One life [10]

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Two weeks had passed by and my health had gotten worse, my face had changed. It was always pale now, if I walked to school I had to stop to take breaks and use my inhaler at least 4 times. My body had gotten so weak, everything I would eat, i would throw up. I don't think Justin had noticed because he wasn't home once in the past two weeks, and I cared about him more than my health. Days were passing away rather quickly, I had around a month and couple days left.

I had not told a soul about my cancer, the docters told me the medication wasn't working, but It wasn't the medication that had stopped working I stopped taking the medication after two weeks.

I gave up, what the point of fighting when there was have no one to fight for. The doctors didn't know, and they tried to prescribe me to stronger tablets but I told them no. They were too expensive and there was no point of buying them If I wasn't going to take them.

I looked at my reflection before I was leaving for school. I cringed, I had dark eye bags, pale skin, the brightness of my grayish green eyes now looked dull almost black, my plum pink lips were a shade of purplisht-black. It looked like I had been run over by a truck.

"Your beautiful" My mom had always told me.

Tears came running down my face, I was far from beautiful. My mother had always supported me, and made me feel better about myself, she always complimented me. I guess she had said nice things to me because she was my mother and she loved me.

I just wanted to feel loved, I wanted to feel beautiful.

I pulled the hood from my hoodie up so it could cover my face.

It was the third week now and Justin still hadn't come home, I was going crazy inside, I needed to know if he was okay. The house was so quite and empty, you could literally hear the from crickets outside. The silence was eating me whole.

Just as I was about to get up from my bed I heard the door bell ring.

Was that Justin, had he finally come home.

I run down the stairs, rushing towards to door, I opened it revealing Justin.

I smiled, thanking god he was okay and finally home.

"Justin" i breath out loud catching my breath from running down the stairs so fast.

"Get out of my way" he spat

The smile disappeared and a frown replaced it.

Pushing away what he had just said I continued,

"Where have you been, it's been three weeks Justin, I was worried sick, I didn't even see you at school are you-"

"God damn shut up, your the reason okay, your the reason I don't like to come to my own fucking home, I hate you god dammit. I hate you so much"

I think whatever was left of my broken heart had broken to even tinier bits. This time impossible to glue back together. Tears threatened to spill down my face.

"I-I'm sorry" I sobbed

"God not the crying again, I was with Tiffany okay. we went to Paris, god If I could I would have never come back." He rubbed his temple in frustration.

"P-Paris" I chocked out. In the past weeks that I had been dying Justin was roming the country of Paris with Tiffany.

"Yes, Paris now move out of my way god damn, stop acting like my mom."

"I'm sorry, I was just worried-"

"How many times do I have to tell you to stop okay! Just stop with this act, about caring about me, I don't need you to care about me. You have ruined my life. I'm waiting for this stupid contract to be over so you can finally get the hell out of my life"

"I-I'm not acting Justin I swear I really do care about you" I hiccuped

"Well then stop caring about me. Do you like making a fool out of yourself. I don't care about you. The faster you understand that the easier our lives will be" he spat and brushed past me.

"Please Justin, what do I have to do make you stop hating me" I tugged him by the arm. Sobbing.

"Die." He venomously spat and rushed up the stairs.

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Authors note:
Ohhh my God, guys this story keeps getting more emotional chapter by chapter.

should I continue writing?!
I feel like nobody reads this and that there's no point of writing so if you actually read this and want me to keep writing comment below.

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