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-Nayeon! Im Nayeon! Where are you, I have to kill you!- A very restless Taiwanese woman was agitated in the house looking for her friend. -Nayeon if you don't come out I'll fill your panties with hot sauce.- She suddenly stopped. -But she likes it spicy... I'll fill them up for Momo!

-Hey! What do I have to do with it!?- asked Momo, closing the refrigerator.

-Have you seen Big Foot?

-Nayeon.- the Japanese girl with the beautiful eyes clarified. -Went out.

-Did you see what she did!? That big bi

-Biblical.- Jihyo said entering the kitchen.

-Tsk. She's anything but biblical.

-What did she do?- Momo asked.

-Since there are only eight of us, she invited a human here! A very banal human!

-Tzuyu, the human in question is my cousin.- Jihyo told her.

-So it was you!- Jihyo rolled her eyes at the exaggeration of the youngest of the group. -And does she know about you?- the Taiwanese asked, crossing her arms over her chest and raising an eyebrow.

-No and try to keep her mouth shut.

-We can't have a human in the house! Remember Somi!?

A shiver ran down the backs of all of them. The poor girl had been the most terrible victim of the group. She acted silently, she loved looking at girls, but no one would ever accuse her because she looked so innocent. After seeing Somi and Chaeyoung getting closer, the other was furious and she reminded her short friend that she couldn't have a relationship with a human. When Chaeyoung continued to talk to Somi, because they were friends, nothing more, at least for Chaeyoung, Mina had no other solution than to scare Somi to death. And when I say to death I am not exaggerating. After Mina had used one of her powers on the girl, the electroshock to be clear, Jihyo had no choice but to save her life by biting her. Somi had sued Mina, understanding Jihyo's good intentions, but the girl had not even served a day in prison, only paying a large sum to compensate for her damages. What advantages does the daughter of the most influential being in their world has.

-This time it will be different: we just have to make sure that the new arrival doesn't flirt with Chaeyoung.- Jihyo stated confidently. -And, believe me, my cousin has very different tastes. She likes girls more like Sana, like you, Tzu, like Mina-

-We get it, girly girls.- Chaeyoung said as she entered the kitchen. -Thank you for not taking into account that I also work hard to look feminine. I even wear clothes to parties!

-If by parties you mean family dinners at Mina's house.- the Taiwanese girl began. -Those with few family members... Then I tell you that you couldn't do it any other way because they are all traditionalists there.

-What time is your cousin coming, Ji?- Chaeyoung asked, taking the red drink from the table.

-What!? What!?- asked the Taiwanese in disbelief. -Everyone knew but me!?

-Not everyone, Dahyun doesn't know yet.

-What? About the new arrival?- asked the palest of all as she entered the large kitchen. -Do I need to remind you that I can read minds?

-And do I have to remind you that you're annoying?- Jihyo asked her.

-And I am grateful to you for reading the minds of those beautiful girls to understand if they are taken or not.

-So you take these things into consideration? I knew you were a good person after all.- Jihyo told her, proud of the little one of the group.

-No, I understand how to get rid of those who get in my way.- the Taiwanese replied as if it was nothing.

-Dahyun, I don't like you using your power on us.- Jihyo said scolding her.

-Chaeyoung was hiding something from me, I knew it, so while I activated my power on her, I happened to read Mina's mind and found out that your cousin was coming.

-Out of curiosity, what's in Sana's mind?- Tzuyu asked. -What does it feel like to read nothingness?

Dahyun rolled her eyes. -There's not really "nothing", she thinks about something.

-But think about it!- exclaimed the Taiwanese. -We could make billions by telling others what their friends, their boyfriends, their families think of them!

-No, Tzuyu! It's forbidden!- Jihyo, one of the most experienced and oldest in the group, along with Mina and Nayeon, scolded her.

The Taiwanese rolled her eyes. -What do other people usually think?

-Let's see... Nayeon thinks about herself, Momo about food, I've never seen so many thoughts about food in someone's mind. Sana's mind is very confusing, it's an explosion of thoughts and reading it confuses me so much; she mainly thinks about girls and who has the nicest butt in the house.

-And who has it?- asked Tzuyu.

-Jihyo. Hmm... Then Jihyo thinks about ordinary things, things that concern her work and how to keep you, Tzuyu, at bay. Mina, we already know what she thinks.

-Shopping.- they all said in unison.

-Chaeyoung thinks of new ideas for her tattoos and thinks of...

-Mina.- they all said, including Chaeyoung.

-Tzuyu says exactly what she thinks, I don't need to tell you.

-At least I'm sincere, not like you traitors who didn't even tell me that a stupid human will come to live with us!

Jihyo looked at the time on the old pendulum belonging to Mina's family. -She should be here soon. Please behave normally. I don't want my cousin to think my friends are crazy.

-Believe me, the problem is not that we are vampires. Have you seen Tzuyu touching the girls' butts, Sana jumping on them and kissing them and Mina looking at their tits?- Chaeyoung asked.

-That's why she doesn't look at you.- Tzuyu said with a grin.

-Idiot.- commented the shorter one. -And then why are you talking if you used vampisurgery!?

-But now who is the one with the tits as beautiful and soft as two dinghies?

-My cousin will think you are a den of madmen regardless.- Jihyo said shaking her head.

-We have another problem, boss.- Tzuyu told her, catching her attention. -We have to make her drink that concoction that we also gave to Somi so she doesn't fall in love with Mina.

Among her various powers, the beautiful vampire had the ability to make anyone fall in love. It was a sort of privilege that only an important family like hers had.

-She will hate us.- Momo stated.

Welcome to a new book in which Tzuyu is always iconic and our favorite character and our 2yeon will experience various dramas

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