One life [1]

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"I don't care about you so why do you even bother caring about me."


"Mom please you can't leave me. Dad already left us please don't leave me, I'll have no one" I begged while I was siting on a raggedy old chair in a quite hospital.

"I'm sorry baby, there is nothing I can do, it's only in a matter of days and I'll be gone" she held on to my hands tight.

"No- you- you will live, you can fight it. I know you can" I said chocking on my tears

I heard my mom whimper a cry.

In a matter of days she would be gone. Died. Just like my father. Cancer was horrible, it took away everything from me, everyone I loved.

"Destiny, before I leave I want to see you get married. That is my last wish -my death wish. Before I die I want to leave you in the hands of someone that will love you as much as I do, or possibly even more."

"Mom, I'm only 17, I can't get married yet" I whispered trying to stay clam

"That's my only wish, Destiny I want to see my only daughter get married. I want to leave knowing you will be safe In the hands of someone who truly loves you" she cried

"Nobody will want to marry me" I said barley above a whisper

"Don't worry about that, you know Pattie's son, Justin? You use to be friends when you were young?" She questioned

Justin. The only guy that ever talked to me without insulting me or harassing me, at least a very really long time ago.

It was in grade six some bullies were bullying me. Me being my normal self had no guts to stand up for myself and Justin stood up for me. It was probably the sweetest thing any guy has ever done for me.

Since that day I grew a small crush on him but growing up and attending the same high school my crush developed and he was everything I ever wanted.

But a lot had changed since elementary.

He changed. He was everything A girl would ever want. His beautiful Carmel, hazel eyes, his perfectly Crisp sharp jaw, his plum pink soft lips and golden brown soft hair. He was the definition of perfection. He's arms covered with tattoos giving him a bad boy look which only made him even more attractive.

Justin's mom and Pattie were best friends. Justin and me well let's say he doesn't even know I exist.

He was one of the cocky bad boys at school, he didn't have time for people like me. I don't even think he remember my name.

I wasn't like the other girls, I wasn't pretty, I wasn't beautiful, I wasn't confident. I was always the shy girl. Afraid to raise her hand, afraid to speak up.

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