Tales of the Den

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I found solace in his company

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I found solace in his company. Unexpectedly spending the night turned out to be a decent thing, offering me a rare chance to truly rest. Since my mother's hospitalization, anxiety had been my constant companion, but being with Cameron provided a chance to escape from the worry.

Leaving the ladies' room, I heard soft sniffles echoing from one of the stalls. Despite my usual inclination to mind my own business, I couldn't bring myself to walk away. Instead, I inched closer, my curiosity piqued.

"Are you okay in there?" I asked gently, trying not to startle whoever was inside.

"I'm fine," came the response, and I froze as I recognized the voice. Steeling myself, I leaned against the door, preparing for what was to come.

"Candace, please come out."

"Go away."

Her broken voice tugged at my heartstrings, compelling me to stay. With a resigned sigh, I made my decision.

"Fine," I murmured, walking towards the door. Opening it, then closing it behind me, I waited. Soon enough, Candace emerged, her bloodshot eyes and runny nose betraying her distress.

"What's wrong with you?" she snapped, batting away my attempt to comfort her.

My hand recoiled from the force of her rejection, but I maintained a serious demeanor, noting the bruised lip she tried to conceal.

"I didn't expect that to work, honestly," I confessed as she brushed past me, scoffing.

Before she could retreat further, I reached out and grabbed her arm. Despite her hostile demeanor, I refused to let her push me away.

"If you want to keep that arm, I suggest you let me help," I warned, meeting her fiery gaze head-on.

"Threaten me all you want but if you don't talk to someone – doesn't have to be me but your silence will put you in a grave if you aren't careful," I kept my tone even and unwavering the longer I bore into her eyes to see the pain simmering in the tears accumulating in them.

She wordlessly ripped her arm from my hold wearing a fiery gaze that held enough force within it to make most crumble. But I was used to seeing that look directed at me. I was immune, merely disappointed when she walked out of the bathroom without saying a thing.

Sighing I squared my shoulders and rid the pity begging to appear on my face. All I could do was hope she would get herself out of the situation – alive.


His eyes were pools of darkness, drawing me in like a moth to flame. A silver fox in every sense, his chiseled jaw, peppered with strands of silver, commanded attention, accentuated further by the expensive suit he wore. He exuded confidence, sitting with legs spread wide, a commanding presence in the room. Despite the company around him, my gaze was irresistibly drawn to him the moment I entered.

As our eyes met, his expression remained inscrutable, but any chance to dwell on his scrutiny was swiftly interrupted by thoughts of Cameron. My smile faltered, my demeanor stiffening as the older gentleman leaned in, beckoning me closer with a finger. Despite the momentary dimming of my mood, I complied, adding an extra sway to my hips as I moved forward.

"Cyrus, do you mind giving us some privacy?" he requested, his gaze never leaving mine. The other man chuckled, amused by our interaction, and obligingly excused himself, leaving us alone in the room as the door clicked shut.

His hand reached out, tracing light circles on my thigh. With a sharp smack, I swatted his hand away, turning on my heels with the intention of heading to the pole. But before I could take another step, my hand was firmly grasped, nearly causing me to stumble into his lap. His arms encircled my waist, drawing me close, the scent of whiskey and cigar clinging to him.

"Where do you think you're going?" he murmured, his voice low and commanding.

Smirking I leaned forward placing my lips by his ear, "To do my job."

His eyes dropped down to my lips as I spoke allowing me a view of his tongue darting out to moisten his bottom lip, "When's the last time someone spoiled you?"

The question erupted a series of butterflies in my belly to the point it made me take longer to process an answer. However, he took the silence as his response and proceeded to coax me gently onto his lap.

"I've had my eye on you... let me keep you," he murmured tightening his hold on me. Although I had heard this admission and request several times in the past, the way this man said it sounded strange. It was hard to put my finger on it but considering how confident he was, I had a feeling I wouldn't be his first rodeo.

I drank him in and with my fingers on his shoulders, just below the fabric was a decent amount of muscle that would tempt anyone to keep exploring his body. Had I never met Cameron, the man before me would be the one I'd have no issue engaging in some fun with.

He'd keep things simple.

Reaching up to trace his jaw, he nuzzled his face against my palm and dropped his hands to cup my backside.

Though the feeling was pleasant, his touch wasn't quite the same.

Dropping my smile, I leaned in stopping mere inches away from his lips watching his lids close in anticipation of a kiss.

"I'm spoken for," I whispered watching his eyes pop open. Feeling his arms loosen I took the opportunity to slip out of his grasp and created a distance between us.

His face grew serious, hands bawled into tight fists, but he never once allowed his eyes to shift away from me. I moved towards the door pausing briefly when he spoke, "This isn't over, you know?"

Choosing not to say a word, despite his words making me feel unnerved I wore no expression on my face and left.

His words kept echoing in my mind and I could feel his eyes burning into my flesh throughout the rest of the night. But he didn't make a move to approach, instead he watched me from a distance like a predator would his prey.

Signed, Sealed... I'm YoursWhere stories live. Discover now