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How could I have been so careless?

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How could I have been so careless?

I should've kept my focus on the road, but instead, I'd landed myself in a predicament that would only worsen my financial burdens. Burdens that I had already begun to calculate, especially with the looming hospital bills for my mother.

Days had slipped by since the accident, yet every time I replayed the events of that day, it remained a blurry mess. I could still vividly recall the distress I felt as I left my mother's house, my mind consumed with worry. And then, in an instant, I found myself colliding with the back of another vehicle.

A vehicle that belonged to none other than private room g – I mean Cameron.

When he revealed his name to me at the Den, I felt the urge to reciprocate with mine. However, I resisted. Sharing names could lead to further details being exchanged, and I wasn't prepared for that level of disclosure. Yet, circumstances left me with no choice in the matter.

Despite not receiving a call from him, he did send me information about the whereabouts of my vehicle. I knew I should go and assess the damage and discuss payment, but I kept putting off the uncomfortable conversation. And he hadn't made any effort to initiate the discussion either.

"You good?" glancing upwards I found Brooke's orbs taking me in, even though her face was partially covered by the mask she wore I could tell from the way her lips were downturned that she was worried.

Nodding my head quietly I adjusted the straps of the outfit I wore and slumping against my seat I pulled out the notes I got on stage. Pursing my lips at the amount, I grumbled lowly at having to work a day shift where there weren't a lot of people. But with the upcoming expenses I knew I had to beg my boss for as many shifts as possible.

Taking off my mask, I kicked off my heels and I couldn't help but release a moan as I massaged my feet lightly.

"I can't wait to get this shit over with," Melinda said walking into the room. Although she was always dressed to impress, what caught my eye on her attire was the tennis bracelet on her wrist with her name on it.

"You like?" she smiled widely once she noticed how intensely I was staring at her wrist, she lifted her arm up allowing my eyes more access to its visual appeal, "my mister who belongs to another sister got it for me," she winked cheekily eliciting a giggle out of me.

"You're so poetic."

"What can I say, I put Shakespeare to shame, darling," she said in a fake British accent and threw her head back dramatically to strike a pose.

Rolling my eyes, the smile remained as I took in her appearance, until my eyes landed on her wrist again feeling a twinge of envy within me. "How's the experience?" I suddenly asked without a thought catching her off guard.

"What do you mean?"

"How is it being intimately involved with a client especially one who's married?"

She came towards me to occupy the seat next to me and leaned forward. Cocking her head to the side a lazy grin graced her lip gloss covered lips, "You thinking about fucking a married guy?"

My eyes widened and I waved my hands, "Hell no, I was just you know... curious," I paused momentarily at the sound of her bubbly laughter as she threw her head back.

"Relax, even if you were, I wouldn't judge, that would make me a hypocrite and to answer your question it's not bad. I mean I don't really ask much about what's going on in his life and neither does he mention it, just makes things easier. As long as he gives me what I want, and I do the same both parties are content."

"So, you don't feel like you're losing more?"

She shrugged and looked down absentmindedly at her nails, "The sooner you learn that everything is transactional you view a lot of things differently especially when you're a beautiful woman. Most people want to take from you, whether it's your beauty, youth, they want it and the best thing you can do is at least ensure when they take that you get something out of it too."

Nodding I made a move to respond but paused momentarily at the sound of my phone, staring at the text message sent from an unsaved number my brows furrowed in confusion. "I gotta go," I mumbled standing up immediately to go change.

"We should talk more; I know we haven't really seen each other lately but I'd like to hang out with you and Brooke. So far you seem like cool people plus I can't keep handling this crazy shit on my own," she gestured to the area around us.

Smiling small I nodded my head and proceeded to change and leave the club with one place in mind.


"What do you mean my car was fixed?" I asked staring incredulously at the mechanic who handed me the keys to my car. I was still in shock to say the least to see the state my vehicle was in, instead of just fixing what was damaged, the car received the much-needed repairs I had been meaning to get it.

When my eyes disconnected from the mechanic to stare at my car, I couldn't help but admit it looked new.

"This isn't making any sense."

"I was just given the orders by my boss so take it up with him," he said brushing past me to reach for a clipboard that he handed to me to sign.

Despite how shaky my hands were as a result of the shock and confusion coursing through my body, I kept my mouth shut and signed the paperwork before I was left.

Crossing my arms, I stared intensely at the car once more, I had already come to terms with the fact I wouldn't be using it for a while but alas here I was staring at the fresh coat of paint that covered its surface.

This really didn't make any sense.

And in that moment, I wasted no time making a call that should've been made a lot sooner.

Signed, Sealed... I'm YoursWhere stories live. Discover now