The Casmen Canopy Orphanage, nestled within the heart of the kingdom, became an unlikely battleground for Isa and Edris. The royal pair were forced to help handing out toys, food and clothes -which were donated at the gala- to the orphans.
"I hate charity" Isa could hear Edris grumble to himself.
"Well you better learn to get used to it, you would not make an adequate king if you cannot even be bothered to help those less fortunate"
"And why do I need to help them, they could get it themselves."
Isa rolled her eyes and decided it would be best if she ignored him for the next two hours. Her heart softened seeing the lively swarm of jubilant kids giggling and bounding around with infectious enthusiasm, who were all hypnotised by Isa's beauty. Every smile and warm hug reminded her of her younger sisters- especially Stella and Bella- and she felt the urge to be a mother to them, and give them much more than she needed. She was more than willing to put her disgust for Edris to one side in order to please the children.
"Hello there, sweetheart. What's your name?" Isa beamed at one of the little girls who was laughing with the other children.
"I'm Lily-Jade '' The child quipped, fiddling with her hands.
"Well, Miss Lily-Jade, let's find you something warm to wear." Isa spoke softly, picking out a neatly folded pink striped jumper from the box of donated clothing.
As another group of excited children gathered around Edris, his nose wrinkled in contempt. Unlike Isa, Edris thought the whole ordeal was one huge chore. He came from a world where he never had to bend over backwards for anyone, or give anything to someone who needed it more. To him, every giggle sounded like nails on a chalkboard, and the bounding around seemed like rats scurrying about.
"Ugh, filthy little urchins! Go away." Edris shooed the children away as they tried to give him a hug.
"Edris, that's enough! These children deserve respect." Isa scolded.
"Respect? They're dirty. I don't want their grime on me."
"We're here to set an example, not to perpetuate arrogance. Now, help or leave."
"I don't take orders from someone like you, after all, you're just a pretty face with captivating green eyes." Edris retorted with a smirk.
"Don't smile at me like that. You are intolerable. So incredibly childish!" Isa complained, throwing a toy at the spoiled prince.
Leaning against a wall, Edris watched lazily and started humming loudly to himself as Isa did most of the work.
"This is not a vacation, Edris! Get to work!" Isa continued to yell.
Edris pretended to ignore the request, and instead chuckled, "Why work when I can watch you do it so gracefully, princess?"
"You are unbearable. I feel so sorry for your sisters."
"And you're a whiny brat!"
With disdain, Edris moved towards Isa and decided to inspect her crouched down, folding the remaining clothes that hadn't been given yet. Even though he had done nothing but complain, he still felt the need to annoy Isa further.
"I think you're doing that wrong."
"I think I'm going to smash your face in."
Edris scoffed. "As if you could reach me"
"You know what-" Isa stood up, took off one of her heels, and was about to hit him with it. The argument escalated until they noticed a group of upset children and staff nearby, their wide-eyed expressions reflecting the palpable tension in the air.
8 Sisters of KodaCait: The Original
Ficção Adolescente"For the first time in the seven years since she first arrived, she began to think the Orphanage was a better place for her. She just hated herself, hated her life, hated everything. " King Augustine and Queen Pandora make a life changing decision t...