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Author Notes: New book, I have a lot planned out and this book will be 100 times better then catching feelings.

The main male character is Justin Bieber and the female character is Destiny she will be playing Barbara Palvin the famous model. I might change it up tho. ( I found this perfect trailer on YouTube that goes with my book you guys should watch it the link is above )

Justin Is not famous in this story I just wanted to clear that if any of you get confused. If you don't like Justin Bieber it's okay just change the male character to whoever you prefer but give this book a try before saying no just because of Justin.

Copyright © 2014 by Dreamxread

All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof

may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.


It was chilly September night. The wind was blowing my hair on my face. The sun had set, I was walking alone, a quite road it was so silent the only voices I could hear were my own footstep. After a long dreadful day of blood test, the hospital finally dismissed me. My cancer was getting worse everyday. They told me I had two mouths left, I was a living time bomb waiting to explode. In a matter of days I would be gone, vanished, erased from the surface of the earth. But at the moment my cancer was the least of my worries.

Recognizing the street, I made a turn, making my way to my street; Heaven Lane. Ever step I took, the more I felt worried and terrified. I knew Justin would be angry. He hated when I was home late, and I hated getting him angry, when he was mad he would always yell and say hurtful things to me.

I shivered as I quietly unlocked the door, tiptoeing inside trying to make no sound. My vans made a shrinking noise as they made contact with the hardwood floor.

"You think your slick, coming home this late and thinking no one will find out"

I breath hitched. My legs felt like jello, I was trembling in fear.I couldn't tell him I was at the hospital. I couldn't tell him I had cancer. I wouldn't be more of a burden on him then I already was.

"Justin- I was- no I-" I stuttered not knowing what to say. He completely ignored what I had to say and interrupted me with a shout.

"Shut up. Your acting like I care were you were." He venomously spat. I looked down ashamed, my body still trembling in fear. I looked at the floor with shame. Of course he didn't care where I was, he never cared for me.

"So where were you?"He asked again this time amused.Before I could even answer he interrupted again. "Wait let me guess? you were probably out, paying guys to have sex with you, cause nobody wants you." He laughed bitterly My eye started watering. I knew he hated me but I never knew he hated me this much. His words stung, he always knew how to make me upset, he knew my weaknesses.

"No- I swear- it's nothing like that." I said chocking on my tears.

"Save those tears for someone who cares. How much did you sell yourself for 20 dollars" he laughed again this time twice as hard. More tears came running down my cheeks.

"No!" I screamed getting frustrated. Retreating my sudden outburst I looked down at my feet scared to face him.

"Listen here because I'm not repeating myself" he spat gripping me arms with his tight grip, his grip was so tight it surely was going to leave a mark.

My heart started beating faster. My legs were trembling in fear. I slowly nodded. Still afraid to face him.

"-Your living under my roof, which means you follow by my rules. I might be married to you but I will never love you. Do you understand! Don't you ever dare speak to me like that again. Your only here because my mom forced me to get married to you. She pitied your mom, only if your mom hadn't passed away I wouldn't have been stuck with you."

"Please, I'm sorry" I cried. I was desperate, he was all I had left.

"In two months when this contract is over I want you out of my house, far away. I don't want to whatsoever see your face after this contract is over, Do you understand!"

"I will have no where to go, please, Justin your all I have, I love you, please." I begged

"your pathetic" he spat

Without him I was nothing. I knew he did not want to marry me, I knew this marriage was all a force upon him.

But I did love him, he helped me when I had no one. He was the only person I had left.

I saw him shrug his shoulders like none of my tears effected him in any way. He turned his back to me and walked up the stairs to his room, slamming his door shut.

I stood there crying, thinking maybe he would come back and say sorry.

What a fool I was.

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Authors note: This is just the prologue so if any of you guys are confused just hold on chapter one will be updated soon.

Hope you guys will enjoy this book, the more comments and votes the faster ill update

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