Family Ties

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The sound of her moans had been the main thing on my mind lately. Work was manageable but I often found myself drifting back to that night and I was already craving another dose.

After having a taste of her, I wanted more.

Biting my bottom lip to fight the smile, I hummed lightly at what my parents were saying. After they both came back from their vacation, my mother had suggested lunch to catch up.

I had been doing my best throughout the entire meal to engage in conversation and listen attentively to their adventures in the Maldives. But it seemed anything they said would have my mind making its way to her.

It was embarrassing how quickly I grew flush when my mother innocently mentioned how hot and humid the weather was. It caused my thoughts to recall the wetness and heat that seeped from her thighs.

"So, how was the date?" my mother asked, my head cocked to the side and my lips were set in a firm line at the question that had my mind become blank.

Seeing the look on my face she shook her head and scoffed, "Just like your father, so forgetful. I'm talking about your date with Lucy."

My mouth formed into a small 'o' shape, I had forgotten, and I merely shrugged in response, "It was okay, we decided it was best not to proceed further."

"Why not?" she pouted.

Because of a certain dancer from the Den.

"She's not over her ex."

"That's too bad but it's okay," she replied clapping her hands lightly wearing a light smile.

"Don't set me up on anymore blind dates," I said firmly causing my father to chuckle quietly.

"Oh, come now, with some of the free time I have on my hands, I need something to do."

Despite wanting to be serious I couldn't help staring at her in sheer amusement, "My personal life isn't for your entertainment. Besides, I don't need your assistance."

"Does that mean you're seeing someone?" her eyes widened, and a wide grin stretched across her lips. Reaching up to pinch the bridge of my nose I decided to put an end to this conversation.

"I've been talking to people; I'm taking my time seeing what's out there," I lied, the last thing I wanted was to tell them about the recent developments in my life.

"Honey, don't start grilling him or else he'll never tell us anything," my father spoke up placing a gentle hand upon my mother's shoulder indicating for her to lean back in her seat. She gave in and looked away briefly.

"Fine," she sighed, "you know I can't help but be curious of my baby's life."

"Mom!" I groaned placing my hands over my face at her calling me her baby. She had a tendency to say that in front of my friends growing up placing me on the constant receiving end of a lot of teasing.

"Eliot is hosting a party soon, he told me, he invited you," my father said. Although I was grateful for the change in topic, I could tell from my mother's sour expression that she wasn't amused.

"He told me about your possible partnership," I murmured peeking in his direction to gauge his reaction. He merely shrugged his shoulders causing the woman at the table with us to scoff.

"I'm guessing you father never told you, he was planning on getting out of retirement."

"Don't start," he sighed shaking his head. I could tell he was regretting his decision to bring up Eliot.

"The plan was for us to enjoy ourselves, spend time together and now you're off galivanting with someone going through an obvious mid-life crisis."

Locked in a silent standoff, we exchanged intense gazes, the air thick with unspoken words. My eyes fell to the cutlery, a silent plea for the tension to dissipate. The sight of my parents at odds always weighed heavy on my heart. Their arguments, though they may not have realized it, left a profound impact on me. As I mentally searched for an excuse to escape, my father relented first, breaking the deadlock by lifting his hands in surrender.

"I don't want to argue with you, and hanging around him is beneficial, he's got important connections that could be useful in the political sense. And Cameron as much as I try stay out of your life you're going to need to stop hanging out with the likes of Neil," he pointed out making a frown form on my lips as my head snapped up to glare at him.

"I thought we were in agreement you wouldn't dictate who I chose to associate with a long time ago."

His eyes narrowed upon me, the child in me cowered a bit, but I had done my best to always listen to him but there were certain things I had to stand firm in.

"He goes out of his way to embarrass his family, destroys anything in his path and will drag others down with him," he stated. My mother placed a hand atop his and began rubbing gentle circles into it.

Biting my tongue, I knew trying to defend Neil was futile. Once my father had made a decision about someone it was rare for his mind to change.

"Look... don't worry about who I associate with. For as long as our family empire is unaffected then there's nothing to stress about", I stated. He didn't say anything but I could tell from the look in his eye he had more to say.

Eventually I dismissed myself, relieved to be able to breathe from my father's disapproval that was making me uncomfortable.

But I wasn't some child he or anyone could control.

Signed, Sealed... I'm YoursWhere stories live. Discover now