Chapter 19

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After a while...
Fantasia said good night to the gang and took her embarrassed, so-called new bride home.
They went to Fantasia's penthouse.

There was not much communication between the two, usually, Carter did most talking while Fantasia was in her head just cooking shit.
Her mind is a busy bunch especially when she doesn't wanna be "Present".

They arrived at the house.
"I'm gonna go take a shower, wanna join me?" Carter asked. "No, I have some work do"
Fantasia said. Carter nodded and walked upstairs giving the housekeeper the look.

"How long is she gonna be here?" The housekeeper asked Fantasia. Fantasia chuckled. "A while, you better get used to her. We both gotta" Fantasia said. The housekeeper groaned. "Well I'm on my way," she said and walked out.

Fantasia poured a glass of wine and walked out to the deck.
She saw a glass of whiskey and looked around before approaching it. There was a note underneath it. She picked up the note after moving the glass to the side and opened it.

*So I guess this is it. Fantasia I'm still very mad about my friend and I don't think I will ever forget that you cut his life shot like that. But I'm gonna let it go... For now. So enjoy your little shem of a marriage without looking over your shoulders. I'm pulling the plugs, you are free, for now! But I will never forgive you. But congratulations, you really know the game and how to play it, I gotta give you that. Have a real drink, that wine won't make you get through sex with the woman who irks your skin, I know you dislike her, and that you are so unattracted to her. so... Good luck.*

Fantasia finished reading the note, folded it, and shoved it in her pocket. She picked up the whiskey glass and looked at it before gulping.

A week Later.

At some booked venue.
The FBI Agents were having a retirement party for the chairman of the board of directors. It was a bring a plus one kind of party.

Fantasia was Carter's plus-one. She realized being there that she owned half of the beaurea but...
They didn't dare go near her, they didn't wanna be seen with her. She was still a bad guy and some FBI Agents were trying to check her every move.

"Well this funeral sucks!" Fantasia said under her breath. "Maybe because you came, you can ruin a good show!" Fantasia smirked before turning to Taraji...
"I couldn't agree with you more," Fantasia said raising her champagne glass in the air. Taraji did the same. They clicked their glasses together. Fantasia bit her bottom lip looking Taraji up and down. Taraji looked away.
"You have no shame showing your face here," Taraji said. "I mean what's the worst that could happen? Are you gonna frisk me, read me my Mirandize?"
"Not my job, but somebody might, have you seen how they peeking at you and whispering amongst themselves?" Taraji asked.
"Maybe they love my dress" Fantasia joked. Taraji looked at her up and down, she looked damn hot. Taraji swallowed hard.
"You look good," Fantasia said.
"I always do" Taraji snapped, irritated by the compliment. "Good night!" Taraji said placing her flute in a passing tray.
Fantasia watched her walk away, she was headed to the parking lot, obviously leaving.
Fantasia turned to find a waiter to give her champagne flute to and saw none, she was in a hurry... So she dropped it on the floor. Unintentionally drawing attention to herself.
People gasped, and she gasped dramatically too, acting like it was an accident before rushing out.


She got outside sprinting and saw Taraji with some guy by her ride. The guy opened a car door for her after they kissed on the lips, a little peck. She got in and waved to him, the car drove away.
"damn it!" Fantasia whispered.
She pulled a Cuban cigar ready to light it. Two Agents walked out surrounding her. "Good evening boss,"
"what's up, boss?" They said. "Boys, lighter?" she asked. One of them lit the cigar for her.
"I didn't know you would be at this party too" the tall one said.
"Party? Bro I thought this was a funeral, I'm wearing black and all. There's a few drinks in there plus everyone is mourning, what kind of a party is this?" Fantasia asked.
"Boss lady is a wild card," the short one said. They chuckled.

"It's a retirement party for our boss, you know... People didn't wanna let his old ass go so they tearing up" the tall one said.
"should have just shot the guy. Have something to cry about" Fantasia muttered while puffing smoke.
"They should have never made a celebration for him. They should have made one for Agent Henson for her promotion." The short one suggested. Fantasia choked on her cigar and coughed. "wait what?"
"Agent Henson, about yay high, she was here, wearing a blue dress, hot lady, she's been promoted, but it is not official yet,"

"so she is going to be the chairman?"

"Chairperson of the board of directors. Yes," the tall one said. "I swear in my entire career I've never seen a person, get promoted constantly like that lady. And she deserves it, she does more work than a lot of Agents, even though her job is in the office now" the short one said.
Fantasia didn't look happy.

"what's wrong boss lady? Is she the enemy? Cause Conner and I can take care of her tonight" he said. "no, no... She's not my enemy at all, but I'm hers. Which is different, she's good. Don't ever touch her, I just think this promotion might give me a headache tonight" Fantasia said.
"Oh... Because of Carter, she is your wife now, and is the only one who isn't happy about Agent Henson's promotion"
Fantasia nodded.
"Why? What does your wife have against Henson?" The short one was nosey.
"Look I don't know, alright!" Fantasia snapped, and the boys laughed.

"How many FBI agents have you fucked boss?" they were chuckling.
"Too person Connor, get the fuck out of my business!" the chuckle faded.
"my bad!"
"So Carter? Why Carter? Business or pleasure?" The short one asked.
"she said too personal man!"
"business, but she doesn't want it to be. But how else can a woman like me end with a woman like her? She knows the game...she better play it, nobody can tame big G. I don't get feelings, you feel me?"
"Oh, I feel you G, shawty better know her place," the short one said.
"You never fell in love... Ever?" Connor asked. Fantasia dipped her Cigar in his drink.
"No!" Fantasia said. They chuckled. Fantasia swallowed hard.

After a beat or two.
"So when is the Priest gonna give us the last prayer on this funeral cause I overstayed my welcome?"
They chuckled hard.
"I see people starting to leave, the party is dead anyway. Henson and Hart left and they are friends with the old man, why we gotta suffer"

"Hart, is it the tall muscled man, brown skin? He is handsome, him and Henson... Are they a thing?" Fantasia was snooping.
"He is married, but even his wife knows, Henson comes first, she comes with the job, and he likes to play bodyguard on her. They train together. He has probably been tapping that ass for years" the short one spilled.

"Find out. If he is, I would like it to stop. Give him a 260 warning. He better listen." She said walking back inside.
Their Jaws were hanging.

"You and your big ass mouth. Now, we gotta tail a badass Agent. You don't know when to shut up." Conner lectured his partner.
"How was I to know, big G had a thing for Henson? Is not my fault" He complained. His partner groaned storming away.

"Connor man wait up," he said following him like a lost puppy.


"I was looking for you, where did you go?" Carter asked Fantasia.
"Outside, getting some air. Is the funeral over?" Fantasia Asked. "What?" Carter looked confused.
"Is it over yet? I got things to do" Fantasia's patience for Carter was very short.

"Okay then, we will blow it off, I will get our coats"
Fantasia nodded. Carter walked away to the coat hanger.

Eventually, they left the party.

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