One life [9]

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Authors note: honestly broke me to write this chapter, it's just so sad.

"Everything happens for the better."

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My stomached ached and my back felt so sore, it hurt to move, I looked at my alarm clock. 10:30 I read, I was late for school. I had already missed half my first period class. Panicking I pushed my soft warm cheetah blanket off, it ached to stand, I hissed in pain.
What was wrong with me. Then all of a sudden I remember last night. I
gulped scared. Everything is okay, you are fine, Destiny. I told myself.
I walked towards the washroom, each step hurting more, all of a sudden I felt something rising in my stomach, rushing to the sink, I closed my eyes shut, and I prayed that it wasn't blood.
My eyes fluttered open, and I gasped In horror, it was worse than last night. I wipped the blood from my lips, sobbing in pain.
Rinsing the sink, I brushed my teeth, getting rid of the terrible taste.
I held the phone in my hand, pasting back and forward.
I dialed the number and took a deep breath.
"Good morning, this is The Rexford General Hospital, how my I help you."
"I'd like to book and appointment, for today at 1pm"
"Okay, can I please get your name."
"Destiny, Bieber"
"Okay Mrs. Bieber I have scheduled you appointment, is there anything else I can help you with today."
"No that will be all, good bye"

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I was siting in the waiting room impatiently waiting for the doctor to call me in any minute now, it's been 15 minutes I had been counting. Trying to get my mknd off of the subject. My heart was beating fast. I kept telling myself that it was just a flu, just a season change sickness. I was fine. The doctor was going to give me a perception and I would be okay.
"Destiny, Bieber" I heard my name being called over the P.A signaling that it was my turn.
Taking a deep breath I walked into the white room. The doctor was siting in his chair, he had a bright smile on his face, and looked around the age of 30.
"So Mrs. Bieber what is the problem"
"I-I umm yesterday night, I threw up blood, and I thought it wasn't a big deal but it happened again today in the morning. It was twice as worse."

"Ohh my, is this the first time this has ever happened to you"

"Yes, and I'm really scared"

"I don't want to scare you, but this doesn't just happened to anyone, we have a take a blood test, immediately."

My face turned pale. I didn't know what to say, shocked I nodded.

"I'll be right back I just need to get the injection for the blood test."
Again I nodded.

The doctor came back momentarily. He pushed my sleeve up, I closed my eyes tight. Holding on to the chair with my life.

"You can let go I'm done" I took a deep breath and opened my eyes.

"I'll just take this too the lab, I have to check the sample of blood , it will take about 30 minutes, you can wait I'm the waiting room and I'll call you when I'm ready"

I nodded still not saying a word. I left the doctors room and walked back to the chair I was siting on before.

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"Mrs. Bieber your results from your blood test have arrived"

I walked into the same white room.
The doctors face was pale. My heart beat increased, I felt like I was going to faint.

"Mrs. Bieber, I've checked your files, and it states that your married."
I nodded

"I would like you to call your husband, I think it would be better if you both were hear because what I'm about to tell you-"

"Please doctor, just say it"

"Mrs. Bieber, you have cancer"

All the hairs on my body stood, I shiver went down my back, no this was a joke I wasn't hearing right.

"W-what" I said choking on my own saliva.

"I'm sorry to say this but you have stage 5 cancer"

"I don't understand"

"Your mom and dad both had died from cancer am I correct"

"Yes but I-"

"It's genetic, I'm sorry to say this but you only have two months left."
I tear ran down my face.

"Two months" I repeated barely above a whisper

"We aren't sure if it will save you but we can try our best. Your tumor is growing rapidly. We have to start surgery immediately"

"How much will the cost be"

The doctor stopped, he gave me a sorry look "26,000 dollars " he whispered

I gasped.
"I'm only 18, please is there any other way"

"I'm sorry Mrs. Bieber, maybe we can call your husband-"

"No, please. There has to be another way" I cried

"Please." I sobbed harder
I wasn't ready to die, I knew one day everybody had to die. It was the only thing we were promised to in life, only thing we were sure of. But I didn't want to go not like this.
I hated cancer, It had taken both my parents away, and now it was going to take me, I couldn'tet this happen.

"I will give you some medication, take two pills one before sleeping and one as soon as you wake up, you have to come to the hospital every week to get a check up. I'm sorry but that's the most I can do."
I whipped my last tear, he gave me a pity look and escorted me outside.
I walked out of the hospital, and the cold wind hit me. My mind still spinning. I had cancer. I had less then two months to live. I wanted a shoulder to cry on. I wanted to cry till I had no tears left, but I was all alone.
What about my future, I wanted to became a writer. I wanted to have kids and see them get married. I wanted to explore the world.
Another tear fell down my face, should I tell Justin and Pattie I thought. It would only put more stress on them, more money for medical bills, I just couldn't. Pattie had a good income, but I couldn't take more from her, I was already such a burden on them.
Would anyone miss me, I thought. I'm sure Justin would be thankful that I had died, he never liked me, our marriage was doomed from the minute the priest said "you may kiss the bride". I still remember, and every night before I'd sleep I would remember how much he had hated me, how I destroyed his life. I never wished for us to get married like this. Sure when we were small I had a crush on him, but I never thought we would get married. I thought maybe when the years passed he would learn to love me as much as I loved him. But as years passed things between us got worse. Justin's been with Tiffany for two years now, and evey time I see them together it feels like a knife In my heart, but he loves her. As much as I tired it will always be Tiffany before me.

Everything happens for the better.
Maybe it was good that I got cancer, now Justin wouldn't have to be married to me. He wouldnt have to see my face every morning, and Tiffany and him could have a happily ever after.
My sleeve was drench in tears. I checked the time it was around 10:00 pm I hadn't recognized how late it had got.

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AGDHSBvjsnsjsksms I can't breath.

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