Chapter 10

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First divorce settlement meeting.

Fantasia and her lawyer and Taraji's lawyer waited for Taraji in a board meeting. She was already running 20 minutes late. Fantasia was pissed out of her mind cause she had other things to do with her time this morning, and she had to pick up Alycia from the airport in 30 minutes. She kept checking the time.

"Where the hell is she?" She muttered under her breath. She was 30 minutes late. Fantasia stood to leave. Taraji walked in, she looked unbothered,  not even tired, like she stopped by the ladies room to get extra pampering.

"I'm here, lets begin" she said like she ran the place. Fantasia clentched her teeth. She made a call immediately.

"please pick up Alycia from the airport for me... I will send you her contact right now" she said on her phone and hung up.

"okay now can we begin?" Fantasia's lawyer asked. Taraji shrugged. "Yes!" her lawyer said. "Let's get it over and done with already" Fantasia said.

"Okay, we have gone through the settlement requests from your client. That's a little overboard for a seven day marriage dont you think? Seriously, it's a Vegas marriage come on" Fantasia's lawyer emphasized. Taraji whispered something to her lawyer, Fantasia was already rolling her eyes...

"This is a real marriage for my client and she's devastated that her wife wants divorce. So she wants half and that's final"

"My client agreed to offer your client 5 million dollars for settlements"

"That won't cut it, she want half"

"20 million dollars!" Taraji's lawyer looked at Taraji,  she shook her head. "Come on!" Fantasia's lawyer snapped. Taraji whispered to her lawyer.
"We want the townhouse, a factory and a teen club, with the new Ferrari" the Lawyer said following instructions. "That's not happening" The lawyer said.

"then I'm done here, call me when my needs are met" Taraji said walking out like one of the housewives of somewhere...

"this is absurd,  your client is a gold digger,  she is not getting nothing from us" The lawyer said. Fantasia stood up and went to the bathroom to yell her frustrations out.
She got there and started pacing. Taraji walked out of the stall and washed her hands.
"Why are you doing this? I'm trying to build a legacy for my kids before I retire and you making it impossible. Why?"
She asked her. "Have you considered my feelings when you decided what to do? You just shoved divorce in my lap like I'm some kind of feelingsless person who can get over it. Why would you treat me like that?"

"I'm sorry, I thought this was the easy way out"

"it is. I agree cause we were hammered when we got married, we dont even remember what really happened but you should have discussed it with me. This was supposed to be a mutual deal breaker. But no, Fantasia Barrino the Triple 4, leader of gang members can never do things anyone's way, she does what she wants, when she wants" Taraji said. "okay, I was wrong. Can we start over, can I come over tonight and we talk about this?" Fantasia asked.

"No, I want half. I'm done talking. I have kids to provide for as well" Taraji said leaving.

"So because of that you just gonna decide to be a gold digging hoe?" Fantasia snapped. Taraji turned rapidly. "what did you just called me?"
"A hoe Muthafucker, that's what you are Taraji, the rings you kept from poor men who fell in love with you, the house you kept from Paul, everything you own has somebody's hand in it, now you want my shit? Bitch I would blow your brains out before you even step into my town house" Fantasia said. Taraji's jaw was hanging. She turned and locked the door.

"you wanna see a muthafucking hoe? this muthafucking Hoe is about to make you bleed"
"I'm not fighting" Fantasia said. Taraji walked closer and in a second she twisted her arm to the back. Fantasia clenched her teeth, it hurt like shit.

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