No One But Me...

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I found myself replaying the rooftop encounter over and over in my mind. Days had passed, yet the sensation of his lips and touch lingered, refusing to fade. Each time the elevator changed floors, I couldn't shake the impact of his touch, a reminder of his effect on me.

But I had to remind myself—I couldn't get attached. No matter how my heart raced, I was just a body to him. Stepping off the elevator, clutching his suit jacket, I treaded cautiously towards his floor, keeping my gaze fixed ahead.

The click of my heels on the pristine floor drew his assistant's attention. As I approached, I could swear her eyes narrowed slightly.

"Hi, I'm here to see Mr. Miller," I chirped, mustering a smile that faltered as her next words hit me.

"Do you have an appointment?"

Internally cringing at my oversight, I replied, "No."

"I'm sorry, but I can't allow you through without an appointment," she said politely.

Nodding, I fought to quell the disappointment brewing in my gut at the thought of not seeing him—to return his jacket, of course. Pulling out my phone, I dialed his number, glancing back to see her gaze fixed on me.

After a few rings, he answered, and without preamble, I said, "I'm outside your office."

A moment of silence followed before he responded with a simple, "Okay."

As the call ended, his office door swung open, revealing his emerald eyes, which seemed to light up as they met mine. "Molly, if anyone calls, just take a message," he instructed, gesturing for me to enter.

She smiled widely, and I couldn't help but raise a brow at the way her lips curved as she looked up at him. "No problem, Mr. Miller."

Perhaps I was being overly critical, but her voice sounded different—softer, lighter than when she spoke to me.

"I don't mind you calling me boss or something else. Mr. Miller makes me feel old," he chuckled, I withheld the urge to roll my eyes seeing her reach up to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear.

I quickly stopped my mind from continuing its assessment of her and walked into his office but not without grasping his hand gently to tug him inside before she could reply. Once he shut the door I walked further into his space until I reached his desk inwardly trying to keep my emotions in cheek.

"Sorry for just showing up unannounced but I was close to your workplace and decided to bring your jacket."

He nodded his head closing the distance between us wearing a wide grin that had me crossing my arms and pursing my ljps, "What?"

He merely shrugged his shoulders, and wound his arms around my waist, "Nothing, you look just look so pretty today," he leaned down to kiss me. But his earlier warmth to his assistant allowed my sourness to control me and I simply moved my head away not in the mood to entertain any affection from him.

"Are you always that friendly with your employees?" I asked, pressing the jacket against his chest with a firmness that created some space between us. His scent of sandalwood enveloped my senses, necessitating the action, for I knew logic would fade away.

His eyes widened as I spun around and settled into his office chair. He followed, hands in pockets, leaning against his desk not far from me, a light chuckle escaping him.

"What?" I snapped, narrowing my eyes.

He bit his lip, studying me. "You're cute when you're jealous."

My jaw dropped, cheeks flushing, before I looked away to steady myself. "N-NO, I'm not," I retorted, keeping my tone steady.

"Okay," he mused, his grin persisting.

"I'm just asking because the last thing you want is to come across as unprofessional," I pointed out, trying to maintain composure.

But deep down, I couldn't shake why that small interaction bothered me. I knew he had a female assistant, and it hadn't bothered me before. Now, though, I couldn't ignore the curves and modest allure of her presence.

"Okay," he repeated, teasingly. "I don't want to spend this time talking about this, do you?" he challenged.

Closing my mouth, I shook my head, studying his profile. Standing up, I reached for his tie, closing the gap between us. Gently pressing my lips against his, I sought permission with my tongue, which he happily granted, his hands finding their place on my ass.

Running my fingers through his hair, our moment was interrupted by his ringing phone, prompting a curse from him. He kept his eyes on me as he answered. "Yeah, Molly?"

The mention of her name made me clench my jaw. I shouldn't be bothered, but her interruption irked me.

"I know he says it's an emergency, but tell him I'll call him back," he said, amusement evident as I undid his tie and loosened a few buttons on his shirt. As I reached for his crotch, he jumped, gasping audibly.

"Y-Yeah, yeah, thanks," he stammered, hanging up and blushing. "S-Sorry about that."

I pulled him to his chair, and he complied, eyes wide as I dropped to my knees before him. The sound of his heavy breaths and the clink of his belt buckle undressing him filled the air, preventing silence from taking over. The sight of him, freed from his constraints, made my mouth water as I continued to undress him.

Kissing along his thighs, he moaned softly, igniting a fire within me. It had been a while since I'd indulged in such pleasures, but I couldn't deny the longing. His precum coated my fingers as I gripped him, swirling my tongue around his tip. He grunted, thrusting his hips, but I placed a firm hand on his lower belly, silencing him.

And then, a sound I'd never heard from him escaped, a mix of surprise and pleasure. "B-But, but..."

"Shhhh.... don't rush me," I ordered, pumping him, watching as he nodded eagerly, eyes squeezed shut

Returning my eyes to his arousal in my hands, I gave a few gentle licks savouring the mildly salty taste and worked the length gently into my mouth. Cameron was a man blessed in both length and girth, I knew my mouth couldn't take him in completely and used the rest of my hand to compensate for it.

I would have loved to take all.of him in with my mouth because he was so delicious.

With each grunt that tumbled out of his lips, the sounds were motivation as I bobbed my head finding a rhythm that had his body growing restless. Pulling away to swirl my tongue around his tip, the reason behind what possessed me to pounce on him this way, remained an unaddressed issue. However, the second I looked up at him to see his face contorted in ecstasy the answer hit me.

I was a jealous bitch.

Seeing the way, he smiled at her, ruffled my feathers and though we weren't together I wouldn't stand idly by and watch him smile at her like that.

And knowing he spent many hours working with her was a fact that hit me watching them interact.

I'm not usually possessive. Considering the nature of our relationship, I had no place to be. But for as long as this deal existed, no one would be touching him but me.

Signed, Sealed... I'm YoursWhere stories live. Discover now