One Life [4]

378 19 4

"Never touch my girl"


"Ahh choo" I sneezed for the sixth time in the pass ten minutes. My nose was red and puffy, and it kept itching. My eyes were bloodshot red, and my face was as pale as a ghost. Walking home yesterday wasn't such a good decision. I should of took the bus or at least called a taxi, but I didn't want to waste the money Justin's family gave me every month. I told them I would get a job but they said they wanted me to focus on school, and as long as they were alive they would support me.

"Ah choo" I sneezed into the ruff klnex, my head was throbbing in pain. It felt like the whole world was spinning, I was craving a massage. One my mom use to give me ever night before I went to bed, her hands were magical, just her touch cured me.

The alarm clock rang for the 100th time, and I slammed it shut, getting flustered, the noise was making my headache feel worse.

I was too sick to go to school, and as much as I hated it I needed to go. My education came first. I wanted to be known for something when I grew up.

I took off the purple warm fuzz blanket off my body, the cool fall breeze making contact with my skin.

Getting up I walked to the washroom, the room felt like it was spinning, losing my balance I put a hand over the brown tiled wall for stability. My legs shaking, I felt something rise in my stomach, making me churn. Running over the to sink, I barfed out everything I had ate yesterday, looking at the disgusting fluid that reeked, I felt weak, my legs were giving up on me. Opening the tap I rinsed my face.

I couldn't go to school, not like this. The teachers would sent me home.

I lied back on my back, relaxing my muscles, the warm blanket sending me coziness, i felt my eyes shut.

<> <> <>

Bang bang

My eyes fluttered open, the banging on my door had awoken me. I yawned as I stretched my tiny arms, turning to my alarm clock I checked the time

11:00 I read.

Crap. I had forgotten to wake Justin up for school.

"Destiny, you better open this door right now" his voice was vivid.

My body trembled in fear, I was scared, no I was terrified.

"I'm giving you ten seconds to open the fuckin door, before I break it down myself"

I didn't know what to do. If I opened it he would be angry with me and if I didn't open it he would be furious.

"Five, four, three, two"

I rushed towards the door and opened it quickly.

He was furious. His chest was rapidly moving up and down. His eyes turned dark brown, almost black, his eyebrows scrunched up.

"Do you know what time it is! Why didn't you wake me up!" He spat venomously

"I- I'm sick- i- woke up - and I felt dizzy. I-I went back to sleep"

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