Come Through

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Not receiving a response from her didn't sting as much as I thought it would, which was a bit surprising. I had a feeling whatever was occupying her time, especially if it involved a hospital, must have been important. I could only hope she was okay, trying my best to keep my concern in check, treating her as nothing more than a friend or someone I'd been intimate with.

Shaking my head, a small laugh escaped me. I had no idea what to call whatever this was.

As my vehicle approached the gate leading to my house, I noticed another car parked outside. If I hadn't recognized it immediately, I might have been confused. Without hesitation, I pressed the button to open the gate, a smile spreading across my face.

Following closely behind her after she parked in the driveway, I parked just outside my garage and eagerly stepped out, looking forward to being enveloped in her scent the moment I entered her space, burying my face in the crook of her neck.

"I'm surprised to see you," my voice came out muffled, but I knew she heard me when she giggled lightly.

"I know it's way past lunch, but I figured I could still take you up on your offer," she replied, nibbling on her bottom lip. I nodded and gestured for her to follow me inside.

"I can order us some food," I offered, but she made her way into the kitchen. I stood by the entrance, mildly amused as she gently grazed her fingertips over the granite countertops and hummed to herself before stopping in front of the stove.

"Your kitchen is a dream," she muttered, smiling gently as she glanced back at me.

"T-Thank you," I cleared my throat, moving further into the room and tilting my head as I watched her, "we can make something."

Her eyes brightened, and I couldn't help but find her adorable as she spun around to clap her hands lightly. Leaning against the counter, I observed her as she opened the fridge to see what ingredients I had.

For a moment, I allowed my mind to wander, imagining what every day with her might be like. She always seemed guarded, but she was a puzzle I didn't mind trying to solve.

Excusing myself, I headed upstairs to change out of my suit. When I returned downstairs, she had already gathered a variety of ingredients and was chopping away. With her tongue poking out and brows furrowed in concentration, I chuckled, catching her eyes snapping in my direction. I couldn't miss the way her gaze lingered on my bare chest, or how her tongue moistened her lip, causing me to stiffen before I reached up to scratch my beard.

"I left some clothes for you to change into on the bed. So, whilst you get comfortable, I can finish up cutting," I suggested. She nodded and moved past me stopping short to peak in my direction.

"Sweatpants really suit you."

Gulping at the dark look she wore, my face flushed, and I mumbled a low, "Thank you," that had her smirking.

And the minute she left me alone I released a harsh breath and ran a gentle hand down my face, "This is going to be a long night."


The different smells wafted throughout the kitchen, and I was caught in a trance watching her move around the space with a sense of ease.

She looked relaxed, composed as she navigated between the pots she had put, and I found myself leaning forward. With her clad in my shirt, I found myself biting my lip seeing her bare legs. My eyes had nearly popped out of their sockets when I noticed she had opted not to wear my boxers. And I had been doing my best to hide the effect of her decision by sitting stiffly in my seat trying to think of something disgusting.

"You're really in your element," I noted. Her smile widened, and she peaked at me through her lashes showing me the excitement swimming in her orbs.

"I enjoy cooking, it brings me a lot of peace."

"Well, you're amazing at it, the lasagna you made has been on my mind. I swear you should be a chef."

"One day... I hope," she murmured lowly, but it was loud enough for me to hear it.

And the piece of information was enough to make me stare wide-eyed at her. Catching my obvious stare she rolled her eyes and smirked, "What?"

"You just never really say much about yourself, I'm just a little caught off guard. When did you start learning to cook like that?"

Turning fully to face me, she leaned against the counter and crossed her arms causing my shirt to rise up on her thighs as she pursed her lips. "My dad taught me when I was about six or seven."

"I'm sure you guys are super close," I chuckled only for my smile to falter at seeing her look down and quickly turn away from me. "Did I say something wro –"

"No, no uh you didn't," she rushed out, but I could tell something was bothering her. And after seeing her so at ease, the last thing I wanted was to make her uncomfortable.

Standing up, I moved tentatively towards her and closed the distance between our bodies by gently tugging her till she was facing me.

"I'm not going to ask about the nature of your relationship with your father or anything like that we can talk about anything really – except the weather," I stated, and I smiled seeing her chuckle lightly as she placed her hands gently on my chest.

"I'm just a little curious about something," she mumbled biting her lip. Alhough the action wasn't intended to be seductive I was planning on kissing those lips any moment, "how are you still single?"

Tensing at the unexpected question, she tilted her head as I moved away allowing my arms to drop. "Did I say something wrong?" she asked invading my space.

"No but why do you ask?"

"You're successful, not bad looking, honestly you seem like a pretty decent guy but your friendship with Niel is quite questionable because you both seem like polar opposites."

Nodding my head, I reached out to grab the material of the shirt she wore. I felt the soft fabric between my index and thumb as I mulled over what she said, "Niel and I knew each other back when we were young. I was – still am quiet and he was the popular guy who looked out for me. We both didn't come from ideal family situations, but we have each other's backs."

"So despite him cheating you'll still associate with him?" she smirked cocking her head to the side.

"You know you're quite judgmental for a stripper," I mused watching her jaw drop before she bent over laughing.

Before she turned away to place her attention on the stove, she smacked my chest playfully and I reached out to wrap an arm around her waist placing my chin on her shoulder, You're a bit of a dick, aren't you? But I guess given my profession I'm in no position to judge but the path I chose... I could give excuses and say I didn't have a choice, but I do have a choice to walk away just like how your friend has a choice not to be unfaithful."

"You're right and though I'm not supporting it, if you knew the full story, you'd kind of understand."

"You still haven't answered my other question," she leaned her head away causing me to look her in the eye.

And when I caught on to what she was alluding to, I decided to say it, "I was in a relationship and we were about to get married but, on the day, she just didn't show up, so since then I wasn't eager to get back into dating and focused more on work."

Although I could see the shock flash on her face, I wasn't as sad or uncomfortable to speak about it even if it was for a moment. Despite me having once deemed it one of the worst days of my life, I hardly thought about it much the more I buried myself into work and grew numb.

"Sorry about that..."

Shaking my head, I leaned forward to place my lips delicately on hers to pull back and say, "It's okay, I dont really care anymore."

Signed, Sealed... I'm YoursWhere stories live. Discover now