One Life [18]

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Wheeoo wheeo wheeo. The noise coming from the ambulance truck was all I could hear. The paramedics put Destiny's unconscious,
fragile body on the stretcher. She had a oxygen mask covering her pale face.
I was still speechless throughout everything. All that was going through my mind was how this was all my fault. How I was the reason for all her misery. This whole time I would blame her. Now I realized that I was the one at fault. She was dying because of me, because of how badly I had treated her, because I didn't care for her.

I whipped another tear as a paramedic walked towards me. "We need to contact her family. She needs someone to be at the hospital to sign medical forms."

"I'm the only family she has left. I'm her husband."

"Okay Sir, we're in a hurry please get in the vehicle."

I got into the back of the vehicle. I sat next to Destiny stretcher. Her eyes were still shut. I put my hand around her cold tiny pale hand and held it tight. Never wanting to let go.

Momentarily we arrived at Rexford Hospital. They rushed her to the emergency room and the doctors started working immediately.

All I could do was sit. For hours. My eyes were bloodshot red but I was wide awake. I stood up and waited some more. Walking up and down the hospital. I was a nervous wreak. All I thought about was Destiny and how she was doing.

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"Mr. Bieber." I woke to the sound of a tiny red headed nurse.

I jolted up. "Yes, how's Destiny."

Her facial expression softened "Mr. Bieber, your already well aware of her conditions. There isn't much we can do for her. I'm so sorry, I came to tell you that she's awake now. She's in room 34C, you can go see her now."

I sighed walking down the quite hallway. I stopped in front of the door of room 34C. I took a deep breath and turned the knob with shaking hands.

All the hairs on my arms raised. My eyes laid on her fragile body. There were tubes and machines all around her. Her eyes look so tired, she looked so broken- down.

Her eyes flickered up towards me. I noticed a sparkle in them just for a moment, her eyes looked like they use to before; gloomy gray with a hint of oceanic blue. It lasted for just for a quick second before they returned back to a colour a couldn't recognise.

I sat beside her bed, on a rusty old black chair with white flower patterns. Reaching out towards her hand. She flinched at first but then let me hold it. Her hands were ice; freezing, yet still softer than a pillow.

I didn't know were to start. I didn't have the courage to say anything to her, I was to ashamed to even sit beside her.

"I-I'm so sorry." I rasped, choking on my words.

"You don't have to apologize. This is not your fault." Her heart was made out of gold. After everything I put her through she told me it was not my fault. After everything I said to her she let me hold her hand. After everything I put her through she was still kind to me. She was an angle. Her heart was so pure and kind.

I wanted to cry. I get on my knees and apologize. To start my life over before it had gotten this out of control. I wanted to make everything right with Destiny. I wanted to take away all her pain. I wish I was on the bed and it was me that had cancer, not her.

I tear dropped from my eye and I quickly whipped it with my sleeve. I didn't want to look like I wasn't strong, that I had given up.

"Don't cry, your not the reason why I'm here. Your not the reason I have cancer. I guess God wanted me to die just like my parent's. Everything God does has a reason behind it. My mother told me that. So I am not questioning him. I only wish I was as strong as my parents and tried harder to fight my cancer."

Her voice was so soft and caring. So beautiful and angelic. She was the strongest person I knew.

"Destiny, don't ever say that. You are the bravest women I have ever known." I said meaning every word.

"Please don't pity me. I don't want you to feel obligated to take care of me just because you know I'm dying. This is why I didn't tell you."

"I'm not pitying you. I care about you. I'm going to help you fight this battle. Your going to win, Destiny do you hear me. Your a fighter. Don't tell me not to feel obligated, because I'm your husband. And as your husband I am obligated to take care of you."

She laughed. "My husband? Justin I've been living with you for 4 years now. We got married at the age of 16 at Saint Catholic Church. I even remember you wearing black jeans and a blue T-shirt that said 'Swag'. From those four years you haven't once called or treated me like I was you wife. So don't tell me that your doing this because you woke up yesterday and felt bad because of the way you had treated me. You feel bad because I'm dying."

Her words wounded my heart. But they were true. I was so disrespectful towards her. She utter nothing but the truth. It was right what people had said "Learn what is true, in order to do what is right"
I needed to hear the truth. That I was a selfish, inconsiderate, that I was disrespectful and rude. I had finally seen the light from my dark ways. I was now well aware that I was married to the most beautiful and intelligent women out there.

"Please Destiny, I know I've mistreated you for the past years. I now understand that I was wrong. I want to make it up to you, I want to be a better husband."

"Remember when I asked you what I could do to make you stop hating me when you got back from Paris a couple of weeks ago."

I didn't have much memory of that night.

"No, what did I say."

"Die." She whispered
My eyes widened as I looked up to her tired eyes.
"-Ironic isn't it"

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