One Life [6]

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"This is part of the act, If it wasn't for my mom id never even look at you."


Days had passed by, minutes, hours, all ticking away, life was dull the most interesting it got was when I reached an important chapter in a book I read or reread and reread. I'd barley get out of the house or even my room, even if I did I really had nothing to do, or no one to talk too.

Lisa and I had gotten distant, we are still friends but she would always spend time with her boyfriend Tony. Which I didn't mind at all, it was her life, her choices, and who was I to tell her. She was smart to choose her boyfriend Tony over me, after all he was her boyfriend, he loved her and she also loved him, and there was me a loner getting in their way.

After years of being all alone I've learned that it's okay, it's okay to have no one, not everyone is blessed to have everything, I had a roof that protected me, food and a bed to sleep in, I was more then blessed from God. I've always wanted to have someone there to be with me, to help me, encourage me. I've never seen my dad and my mom also died, I had no relatives that kept contact with me, I was all alone. I just needed someone who I could talk to, to cuddle with every night, someone that could tell me everything will be alright, when it came to hardships hold my hand. Maybe this was too much to ask for, maybe I did something wrong and I deserved this, maybe this was a punishment from God. Some nights i would get so depressed i would start crying. But this was my life and i would have to start to accept it.

Justin was home today, it was a long day weekend off from school.

Ring ring ring ring

I heard the telephone ringing from the other side of the bed, rushing over, I answered it.

"Good morning" I changed my tone to joyful.

"Morning Destiny, baby how are you" My heart skipped a beat, Justin's mom; Patricia was on the line, she only called when she wanted us to come over or if she was giving me important news.

I gulped "morning Patricia, I'm great, how about you"

"I'm doing wonderful, listen honey I was wondering if you and Justin could come over for a family dinner today, we haven't had one in forever"

I bit on my bottom lip "of course anything for you Patricia, what time should we come over"

"Around noon if that's okay with you sweetie"

"That's perfect"

"Okay honey see you soon, bye."

"Bye" I hung the phone.

My heart beating fast, whenever Justin's mom Patricia invited us over me and Justin had to act like we were the happiest couple alive. She hadn't a clue about what happen when she wasn't there, she thought Justin and I were a cute couple but in reality we were far from that.

"Who were you speaking to on the phone" a sharp voice made me turn my head.

Justin stood there, he was in his boxers and a white wife beater, his hair was messy but still managed to look as handsome as ever.

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