One Life [2]

413 21 11

"His eyes were full of love, and happiness, a side Justin's never shown me".


It was a cold breezy day, the wind kept blowing my black cotton skirt making it revile my bare legs. I regretted not wearing tights underneath, but I checked the weather in the morning and it informed me that it was a hot sunny day, it had not said anything about wind. Unless I misread it.

I sighed as I griped the skirt and pressed it down for the hundredth time as I reached school grounds.

Walking into the crowed halls I heard mumbles and laughter, people whispering and pointing at me.

"She looks like a nun" I heard an outburst which lead to roars of laughter in the crowd that surrounded me.

This kind of behavior was normal to me. I was bullied and picked on since the day I married Justin, he vowed to make my life miserable, from high school to home.

He spread rumors about things I had never done to the whole school, filling them with lies about me.

Since he was the school 'bad boy', and one of the 'popular people' they believed everything his lips uttered.

It effected me of course, it hurt to see all these people judging me. People that had never talked to me or ever got to know me before believing the rumors.

I didn't blame Justin though, my mom forced him to marry me. I committed a big sin; forcing a guy to marry me. I deserved this.

At school no one knew that me and Justin were married and if they found out Justin threatened that he would have me out of the house in a matter of seconds.

"Desi" I heard a familiar voice, turning from my locker, I faced my bestfriend Lisa and her boyfriend Tony. They were the cutest couple, they had been dating for three years now. I loved their relationship and to be honest I was also jealous of it. I wished that someday Justin and me were like them.

"Hey Lisa" I smiled

"Hi Tony" I waved my small hand at him.

"Hey Desi" he smiled

"- baby it's getting late, I'm gonna head to class" he pecked Lisa on the lips and walked away.

Me and Tony were never close, the closest thing we got to a conversation was 'hey' or 'hi'.

"You seem upset, did you and Justin get into another fight"

Lisa was the only one who knew about my marriage with Justin. I trusted her with everything.

"He didn't eat breakfast, or dinner last night, and I offered him food but he declined. I was just worried about him but he got angry and left" I said frustrated

"Desi, you know Justin has a bad temper, you need to stop being so sweet to him, he is taking advantage of your kindness." She advised me.

"I know, but I just want him to talk to me, tell me what's bothering him, let me in. I'm his wife is that too much to ask" I whimpered

I got emotional to fast, I whipped my tears, as Lisa patted me on the back for comfort.

"He can't ignore you forever Desi, he's going to come through. I know it, your his wife after-all he has to deal with it whether he likes it or not"

"I'm just tired. Its almost been a year now, and this marriage is going no where, he barley says two words to me" I sighed

"Your strong Desi, your one of the strongest people I know. I know this is hard for you, but I promise that Justin will come through and you two will be the perfectest couple with cutest little babies."

I smiled, she always knew how to cheer me up.

"Thanks Lisa" I smile

"No problem now you head to class, you have math, don't be late."

"Ughhh, math" I wined as we walked to our separate classes.

After morning classes were over I walked to the cafeteria for lunch, looking around for Lisa. Suddenly I got a text, reaching for my phone in my pocket I unlocked it,

From: Lisa
To: Destiny

I had to leave early because I was feeling sick. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, hope your day goes well, don't miss me too much ;)

I frowned as I read the text. Lisa was the only friend I had, without her I was a loner.

As I made my way to the cafeteria, I remembered that I had forgotten my money for lunch. Sighing I made my way back to my locker. As I turned the hall to where my locker was located I saw Justin making out with Tiffany; she was a cheerleader, gorgeous, stunning, long brunet hair, green eyes, perfect body, in other words nothing like me. My heart ached as I witnessed the scene in front of me. I wanted to yell at her, to tell her that Justin was my Husband and that she had no right to touch him, but I stayed quite and studied them.

I watched the way he touched her, the way he kissed her, the way Tiffany's hands ran through Justin soft hair, the way I hated to say but their lips moved in sync.

He's eyes were full of love, and happiness, a side Justin's never shown me.

A tear ran down my face, and I quickly wiped it. I stood there fantasied, wishing he could touch me like that, wishing he could smile with me like that.

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