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Holding in my breath I clicked the button and watched the application containing my future vanish from my screen.

"You done?" looking up at the sound of Brooke's voice, I nodded my head and closed my laptop. My chest and stomach felt like they were about to collapse but I was proud of myself for applying anyway.

"You look like you're about to shit yourself," she chuckled taking a seat beside my on her couch.

"Well, its been ages since I last filled in an application. I had forgotten how intense the process can be but I'm sure when I apply to other places I'll be more at ease. How's school going?"

Her smile brightened and I wasn't the least bit surprised. For as long as I knew her, Brooke had her heart set on becoming an entrepreneur. Despite her rough childhood she wasn't going to let the dark paths most of her family took be her story.

And seeing her do that further inspired me to just take the initiative to go to school  and get a career in something especially with the new funds I had.

"It's not so bad, kind of had to adjust to studying again but I'm enjoying it. After all the club is just a temporary thing, I can't be shaking my ass forever."

"I get it."

"Oh, I know you've been getting it," hearing the change in her voice had me looking at her to see her smirking. Rolling my eyes I threw my head back against the cushion already steeling myself for what was to come.

"What are you talking about?"

"Melinda mentioned you've been in an awfully good mood lately and I couldn't help but notice how relaxed you seem."

"Jesus, you guys make it seem like in the past I've acted like a bitch," I groaned wearing a small grin.

"You're not but just answer the question cause we both know there's something going on," she said crossing her arms.

Licking my lips, I bit my lip and briefly glanced in her direction to her eyes scrutinizing me. It kind of felt silly to have to get interrogated when I could admit what's going on.

"Alright, I have been engaging in some activities with someone."

"Ohhhh, c'mon we know that," she waved her hand dismissively, "I just want to know if it's with Cum guy."

Scrunching my face in disgust I replied, "First, his name is Cameron and secondly you have got to stop saying that name."

"But it's funny," she whined pouting playfully, "so is it him?"

"Oh, my word, are you guys five, yessss," I threw my hands up only for her to squeal and lightly smack my knee.

"Then why didn't you just mention it to us, are you guys dating or something?"

"No, we're just having a fun time and he happens to put money in my bank account," I mumbled the last part. But I knew she heard me when she looked a bit taken aback.

"Oh... I didn't think you had it in you, and here you were busy passing judgment about me when I was in a little situation with his friend," she sucked her teeth wearing a cheeky grin, "you little hypocrite."

"Hey, I really had meant it at the time when I said I would leave him alone, but things happen."

"Like what?" she tilted her head wearing the same grin.

"I needed the money, you know what's going on in my life right now," I said causing her smile to falter. Her eyes grew dim before she reached out to play with a curl in my hair.

"Yeah I'm aware, I'm not trying to make you feel bad. Honestly sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do if you feel it's best and safe for you. How is she by the way, I definitely need to visit her."

I sighed and looked around the apartment as I tried to gather some of my thoughts, "She's good. Trying to be strong but she's good. Everything is paid for and it's happening next week..."

I had been doing my best to distract myself with other things these past few days after I last saw her. The last thing I wanted to do was think of the worst-case scenario.

"Everything's going to be okay, I'll be there with you at the hospital. Whatever you need I'll be there," her words soothed the anxiety simmering just below the surface. And for a few seconds no words were exchanged between us.

"So..." she breathed leaning forward to place her head on my shoulder, "now that the serious moment has passed, can I ask a tiny little question?"

Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and could already feel the corners of my lips lifting at what was about to be asked, "Sure."

"Other than him rocking your world, is he at least keeping up his end of the arrangement, he's not mistreating you?"

"He is, he does give me way more than I need, but I've put that money in a savings account to help me really make my plans happen."

"So, are you quitting the club soon?"

"Not yet, I know I can't just rely solely on him, but hunting for a job with my kind of resume isn't the best idea especially when you factor in how tough things are in this economy."

"You know, with all this stuff that's been going on we should go out," she suggested.

"We always go out for drinks after work."

"Noooo, I mean going out for a little girls' night especially when your mom goes through a successful procedure – in fact we can throw your mom a little party to celebrate and then go for a girls' night with Melinda."

"I don't know... I mean the party must happen and it's a great idea but the girls' night..." I pursed my lips and grew tense at the mere thought of it.

"Pleasseeeee," she moaned throwing herself helplessly onto my lap.

Here we go.

"We need this, and when have I ever suggested something that wasn't a good idea?"

"That birthday party."

"Fuck off, that party led you to getting a cash cow so don't even try it," she pointed out going so far as to reach up and squish my cheeks.

Slapping her hand away, I laughed despite how much I didn't want to. But it was a nice moment of carefree joy that had me looking forward to more moments like this. All I can do now was hope for more of those moments in the near future, despite everything that was to come.

Signed, Sealed... I'm YoursWhere stories live. Discover now