Chapter [12]

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"She means nothing to me"

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"I love you so much" I told Justin as I kissed down his neck.

"I love you more ba-" Before he finished his sentence the door flew open.

I very familiar voice rang echoing threw my ears.

"Justin I signed the divorce papers"

I jumped in surprise, not believing what I was hearing.


What was Destiny doing here in Justins house. How did she get inside? I scanned her. She looked tired, very tired, she had gotten skinner, and looked very weak. My eyes stopped when I spotted papers in here hands. Divorce papers?

Betrayed. Disgusted. I felt sick. The room felt like it was spinning.

Destiny's face went pale, her mouth went dry as she saw me. She looked completely surprised. I looked towards Justin giving him a pleaded look, begging him to tell me this was a sick joke. There had to be another explanation. But Justin's face was paler than Destiny's.

"Justin what is she saying, please tell me shes lying. Tell me this that I'm thinking wrong. Justin please say something." I said as I felt tears forming in my eyes.

"I- Tiffany please baby let me explain" Just as those words slipped out his mouth, my heart felt like it shattered into to pieces. The pain I felt was pain nothing could heal. It was a scar- a permanent wound.

Justin held my hand but I snached it away, pushing him away- for the first time. For the first time when he touched me I didn't get a tingly feeling, I didn't feel butterflies. For the first in two years, I didn't want him near me.

"Dont touch me. Dont ever touch me again" I shouted

"Just let me explain-"

"Explain! What that the two years we were together you were married to another woman! Thats why you did not want me to come to your house. It was because I would see her, you thought I would never find out. I am so disgusted, how could you do this to me. How could you kiss me and then come home to your wife. How can you live with yourself!" I shouted, I was furious.

Then I turned facing Destiny.

"Destiny, how could you. I was so kind to you. I trusted you. How could you not tell me that you and Justin were married" Sobbing, I whipped my tears with my sleeve.

"I-i could not say anything . I'm sorry. Justin wouldn't let me." She cried. She looked so weak. So fragile. So hurt.

Justin got up and stood next to me. A tear dropping down his cheek.

"I'm sorry, I didn't say anything. This marriage means nothing to me baby. I was forced to marry her at such a young age. My mother and her mother set it up. If I had a choice I'd never marry her baby. Its always going to be you. She's just living with me utill our marriage contract is over. Please try to understand."

"Why didn't you just tell me this before. I feel so disgusted in myself for kissing a married man."

"Baby no, don't say that, ever. In the five years of our marriage I've barely said two words to her, we sleep in different rooms. Its you Tiffany. Its only you." Justin said as he held my hand.

"How could you say that! You wife is standing two feet away from me. You don't understand how owful I feel. Im coming between a family. I'm so disgusted In myself." I sobbed harder.

"Baby, please I'm so sorry. I wanted to tell you, I did. But I was so afraid . I was afraid, that you would leave me. She means nothing to be baby, I swear."

"I-i can't do this anymore Justin . I'm sorry. I love you, so much, but my heart can't take it. Inside I know that I'm breaking up a family, and I can't live like that. Sign the divorce papers and then we can be together again. But for now utill both of you our married, until she lives in your house, we are over. I'm so sorry." I cried, rushing out the door.


"Its always going to be you tiffany."

"She means nothing to me"

The broken pieces of me heart shattered to even smaller pieces. Im surprised that it was still beating.

Tears landing on my cheeks as I brushed them away new ones came down to replace them.

My legs were shaking and I felt as the room was spinning, the air in my lungs was short and it was getting harder and harder to breath.

"Are you happy now, happy for destroying my life! Are you fucking happy. You took away my last bit of happiness. You snached it away. I hate you. You wanted to know why I didn't love you back. It's because your unwanted, worthless and hideous. Your parents are so lucky they died, they dont have to look at you- at the mistake they created. " I cringe as the curse words rang threw my ears. My mother had thought me that even when you were angry and felt to curse, bite your tounge. Cursing was the language of the devil.

Unwanted. worthless. hideous.

He was upset with me. I knew he was hurting inside. I felt his pain. He loved Tiffany. As much as his words hurt me. His pain was all I cared about. I didnt care about my health. My cancer or about how I was going to die. All I cared about right now was Justin and how much I had hurt him. To see him hurt like this hurt more than anything, more than my cancer, more than dying.

Mostly beacause it was my fault they had broke up. I ruined their relationship. I always ruined everything.

"Please don't curse at me, don't commit sin. I know your angry with me. I know I've hurt you. But I swear I had no intention to. I signed the divorce papers, because I knew that would make you happy. I didn't know Tiffany was here. I'm so sorry."

"Shut up! Just Stop talking your voice is making my head hurt."

"Please, we can fix everything. You can talk to Tiffany, and fix everything. I'll be out of your life forever-" I hiccuped biting my tounge from bursting into tears as he cut me off.

"Just get the hell out of my house. Get the hell out of my life. Get out." he roared.

I fliched at the volume of his voice. The air sucked out of my lungs. I couldn't breath. My eyes started to blur. My heart rate slowed down until my legs could not carry me anymore and then everything went black.

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Authors note: I know. I know. I take forever to update and I'm sorry but I have school and homework and I life just like all y'all.

I'll try to update more frequently.

10+ comment and 10+ votes and I'll update. The more y'all comment the faster I'll update.

I was thinking of making the ending of the story sad. But at the same time I want to have a happy ending.

Guys help! Do you want a sad or happy ending?

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