finished, but I'll see you later, okay?" She asked, her fake, innocent smile molding her face.

"Sure." I smiled, hoping she didn't catch my sarcasm, because I knew my best friend would have.

"See you tomorrow, Marie." Jake smiled, and I felt myself blushing as I headed away from them. I walked slowly until they were gone, and then I was down the hallway, finding the room I was searching for. I ended up exiting the building where the front gate was and where the elevator stood.

Right where the entrance to Heaven was.

I shouldn't have been doing this, sneaking out, but it's what had to be done. I know Daddy didn't have the same power God had, but he could get me out of this, and maybe turn me back into what I was… a devil. I was going to miss my new friends I have gained here, but what could I do? I did promise my life here, but what's life if it sucks?

I approached the elevator that could reach Earth and Hell slowly, realizing that I was going to get into so much trouble if I was brought back. Although, how could he blame me? He knew I was a devil. He knew this day would come, I was just unaware of how soon, and how little I've actually contributed here.

Hell, my home, here I come…

I guess I was thinking about it way too much, because I think in the next second, I was eternally screwed. I felt myself be taken away and suddenly in a different room, on the floor, gasping for air, with the man himself standing in front of me. I swore as I realized… I'd been caught.

"Trying to sneak off, away from where you belong now?" He half-asked, half-laughed. "Why were you trying to do that?"

"I sure as Hell don't belong here, you know that." I growled, jerking my head up and glaring at him. "I don't even know why you try anymore."

"Jeez, I try to be nice, I let you visit Earth to see your human boyfriend, and this is how you act? I don't think I should be allowed to give you privileges like that anymore." He stated, and my eyes started to burn, but I held everything back. "You said it yourself… you're mine now."

"Why would you even want someone as black-hearted as me?" I whimpered, finding the energy to stand up. "Why would you even care about someone, something like me?"

"Because you're not at black-hearted as you think you are." He replied, placing his huge hands on my shoulders. "I really don't want to catch you sneaking out again, Marie. You're going to be here long enough as it is."

"I thought Heaven was going to be so much different." I stated before jerking away from him. "I want my family, I want my old life back!" I screamed before turning around to leave, running towards the exit so I could get to my room and stay there.

"Wait, hold on." He called, and then I was in front of him again in an instant, catching myself before I fell. "There's going to be a party later, all the angels here are attending. Go, have fun, I know how much you like to party." He informed, laughing as he did. "Although, I don't think there's going to be any chandeliers…"

"Oh thanks…" I muttered, and just like that, I was instantly away from him and into my own room. It was really annoying how he could do that… "A party…?" I questioned, looking myself over in the mirror. I only had multiple white sashes to wear, nothing for a party. What was I supposed to wear? I couldn't compete with Brenna… she was a pure angel, after all…

I managed to smooth out the skirt to a more feminine style, hooking around the back and making it form a more diagonal line in front of my legs, and I folded the sleeves to half an inch, making it look more like a party dress. I ran my hand through my hair, because for whatever reason, we weren't allowed to have brushes. I thought I at least looked… presentable enough.

I was one of the last to exit the rooms, and was heading down to where the party was being held, but I still kept running into people.

"Hey, good to see you're going." Jake smiled as he approached me, and he was wearing something different, although I didn't know why. A long, slimming shirt with actual pants, because for whatever reason, those aren't anywhere in Heaven. "I'm gonna go meet Brenna, but save me a dance, will ya?"

I was stunned by his words, only because he had his own girl he should've been dancing with. "Oh, um… sure, I guess." I replied, and he nodded in understanding as he headed down the hall to where Brenna's room was.

Save a dance for him… what did that mean?

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