Chapter 21

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Fantasia was bleeding without stopping.
The news reporters didn't take time to come to get a scope of a fallen lion.

*Fantasia, allegedly suspected to be New York City's biggest thug was shot dead at her Club in New York this evening*

Her gang refused for paramedics to touch her. They said it was their ritual to have the body for 30 minutes.
While they have the body...
The media was interviewing eyewitnesses and Carter was calling Taraji.

On call:
Taraji: I know. I just watched it live. (Taraji's voice was fading)
Carter: what do you have to say for yourself miss Chairperson? I know you know who did this, or you did this. You have an explanation to do to the cops because of the message you left my wife right after she was shot. Let's see you redeem yourself. I'm not gonna rest until you pay for this.

She hung up.
Taraji breathed in while watching the live news on a small screen on a plane to New York.
"Turn your phones off, we are about to take off!" the Captain announced. Taraji felt her tears coming out...

Hours Later,
The media announced that Fran Grant, the deceased's sister ordered cremation and was organizing a funeral for her sister, she asked the media to be respectful and understanding that the family needs space during this difficult time.

Flashback 12 hours ago:

Fantasia was In her office at the warehouse.
Knock on the door.
"Big G, Troops is here to see you, he says is important" Rusty announced. "Let him in, strip him. He must enter unarmed" She said. "You got it, boss," He said and walked out. After a while, a gangster with body ink and dreadlocks, about 5 feet tall, walked in with loose pants at the bottom of his bottom.
"Muthafucking Triple 4!" He said they did a secret handshake. "Troops, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked. "You gonna wanna hear this? An FBI agent ordered a hit on you! He called my boys, an hour ago, the hit is supposed to happen tonight!"

"And why are you telling me? You want my empire, why would you protect me, what's in it for you?" Fantasia asked. "I will pick you any day against the so-called good guys, I don't want anything, just be careful" Troops said walking out.
"Wait. Sit down. This might benefit both. This could be my phase 2, and I will pay you a million dollars if you play with me"

"What do you need Triple 4"
"This is what you gonna do, your boys will come to the club, and shoot outside, that way everybody will duck. I won't, make sure you use a good shooter,! Shoot me in the chest or on my stomach, there will be blood everywhere, my gang will confirm my death and take me away, switch bodies. Then I will get out of New York. I will be declared dead, then I will get on the plane with my fake ID and passport to The Bahamas. I need a long vacation, away from this life. Nobody will know except you and my gang. If this gets out, it's on you. Oh, and my sister 'cause she will have to cremate me and bury me. Are you ready to pull a trigger Troops!?"

"Yeah I'm good with that, but what about blood? Where will I get blood?"
"I have Hollywood fake blood, and I will be super-proofed and place the blood over my bulletproof. My gang will be tailing you when you pull that trigger, you shoot to kill, and they finish you too. We good?"

"We will be good when I get that check!"
Fantasia signed a check and handed it in.


Fantasia got on a plane and left.
They planned the funeral.
Carter was talking to Fantasia's lawyer to find out if she was on the will. The lawyer said to talk to her sister aka her final word lawyer.

If only she knew Fantasia left everything to the gang. (well because she's not dead) but left the Penthouse to her mother.

Taraji was grieving badly, not Talking to anyone, and she blamed herself. Taylor came back home to help her during this difficult time.

She was not invited to the funeral, it was Fantasia's order, she didn't want her to bury her in case she missed home and decided to come back.

Carter's grief was pinned on money and inheritance, also blaming Taraji for the murder. She showed the cops the message on her "Dead" wife's phone.

Taraji was visited by the NYPD. She told them it was a coincidence and that her text had nothing to do with the shooting, but about Fantasia selling her the penthouse, she showed them the house keys and a note where Fantasia promised Taraji, they would make the penthouse legally hers. We all know that was when they were married, but it was evident enough to redeem Taraji.

After the funeral
Carter was angry because she was not in the will. She was getting nothing. Also because Taraji was not arrested, they confirmed that a group of gang members shot Fantasia.

Fantasia was having the time of her life in the Bahamas. Taraji got a mail from an anonymous. It was a ticket to The Bahamas. She took days off and sent her sister back to her mother's and got on a plane.

She arrived in The Bahamas.
They escorted her into the suite.

She stepped inside, and that was confirmation that Fantasia was alive. She was lying on a massage bed, getting a full body massage.
Taraji silently dismissed everybody in the room.

She got out of her clothes oiled her body and started massaging Fantasia.
She started rubbing her pussy.
"I T-told you not to touch me there"
"But shit... It feels so good. Don't stop" Fantasia said. Taraji continued and finger fucked her, the moans Fantasia was letting out were intense.
"So now you dead, what now?" Taraji asked. Fantasia gasped and lifted her head. "you came..." Fantasia asked getting off the bed.

"I did"
Fantasia pulled her into her body, they started kissing.
Taraji pulled away. "You still haven't answered me!" she said

"Because that doesn't concern you, just be a good girl, fuck me, and shut up can you do that?" Fantasia asked.
Taraji turned away putting her clothes on. "I'm not your little blow-up doll Tasia"

"You not? But you are a happy whore ass bitch for your married friend?" Fantasia wasn't ready for that slap.
They looked at each other and Taraji jumped on top of her. Fantasia pinned her against the wall. They started kissing again. Rubbing each other's pussies.
Moaning, breathing hard.

"I'm glad you didn't die on me," Taraji said between their breath.
"Yeah? I'm glad you came. Can we take this in the bedroom? I wanna enjoy you" Fantasia asked. "Yes, daddy. Please do!"
Fantasia pulled her in her arms, took her into the bedroom, and tossed her in bed, Taraji gasped.

"Why me? Why not Carter?" Taraji asked.
"Because I want you, not Carter, my body wants you, my pussy is twitching for you, baby. I missed you" Fantasia said.
Taraji pulled Fantasia on top of her. "I missed you too baby, I'm sorry I've been too stubborn, I couldn't get you out of my mind. I thought sleeping around would help me forget you"

"It won't. I belong in your heart Taraji, you are just too stubborn to see it. And if you give this pussy–" she said rubbing her pussy, Taraji moaned, "to any nigga, I'm gonna blow their brains out. You hear me? This pussy is mine, you are mine Taraji."

"shut up and fuck me so good Daddy! It is just the two of us. You are mine" Taraji said. They kissed, Fantasia went down on her, and Taraji shivered muttering her name. "Oh Daddy Tasia, yes fuck me!"

"Taraji I'm in love with you. I am crazy in love with you baby. Would you please be my girlfriend?" Fantasia asked. Taraji blushed. "I'm in love with you too Fantasia. I will be your woman. Kiss me, Daddy"


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