Chapter 1

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Taraji is a beauty Queen owning her own hair product. Body product and Fashion line. All called TPH by Taraji. Fantasia is her clumsy, incompetent intern.
But that's who they are publicly.

Privately Fantasia owns the streets of New York City, she's an accomplished dangerous thug, and the only reason she went looking for a job is because her parents gave her an ultimatum. She then applied for an intern job at Taraji's Boutique.

And, Taraji is the director of the FBI. The big boss.

Fantasia finished her interview. She was told to meet the boss in her office. She knocked at the door.

"come in!"
She walked in. "I am Fantasia Barrino, your new Intern."

"oh- " Taraji said sniffing products, she didn't seem to care about the new intern standing in her office.
Fantasia clenched her teeth, she hated being ignored. "Ma'am? I'm over here" She demanded. Taraji slowly lifted her eyes. They gave an intimidating gaze.

She stood up. "Pick up a new notepad and pencil from my left drawer and walk with me, I walk fast, so keep up!"

Fantasia rushed to the drawer and got her stuff then rushed after Taraji. She walked faster than Fantasia imagined. "how do you walk fast with such small feet and in those shoes?"

"keep up!"

"I'm trying. Slow down"

"ready?" Taraji asked.

"yeah!" Fantasia was breathing hard, she hated rushing in her 6 inches cause she's more of a sneaker kinda fem.

"I only have 10 Commandments. Never break the commandments."
She stopped in her tracks and turned. "Never!" she emphasized

Fantasia nodded jotting down.

"1. Don't ever make me miss a meeting or make me late," She said lifting her finger.

"got it, no missing no tardy"

"No milk in my coffee. I like it black," she said as they proceeded in the hallway of her well-established business.

"no milk. Black all the way" Fantasia said looking around. The place was really impressive. "Wow!" she muttered under her breath.

"3. No talkbacks"
"yes ma'am"

"4, I don't eat in my office"

"no food!" Fantasia wrote down.

"5, make sure I'm home by 9. Sleep is as important as my career"

"I will try ma'am. Damn this place is artistic," she added, her eyes were everywhere.

"6, never fix me up. I will fire you immediately- ask my previous intern."

"never ma'am. I'm not interested in your love life or life outside this office."

"7. Do not ma'am me. Call me sir"


Taraji turned, and Fantasia stopped, she intimidated her.

"I mean, yes ma'am- I mean sir"

"never wear blue with red shoes, it makes my teeth hurt"

"got it"

"9 If my mother calls I'm never in the bathroom. Even if I am. The woman has sanitary problems"

Fantasial laughed.

"get to work," Taraji said pointing at Fantasia's new desk and turning to walk back to her isolated office.

"Sir, what's number 10?".

"Fantasia was it?"

"yes sir, wow you remembered."

"I have a good memory," Taraji said walking away.

"But sir, number 10??"

"Don't fall for me!" Taraji spoke up

"wait what?" Fantasia said laughing, looking at her colleagues. "Fall for you? I'm straight like that will never happen ma'am! I mean sir"

"you promise?" Taraji turned and looked at her. Their eyes met for the first time. Fantasia swallowed hard.

"most definitely promise!" she then said. Taraji looked Fantasia up and down.

"Good!" Taraji said and walked to her office.

Fantasia gasped with a smile on her face. "She's-- she is just, gosh, is she always like that?" she asked her colleagues.

"All day every day. I'm Phoebe, marketing director" The girl outstretched her hand. Fantasia took it but her eyes were still staring at where Taraji disappeared from.

"rule number 10!" Phoebe said. Fantasia laughed hard. "No cause that woman cast a spell on me. She said rule number 10 and suddenly I noticed her. No, she cast a spell, she's a voodoo queen"

Phoebe laughed.

"Is she married?"

"Fantasia!! Stop!"

Fantasia raised her hands in the air. "okay okay!! I will stop. Show me around"

"with pleasure, follow me"
They walked around the office.

"no seriously. Our boss? Is she married or something?"
"yes, but we all have never met him. He's some international businessman or something. Why are you interested?"

"I just wonder who is lucky enough to be in her presence every Damn day. She is captivating without even trying"

"and she knows that hence her rules!"

"she is Cocky!"
"and Sassy as fuck!" Phoebe added.

"I think I'm gonna like it here!"

"Welcome to the dream team Pal. We work hard around here."
Fantasia breathed deeply... Taking it all in.


Warning ⚠️⚠️ this book include ADULT Content and strong language
And might be triggering on the long run....

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