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-What a beautiful day.- Mina stated.

-But it's raining.- Jeongyeon said.

-Exactly.- She turned to Jeongyeon. -In the last week I see you different. You're more radiant and it ruins my mood.

Jeongyeon smiled more at the thought of the last few nights spent with Nayeon, even just holding each other in the freezing night.

-I finally found a serious job.- she explained. -Well, they haven't taken me yet but I had an interview.

-What job is it?


-All this emphasis on being a slave. You could come to my castle and I would pay you.

-Thanks, but no, thanks. I prefer to stay here.

-As you like. Are you and Nayeon friends by any chance?

-Yes, I suppose so.

Much more than friends but she couldn't tell Mina this.

-I seem to read something else in that confused mind. Look, I love Nayeon, I really do, but she's already suffered and I don't want her to suffer again for a human. A vampire would be much better for her. You understand me, right?

Jeongyeon looked down and nodded. -I knew I wasn't enough for her. And I knew it wouldn't last...

-About this... I talked about it with Jihyo and we came to a conclusion: if yours is not just an attraction but true love, you will have to make an agreement.

-What do you mean?- Jeongyeon asked confused.

-In that case she will have to be the one to bite. I mean... She's never bitten, I know, but I can teach her. But you have to be willing to accept.

-Are you kidding? I would do anything to be like you. And then spending eternity with Nayeon sounds interesting...

-Believe me, I've only known her for ten years and I'm already stressed.- Tzuyu said appearing out of nowhere.

-Have you been here so far?- Jeongyeon asked the girl.

-I wanted to see what Mina had to say to you and I discovered that she didn't confront me to make this decision.

-And I found out that you asked Jeongyeon to woo her and make Nayeon jealous to get your best friend back.- Mina told her with her hands on her waist.

-But it worked, didn't it?- she asked looking towards Jeongyeon. -Now the two of them are together and you and Jihyo are in agreement. Ah... What would you do without me.

-Together? I wouldn't say we're together...

-My ultra hearing says yes when Dicky makes you scream at night.

-Okay, but I don't think it's a relationship. Or maybe yes?

-Whatever happens, Nayeon will have to bite you, otherwise...

-Otherwise what, Mina?- Nayeon asked appearing out of nowhere.

-Otherwise, dear Nayeon, another person will die. I know you can do it. Jeongyeon wants to be bitten, you have her approval. When you realize you really love each other, sink your fangs into her neck before you regret it forever.

Nayeon looked down. -And what will my husbands think if they could see me? Apart from the last ones who refused, I could have bitten the others. My first husband, for example... It's not fair. I could live happily with him by now.

Jeongyeon wasn't jealous at all, she knew Nayeon was a widow and she respected the feelings she had for each of her ex-husbands.

-I understand, but we didn't know it at the time. Now that you know this and that she is willing to be bitten, don't miss this opportunity. Or do you want to spend the rest of your life marrying different people and regretting not biting them?

-Why don't you bite her then?

-Because a bite is like a kiss. It symbolizes love, you said so yourself, right? It would be like a betrayal.

-I wouldn't consider it so. It would just be a favor for a friend.

-No way. Either you bite her or... You already know what will happen. Have a good continuation of the evening.

Tzuyu followed Mina and they left the two girls alone in the lounge. Nayeon sat down and Jeongyeon stood next to her.

-Don't think about it now.- Jeongyeon told her to try to calm her down by placing a hand on Nayeon's.

-We still have a few years to decide.- Nayeon said smiling at her. -I don't want you to die, don't worry.

-Do you want to go out to dinner?

-Oh... That would be complicated. I don't eat your things.

-Right. So tomorrow should we go on a boat trip? I have a cousin-

-I can't go to the sea, there's water, I can't touch it.

-Oh yes...

Nayeon looked down. -We can't do many things you could do with humans.

-But I can love you and I can't do this with someone other than you.

Nayeon smiled and pressed a kiss to Jeongyeon's lips.

They were so different, you could almost say they had nothing in common. They could do almost nothing together. What kind of life would they have had as a couple? Would it have worked?

-A walk in the moonlight?- Jeongyeon asked.

-This seems perfect to me. I'll go put on something more comfortable and come.

-I'll wait here.

-Ah, how beautiful the emotion of the moment.- said Dahyun appearing from the kitchen. -In your opinion, would a restaurant based on insects or meat like mouse meat be better for a first date?

-I don't know... Mouse?

-But insects are more sophisticated.

-What first date are you having? Weren't you with Sana?

-I was, exactly. How are you? Weren't you supposed to not be with Nayeon?

-I had to, exactly.

-The funny thing here is that I can read minds and know exactly what happened and that Jihyo and Mina agree, while you can't know what happened to me.

-Of course you're such a pain in the ass. Sana left you, right?

Dahyun rolled her eyes. -I'll make a reservation for an insect-based restaurant.

-Best wishes on your date.

Jeongyeon waited some more and while waiting for her, Chaeyoung appeared from the door and sat down next to her. They hadn't talked much because the older one was always at work.

-Do you know what the advantage of getting tattoos is?- Chaeyoung asked starting a conversation. -When girls ask you to do one on your butt or elsewhere.

-The advantages of the profession.- Jeongyeon said laughing.

-Don't you want to be my assistant?

-Don't you work in the vampire world?

-No, here in the human world. I also have a building downstairs but I don't use it much. Mina didn't like my assistant and I had to fire her. Too bad, she was so cute... Good! Good at her job! I haven't had one for ten months and it's difficult to answer calls while you're making a tattoo. I would pay you well. And I don't think Mina minds that you work with me.

-How much is it?

-1,450 per month.

-Just to answer calls, make appointments and greet people?

-The beauty of having customers from both the human and vampire worlds. You know, downstairs I'm very famous, maybe one of the most famous tattoo artists. I have also won several awards. That's why my assistants earn good money.

-Wow... It would be an honor and it would be perfect.

-Very good. Then you start on Monday.

-Are you sure there isn't a scam?

-None. I swear.

-Perfect, see you on Monday then.

-Jeong, I'm ready!

-I leave you. Have a nice... Date?

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