Chapter [15]

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I woke up in a hospital bed. Needles attached to my arms. A plain white room with an empty chair next to me. I hated this place. I had fainted again today morning when I was trying to cook pancakes for breakfast. Thank god Justin wasn't home.

The doctors gave me this special botton. Whenever I pressed it indicated that I was in danger or that I need help. I pressed it the minute the room started getting blurry. Momentarly the ambulance picked me up and everything from there was a blur.

"Mrs. Bieber, the doctor would like to speak to you." The nurse informed me as Doctor Osborn walked into the room.

"Destiny, honey please tell me why you have stopped taking you medication."

I hesitated " I- I don't like the taste" I lied

"You can't lie to your own doctor, and if your going to lie to my face at least make if sound a little more realistic." He looked at my sympathetically.

"I don't want to get better." I said barely above a whisper.

"Pardon me." He replied but I know he heard me.

"People fight Cancer because they have something to fight for. A loved one or family. I have no one. I have no reason to fight cancer. Theres no point of fighting it." I hiccuped holding in the tears.

"Your a married women. With a mother in law who has two children. You have a family who loves you."

"I'm nothing but a burdon on them. I've already caused them so much pain and stress. I don't want to cause them more."

"Honey, don't ever talk like that. You need to take your medicine. You need to get better for yourself. I bet your husband loves you and if he found out that you weren't taking your medication he would be very upset."

"If only you were right."

"If you don't take your medication were going to have to inform your family members."

"Please don't. I'll take my medication." I begged.

"I don't understand why you don't want any of them to know you have cancer. They could be great support. Also in case of emergency we need to contact family. They will eventually find out."

"I'll tell them. I'm just waiting for the right time."

"The right time? Honey you only have two weeks left. You better find the right time before you run out of time."

<> <> <>

It was chilly November night. The wind was blowing my hair on my face. The sun had set, I was walking alone, a quite road it was so silent the only voices I could hear were my own footstep. After a long dreadful day of blood test, the hospital finally dismissed me. My cancer was getting worse everyday. They told me I had less then two weeks left, I was a living time bomb waiting to explode. In a matter of days I would be gone, vanished, erased from the surface of the earth. But at the moment my cancer was the least of my worries.

Recognizing the street, I made a turn, making my way to my street; Heaven Lane. Every step I took, the more I felt worried and terrified. I knew Justin would be angry. He hated when I was home late, and I hated getting him angry. The week after his break up with Tiffiny he started to start random fights with me about everything. He was looking for reasons to get a chance to scream at me, reasons to make me feel upset. When he was mad he would always yell and say hurtful things to me. His personality had completely changed he had become a monster.

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