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I made a conscious effort not to fixate too much on her facial expressions, lest I come across as a creep. But resisting the urge proved futile as I found myself mesmerized by the joy illuminating her eyes as she watched the film with pure delight.

After the party, I sensed a subtle shift in her demeanor, regretting dragging her to such a social gathering. This only reinforced my decision to suggest a cozy movie night instead. Although the temptation to lead her straight to my bed lingered, seeing her nestled comfortably in the seat brought its own satisfaction.

As the film drew to a close, she glanced at me with a playful sparkle in her eyes, teasingly poking my cheek. "I've been trying to ignore the looks, but I'm curious about the twisted thoughts swirling in your mind," she joked.

Chuckling I adjusted in my seat, leaning closer to her and intertwining our fingers. "You just look so adorable that's all," I confessed.

Her gaze fell to our joined hands, tracing light circles on my skin. "You picked a film that was a huge part of my childhood. Can't blame me if my inner child comes out," she murmured softly, giving me the perfect opportunity to lean in and gently grasp her chin.

As she tilted her head upward, I could see her eyes, now a deep ink black in the dim light. I'd never mentioned it before, but I was fascinated by the way their color shifted depending on the light.

"We should watch Titanic next," I suggested, only to be met with the sweet melody of her laughter, though silent.

"Only for me to cry? No thanks," she replied, her lip caught between her teeth in a playful manner.

"Everyone needs a good cry now and then. Besides, when was the last time you shed a tear, hmm?" I prodded gently.

"The procedure," she responded, a sudden alertness in her eyes as she perked up. Confusion furrowed my brow as she attempted to shift away, but I held her close, unwilling to let her retreat.

"What do you mean?" I murmured, lowering the volume on the screen as the end credits rolled. Her gaze drifted towards it, and I watched as her eyes glazed over, a shaky breath escaping her lips.

"S-Sorry, I didn't mean to blurt that out," she chuckled, though the sound felt forced. An uneasy feeling settled in my chest, knowing there was a weight on her shoulders. I squeezed her hand, coaxing her attention back to me.

"Don't apologize... you know I'm here to listen, no questions asked," I reassured her.

She searched my face, seemingly seeking an escape from the conversation. Unexpectedly, she spoke again, her words laden with vulnerability. "When you're faced with loss, it makes you cherish memories even more. Sitting here, laughing, and feeling excited... it reminds me of the times I had with my parents. And not long ago, my mother had a cancer scare that terrified me because of the possibility of losing her too," she confessed, avoiding my gaze.

Her discomfort was palpable, her fidgeting a testament to the rarity of these glimpses into her life. Knowing what she had endured only spurred me to pull her into a comforting embrace.

Though she initially stiffened, she gradually relaxed, allowing herself to melt into my arms until she settled in my lap.

"I appreciate you sharing that with me," I murmured softly.

Wiping at the corners of her eyes, she rubbed her arms gently before briefly meeting my gaze. "Well, don't get used to it... our agreement still stands, right?" she said, a hint of tension underlying her words.

Her statement sent a sharp pang through my chest, a reminder of the reality I reluctantly accepted. I had entered into this arrangement seeking something casual, but as I looked at her, I realized my desires had shifted. I wanted her, yet I knew there was no room for that, especially when she seemed intent on keeping things uncomplicated.

"Yeah... of course," I replied, masking the ache in my heart.

"You're going to make someone really happy one day," she whispered, and I closed my eyes, bracing myself against the bittersweet reassurance of a future without her.

"We should call it a night, unless you want to watch another movie," I suggested, attempting to steer the conversation away from its emotional depths.

She remained silent for a moment, studying me before standing and taking my hand. "Let's go to bed," she said quietly.

Following her lead, I gathered the remnants of our snacks, tidying up as she headed upstairs. By the time I joined her in the bedroom, she was already tucked beneath the covers, a silent invitation for me to join her.

Slipping off my shirt, I settled beside her, wrapping my arms around her as she nestled into my side, her delicate hand resting against my chest. I hoped she couldn't feel the rapid thud of my heart beneath her touch, a testament to the effect she had on me.

As I gazed at the ceiling, attempting to steady my breath, her lips found a spot just behind my ear, sending a shiver down my spine. Soon, her kisses trailed across my cheeks and lips, igniting a fire within me that I struggled to contain.

"I thought we were going to sleep," I whispered, my voice betraying the desire coursing through me.

"We will... after," she replied, her tone filled with a promise of passion.

Before long, her hands roamed my body, her lips seeking mine in a fervent kiss. As we surrendered to the heat between us, I marvelled at the sweetness of her lips, flavored with the sweetness from the snacks she had indulged in earlier.

With each touch and caress, I lost myself in the sensation of her skin against mine, her soft moans filling the room with a melody of desire. When she attempted to remove my sweatpants, I seized control, flipping us over and revelling in the power I held over her.

As our bodies became one, I savoured every moment, unwilling to rush the intimacy we shared. With each thrust, I felt a sense of connection deepen between us, her whispered pleas for more fuelling my desire to please her.

When she begged to touch me, I couldnt deny her, pulling her close and revelling in the raw passion between us. Drawing her near, I gently guided her onto my lap, relishing the intimate connection as I delved deep within her. Her graceful surrender, head tilting back, and the elegant arch of her spine painted a picture worth cherishing. When she sought refuge in the crook of my neck, I tenderly redirected her attention, mindful of her boundaries.

Engulfed in a fervent kiss, our mingling breaths and the rhythmic symphony of our union became my newfound delight. Even as our lips parted, her touch remained, a tangible reminder of the intimacy shared. "Cameron..." Her soft breath against my skin elicited a tender response, stirring emotions I dared not voice, fearing it might jeopardize what we had.

As ecstasy washed over us, I held her close, savouring the tremors of pleasure coursing through her. Yet, amid the bliss, a sobering thought lingered – a reminder of the ephemeral nature of our arrangement. Silently, I wrestled with conflicting desires, yearning for something more substantial yet hesitating to voice my aspirations.

As we lay intertwined, basking in the aftermath of our passion, my mind buzzed with uncertainty. How could I navigate this delicate situation and convince her that a deeper connection was worth exploring? The notion of 'us' lingered, a tantalizing possibility beckoning me to seek more than mere moments of bliss.

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